Friday, November 30, 2007

You Go Girl!

Shannon over at HunterShare showing off her big monster 8 point buck that she just harvested. This is what she had to say when she sent me an e-mail today.

I was beginning to think deer season was not going to be that great for me this year, but look what walked out in front of me. I am so excited, this is the biggest deer I have ever seen off of my stand. Trust me he was worth the wait!!!

I'm so proud of her! Congratulations Shannon!
This is a sweetthing!

The 60's

Thought I would take you back to the sixties....sit back and enjoy!
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Hunting with Poochie!

Poochie looking down in a bottom where the deer come through.

The opened field I hunted.

On my Friday hunt, Rooster put me close to a power line near the Natchez Trace Parkway. Did not see a thing. He told me it was a good spot and acorns were everywhere. The problem we realized later could have been the full moon. The deer ate all night and bedded up in the daytime. On my Saturday hunt I was hoping to get a deer but no luck again. He put me on a ridge overlooking an opened field. I was sitting there hunting from my chair when all of a sudden "Poochie" came running up the ridge. Seems that she got out of her pen and had followed our scent into the woods and somehow found me and stayed with me the hold time. I try to shoo her away, but no luck. This was a sweet little dog and when we left to come home Sunday, she came around the house to see us, like she was telling us goodbye. Rooster said that she could tree a squirrel in a heartbeat. While hunting, I watched her as she was smelling everything in the woods and her head was moving and listening to all the noises. So that was my luck and could not get rid of the dog! Rooster called the next day and said he hunted this same ridge and saw 10 does. Whatever!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Animals and Hunting Buddies!



Bob and Gerald "Rooster" coming out of the woods with no deer!

Bob and Gerald "Rooster" got up early Friday morning to hunt in the great outdoors and I decided to sleep in and just hang around the house and clean up the kitchen for Sissy, since she had to go to work in Tupelo. Afterwards, I went outside and took some pictures of their horses Duke and Prince horsing around (Charming, Just Charming). They also have two inside dogs Jake and Sandy. They are sweetthings!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Walnut Thanksgiving

Rooster and his Mom

Rooster with his two sisters

Aeris and Annalise with Grandma Sissy and their Mom, Kathy



Mid-morning Thanksgiving we headed out for Walnut, MS, to Rooster's nieces home. This is where Rooster was born and raised and only about 5 miles from the Tennessee border. On the way I saw my first pumpkin patch and paint horses. I wished now we had stopped to take pictures but they were waiting on us and we were running somewhat behind. After meeting the family and visitng, we all sat down and had a wonderful feast. Everyone was so nice and we did not feel out-of-place. Would you believe after eating we watched two deer in their backyard feeding! It was awesome! I also took some pictures of the family. We stayed most of the afternoon enjoying each others company before heading back to Houston, MS. A very nice Thanksgiving! It was Charming, Just Charming!

Monday, November 26, 2007

A Dewberry Sawmill Hunt

Bob coming out of woods on a TRACTOR!

I named this one the "Outhouse" deer stand...the one Bob should have hunted out of!

Rooster at work marking lumber (Senior Lumber Inspector)

Left of the stand

Right of the stand

Front of the stand
Bob and I were invited to some friends home for Thanksgiving and a deer hunt in Houston, MS. Gerald "Rooster", told us that since he had to work at the sawmill on Wednesday, that he would take us to work with him and we could hunt the 100 acres behind the mill. The mill is located in Maben, MS. We got up early and took the Natchez Trace Parkway to work. Rooster put Bob on a deer stand and used Charlie's new go-cart. Well, a light rain was falling and this go-cart is not a 4-wheeler. Charlie had just bought it a week ago and was using it to get around the mill for himself. Anyway, while taking me to my stand, we were sliding all over the place trying to get up and down a hill. Got to my stand and it was about 6 ft. off the ground, but had a hard time getting into it. Rooster had to shove me up in it. (Rooster is well over 6 ft. tall) After I got situated I enjoyed the hunt since it was a beautiful spot and had 3 shooting lanes. I sat there thinking about how in the world I'm going to get out of this thing. Saw no deer and Rooster came and picked me up about 11:30. I could not for the life of me get out of it. I told him to go back to the mill and get a ladder. I was afraid that I would fall getting out of it. I really had nothing to hold on to. My stand has rails that I can grip and this did not. At 66 you don't want to fall out of a deer stand and the older you get the harder it is to manage. Rooster had an idea....he got back in the go-cart and backed it up against the stand and I was able to hold on to the roof and get down. We laughed so hard after it was over with. When I feel uncomfortable or have a fear, I try not to get into it, but I did this time. On the afternoon hunt I used a boxed stand on the ground. Actually, we should have put Bob in it to begin with. The stand he was in was about 5 ft. off the ground also, but was plastic molded and he had to have help also. Anyway, after all this commotion we did not see a deer at all. I took Bob to his stand that afternoon and on the way out the go-cart got stuck in the mud and had to walk back to the mill to get help. Through all the commotion of getting Bob to his stand, he forgot his hunting bag and I had to walk back into the woods while Rooster and Charlie got the go-cart unstuck. What a mess! Rooster said now I have to figure out a way to get Bob out of the woods at dark thirty -BINGO - A TRACTOR! When you have to get help getting into a deer stand and get a tractor to get you out....maybe it's time to hang it up or not. Rooster said he wanted to put him Bob where he thought he could get a deer. For the record, a go-cart is out of the question in the winter in the woods. You need a 4-wheeler not a go-cart. What an experience! We can laugh about it now, but at the time, it was very stressful and not so funny!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Happy 18th Birthday Stephen!

Three years ago Stephen harvested his first buck taken on December 20, 2004 in Hinds County, MS. The buck weighed 190 pounds and had a rack that measured 17-1/2 inches inside spread. Stephen also bagged his first doe on youth weekend. He was with his step-grandfather on this hunt. I'm so proud of him. He has become a fine hunter! Happy Birthday! I love you, Gran Gran :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving Bloggers!

MySpace Comments - Happy Thanksgiving
MySpace Layouts - Happy Thanksgiving
Free Comments & Graphics Codes
Going to visit friends for Thanksgiving!
Wishing all my Blogger friends a good one!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Gunslinger to GunTriever!

Gun Safety Innovations Renames Premiere Product

(Traverse City, Michigan) November 19, 2007.

Gun Safety Innovations, LLC announced today that the name of their primary product has changed. The product, formerly known as the Gunslinger, will now be called the GunTriever.
“There are a lot of hunting products on the market with some form of
Gunslinger in their names,” said Kristine Shreve, Director of Marketing for
Gun Safety Innovations. “We wanted a name for our product that was as unique as the product itself. GunTriever fit the bill.”
Gun Safety Innovations will be updating the company web site and blog
to reflect the new name. The company will also be creating and selling
logowear and other products that will use the new GunTriever name and logo. GSI expects to have those products available on their website,, in time for Christmas.
Located in beautiful Northern Michigan, Gun Safety Innovations, LLC.
designs and manufacturers safety products for hunters. Our products are developed and field tested by hunters to ensure that every hunt is a safe hunt. At Gun Safety Innovations, our goal is to help every hunter “Hunt Smart” and “Think Safety”.

Kristine Shreve
Gun Safety Innovations, LLC

A Lady Huntress at 80

Celette with her son, Bill, at her Maple Lake home, taken recently before they headed up north for a deer hunting opener.

A picture of Celetee taken by the Minneapolis Star of her and her big deer resting atop of their car. The deer, the largest she has shot, still graces her family room. She went hunting with her husband, Russ, back in 1956.
When I saw this article about this lovely 80 year old lady huntress, I had to share it with you. Her name is Celetee Couette from Maple Lake, MN. She has been hunting for the past 50 years. She recently bagged her 52nd deer. She grew up in south Minneapolis, and fished with her brothers. But she didn't start hunting until she married Russ Couette in 1953. He was a lifelong hunter and catalyst for the family's love affair with hunting. She started hunting ruffed grouse.
"He taught me how to handle a gun."
A few years later, he convinced her to try deer hunting. She declined a new deer rifle, and used her .20 gauge shotgun with slugs for her first hunt in 1956. And what a first hunt. She bagged her first deer ever on opening day, and four days later shot a 10-point buck that weighed 260 pounds, field dressed.
"I got two deer and my husband never fired a shot," she said, laughing. "He was elated. He was always happy, even if he didn't get one."
I hope that I can be like her at 80 years young and be able to go to the woods to deer hunt. That would be charming, just charming!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

No Hunting Today

I did not go deer hunting this morning. After I got in last night from an all day hunt, I was on wipe out. It has only been a month and two days since my surgery, and my body was talking to me. I went to bed at 10:00 last night and woke up at 8:30 this morning. WOW, I needed the rest. I knew we were suppose to have rain and possible thunder showers today with high temps in the low 70s. I have hunted in the rain before and harvested deer, but thunderstorms turn me off. Since I have a steel get the picture! We will be heading up to the northeastern part of MS, near Houston, on Tuesday to spend Thanksgiving week with some friends. They have also invited us to deer hunt on their land, which is adjacent to the Natchez Trace Parkway, and will make for good hunting. Bob and I are looking forward to getting away and possibly harvesting a deer or two. That would be a sweetthing!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Opening Day

The foliage was very pretty in the woods today.

Took a picture for Kristine so she can see my Gunslinger in use.

I asked Kelle to take a picture with Allen's 8 pt. She was hunting with her Dad, Andy. Last year Kelle harvested two deer. She is 11 years old.

Allen with his 8 pt.

Got to the deer camp at 6:00 this morning and everyone was getting ready to leave out for their stands. I signed up for my stand in the top field and walked in. About 7:15 someone shot in front of me, which was from another camp called Mill Pond. It was really close. Around 7:45 there was another shot to the right of my stand. I thought the shots came from the stands past the camp house. Come to find out, Allen, had shot an 8-point right down and across from my stand. Allen said that the buck came out of the bottom down from my stand and crossed the road towards him which was only 180 yards from my stand. I did not see it come across the road. Allen was about another 100 yards in or so towards the Big Black River. He also saw a doe running 30 minutes before the buck came through. So I had guns going off all around me. Did not see anything on my morning hunt or my afternoon hunt. I did hear a grunt sound this afternoon and was waiting for the big one to walk out, but never did. Squirrels were everywhere and the wind was blowing a lot. Before I left the camp this evening two of the hunters were still out. I am pretty sure they both got a deer from the shots I heard. Will find out in the morning. When I was walking back to the camp house tonight, I just happened to see a dark figure of a deer run across where the levee is no more than 50 yards in front of me. After awhile, Clay (who is a city policeman) had gotten turned around in the woods and had followed the levee out. I would imagine that he had spooked the deer that was in front of him that I saw. He said he got back to the camp by way of Albuquerque! That was so funny! I have gotten turned around in the woods myself walking out and had to wait to be rescued. It is very scary feeling!

Allen and the hunters will be moving my stand by next weekend, because this hunter has his stand too close to mine. Actually, it will be in a better spot with a long field and the road to watch in front of me. The borderline of Jasper Bottom and Mill Pond is approximately 100 yards down the left side of the road going into our camp. They also have their camp house across the road and it is a large camp. Ours is much smaller. I would not want to belong to Mill Pond because it is full of hills and hollers, but that's where the deer are! They just need to cross the main road and come see me!

Friday, November 16, 2007


This weekend is opening day for rifle season here in Mississippi. I want wish all hunters a successful hunt. Watch this don't want to do this!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

My Gunslinger's Attached!

This morning I went by and picked up my girlfriend, Sherrill, and we headed down to my hunting camp "Jasper Bottom" in Claiborne County. Got to my stand and climbed up and attached my new Git-R-Slung (The Drop Stops Here) Gunslinger to my deer stand. When I get to the deer camp this Saturday, opening day, all I have to do is attached my gun to the Gunslinger and climb up in my stand and raise my gun up. Looking foward to using it this season. This is the way to Hunt Smart and Think Safety! Thanks Kristine! Charming, Just Charming!

Lion Hugs & Kisses

A woman in Coumbia found a lion cub, who was wounded and hungry.

She took him home and raised him till he was too big to keep at home.

She then brought him to the local zoo, but she visits him every day.

Look at how he greets her!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A Deer Hog Hunt

Bob shedding light on Rex's ghost stories at the bonfire!

Deer in the field!

Scenery from the deer stand.

Sarah and Rex going off to hunt after dropping us off.

Game Warden's Stand

Bob and I were invited to go on a hog hunt Saturday afternoon while the young hunters were in the woods hunting. They have quite a few wild hogs at the Christmas Place Hunting Club and the herd needs to be thinned out. Rex and his daughter, Sarah, took us to his Dad's (The Chief) stand, called the Game Warden's Stand. They have seen a number of hogs off of this stand. We were excited to get a chance to do this, since we have never been on a hog hunt. As it turned out, around 5:00 we had a doe with two yearlings to walk out and about 10 minutes later another doe and a yearling. It was so nice to watch and enjoy. Bob brought his binoculars with him and we took turns watching the deer eat in their environment. It was getting pretty dark, but I went ahead and took pictures. (If you double click on the pictures you can actually see them). I'm surprised the flash did not spook the deer. We were grateful that we got the opportunity to go on a hog hunt and the bonus was five deer off of his Dad's stand in the great outdoors! This is a sweetthing!