A Dixie Lady Deer Hunter

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Pigs at the Deer Camp?

Bob, my step-son and I had just arrived at the deer camp this morning and unloaded the 4-wheeler from our truck. Greg was helping us put two of our deer stands in at our new camp that we joined this year. He had our two stands on his trailer. There were a lot of guys at the camp hanging around drinking coffee, shooting the breeze and some were working on their campers, when all of a sudden a herd of domestic pigs showed up right at our front gate. The camp sits right off the road, but is hidden by a hill on both sides. This road is a two-lane double highway. I heard an 18-wheeler blowing his horn real loud and I think I know why now. These pigs, all twelve of them had to cross over two lanes of traffic. About that time the Deputy Sheriff's car pulls into the camp. One of the hunters had gone to his camper and retrieved his .30.6. The two deputies got out - looked at the situation and then said, You guys have a great day...backed up and left. By that time the pigs were headed for the side of one of the hills. A hunter took off after them and shots were fired. Bam! Bam! Bam! Then another hunter got out his .44 mag from his truck and took off up the hill. Bam! Bam! Bam! All in all 6 pigs were harvested. The others got away. There could have been a very bad accident in front of the camp today. You sure don't want to hit one with your vehicle. So I guess before long we will be having a BIG PIG feast. The only time I did not take my camera...and this had to happened. You never know what will show up at a deer camp these days. Instead of seeing a deer, we saw 12 pigs! What a site to behold. Charming, Just Charming!


CDGardens said...

What a day, eah? A Pig BBQ at deer camp.

Glad you are getting to know your co-hunters before you all get out to the field.

GUYK said...

somebody let their hawgs get loose? Pretty good harvest in any event..

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