Saturday, March 31, 2007

Husband Bob & I

My 2nd husband Bob, who is originally from Dearborn, MI, transferred to Mississippi from Champaign, IL, to work for Anderson-Tully Lumber Company as Director, of Industrial Labor Relations in 1980. We met 1985 and got married on Easter Sunday of 1988. We will celebrate our 19th Wedding Anniversary on Tuesday, April 3rd.

Friday, March 30, 2007

English Lake @ Holmes County State Park

This is a picture of English Lake at Holmes County State Park near Durant, MS. Bob and I have enjoyed for many years going to this park and staying in a rustic cabin. In fact, we will be headed there next week for a few days to celebrate our 19 wedding anniversary. Looking forward to getting away and taking some scenic pictures and walking on the nature trails.

A boat on the lake headed towards the shore at sunset.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Kings Point Ferry

You have to cross the Yazoo Canal on a ferry boat to get to Brown's Point Hunting Club. Those were the good ole days! I miss being in that camp. My step-son is still a member. A great place to hunt!

I took this picture one summer from the bottom of a dried lake bed looking up the hill towards the camp house.

Hanging out with Fred Harris in the orange hat and Billy Boykin Sr., in orange hat/vest at Brown's Point Hunting Club House on Kings Point Island, in Warren County. Swapping hunting stories!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Future Hunters

Future hunters of America - my grandson, Michael "Ethan" Kelly and step-granddaughter, Laura Phillips!

Taking A Break @ Brown's Pt.

Bob took this picture of me coming to see him for a break in our hunt.

Waving goodbye and wishing him Goodhunting!
Brown's Point Hunting Club/Kings Point Island

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My Two 8 Points @ Brown's Pt. Hunting Club

I must be getting old or something that I can't remember all the 8 pts. that I've harvested. In February I posted on Thursday, February 22, 2007 (picture above) about my 2nd 8 pt. That 8 pt. or 6 pt. (looks like a 6 pt.) is not the same one that I have hanging on my wall. Below is a picture of the 8pt. that I harvested and this picture was taken by one of the hunters at Brown's Point Hunting Club on Kings Point Island. I am so confused or having another senior moment!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Tripod Picture

This is a picture Bob took of me in a tripod stand near the Mississippi River with our old Chevy Suburban on the road. I was in (George Joy's) tripod stand one morning at Brown's Point on Kings Point Island and got down to use the bathroom and left my gun up in the stand....guess what?....a doe walked no more than 20 yards to the right of me, about where Bob was standing to take this picture. I could not believe it...She was watching me and I was watching her walk on by. A true story!

I still have that orange hat!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Overlooking The Mighty MS River

I live high on a bluff overlooking the mighty Mississippi River at historical Vicksburg, MS. I took this picture at an overlook near the MS Information and Tourist Center. Two tugboats are pushing a big load of empty barges up the Mississippi River and trying to maneuver a big bend in the river. Notice at the bottom is a riverfront park where you can picnic and children can play. This is a nice place to also sit and watch the river boat traffic and enjoy the day! (Note the car on the Louisiana sandbar) It is so exciting to see the Mississippi Queen, the American Queen and the Delta Queen paddle boats make their way up and down the river. Periodically, they will dock at the riverfront on the Yazoo Canal at the foot of Clay Street. The passengers will get off and walk around town or a chartered bus will take them to the Vicksburg National Military Park for a grand tour. This is where the "Siege of Vicksburg" was fought during the American Civil War. It is sixteen miles of road winding through historic battle sites lined by more then 1,300 monuments, statues, and markers.

A tugboat pushing loaded barges down the MS River towards Natchez, MS under the two bridges. One is the old Hwy 80 bridge (which is closed to traffic except for the Kansas City Railroad) and the other one is the new Interstate 20 bridge at Vicksburg, MS and the State of Louisiana.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Computer Down :(

I will not be able to add any pics for computer is down....working from my laptop so I can see what everyone else is writing. Hope to be back up and running soon. Marian

Sunday, March 18, 2007

My 8 Point @ Homewood Hunting Club

This is me with my third 8pt. taken in Mike's Patch at Homewood Hunting Club in 03'. He stepped out after I was on the stand for three hours and could not believe my eyes! It was a nice rack and I decided to shoot it with my .270 Ruger. After I shot at this buck, another buck stepped out with a higher rack, but wanted this one and he just stood there! So I shot again and he ran off into the woods. The other 8pt. stood there for a few seconds and took off. (Not everyday you see two 8pts. in the same field, at least not at this camp). I waited a while and walked over to the edge of the woods and walked in about 25 yards and there he was laying on the ground. I flagged where he went in and got on the 4-wheeler to get Bob. We waited for the others to come out to help us. Below is a picture of my deer loaded onto the back of one of the hunters 4-wheeler.
The rest of the story................

Bob and I believe this is the same 8pt. that I saw in the field with my 8pt. that day back in 03'. Bob harvested this one in 04' in the same field.

A close up picture of Bob's 8pt. Look how high the rack is.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Cows @ Homewood In Field

Nothing like taking it easy!

This is one strange looking cow!

Another lazy cow!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

My Littlest Fish

Hey Rex - Do you have fish bigger than this one I caught way back when?

Here's Looking At You Kid

How do you like my looks?

This is a close up of the same cow as below in the last post.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Cows In Pasture @ Homewood

Some more pictures of cows that I took going through the pasture to get to the camp gate at Homewood Hunting Club, Claiborne County, MS.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Bob Coming To Pick Me Up

I was in the late Jerry Dykes deer stand on "the bar" at Brown's Point Hunting Club, Kings Point Island, when I took this picture of Bob coming to pick me up after an evening hunt in our gray chevy suburban. This is an opened field with the mighty Mississippi River to the left.

Mops Published In Vicksburg Post

My girlfriend and I went to lunch a few weeks ago at Walnut Hills Restaurant and as we came to the parking area in the back, I noticed all these mops! It "caught my eye" and after we ate I went back to the house (which is not far) and got my digital camera and came back and took this picture. My friend thought I was "all wet" for taking it. I sent it in to the Vicksburg Post and they published it under "Photos by Our Readers" in the Classifieds this past Sunday. This is the second one of my pictures they have published this year.

Climbing On Dinner Table

Check out the cow climbing on the dinner table!

Cows In Pasture

A picture I took while going through a pasture to get to Homewood's camp gate. They look so content and lazy!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Old House On Fisher Ferry Road

This is a picture of an old, old house and outhouse taken on Fisher Ferry Road in Warren County. Bob and I would go pass this house on our way to Homewood and Jasper Bottom Hunting Clubs. The house and outhouse is gone now and I'm so glad that I took the time to stop and preserve what use to be. It is one of my favorite pictures.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Tony Parks Awesome Buck

This deer was harvested by Tony Parks, a good friend of Bob's back in the late 80's. It hung in our den until we moved in 91' and we took it back to Homewood Hunting Club to hang in the clubhouse. Look at the size of the neck! When Tony left the club, my husband got to hunt his stand, "The Cedar Tree" where this deer was taken. I've hunted this stand for years and never saw a deer this big.