Sunday, February 28, 2010

Our Congrats To Carl!

Carleton "Carl" showing off his training certificate.
Carl with his Mother, Kathleen.
My great grandson, Ian
Me with my great grandson, Ina.
Proud parents, Victoria Leigh and Jamie

My grandson, Carl, came home this past Thursday from Memphis, TN, after graduating from Tennessee Technology Center.  We had a little celebration for him Friday afternoon and it was good to have him home again.  The job corps will help him get on with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.  We are all very proud of him and wish him well with his new career in computers.  It's really nice for me to have a computer gooroo in the family!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Youngsters On The Hunt

Rhett Hasty, 13, shot this 13-pointer while hunting on private land in Issaquena County.  He made the 120-yard shot with a .243 rifle.  The deer had a 17-inch inside spread with 5-inch bases and weighed 220 pounds.  Rhett is the son of Brad and Denise Hasty.

Ricky Geter, 10, shot this 8-point buck with a 14-inch inside spread while hunting with his father, Alvin Geter, on January 23.  Geter took the buck with a .22-250 on private land in southern Warren County.   My congrats to both of our young hunters in our great wild outdoors! 

Friday, February 26, 2010

Snow Bound

My daughter sent me these pictures recently of a huge snow storm that hit last month in Lead, SD.  They had 52 inches of snow with 50+mph winds...and we complain about the cold weather here in Mississipppi - I'm sure glad I'm not there.  I really feel for my dear friend CDGardens of Timber Life who has the same problem living in Iowa.

Don't have to mow the lawn today!

I finally found my SUV!

Whew, I'm almost done!

Want to go for a ride on the roof top?

More than one way to have an ice cold drink!  Cheers!

Oh no, snow on top of snow!

How 'COLD' or 'COOL' is this!

Yay!  I have a good excuse not to go to work today!


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Check This Out!

Do you feel like you’ve been missing out on all the fun people are having up north with all that snow? Well, write your name in the snow!

Just click on the following link, put your first name or any message in the message space. Wait a few moments after clicking on "submit" to see your name in snow.

The Penguin Show!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My Friendly Squirrel

Hi there...I'm your friendly squirrel!

It has to be here somewhere!

Bottoms up!

You can't find me!

I don't have to go very far to capture a picture to post.  Everyday while I'm sitting at my computer desk posting away, I have a visitor who comes to see me.  We live in a cypress home with pecky cypress shutters on the side of a hill and I usually open my shutters to get light in and everyday this squirrel shows up.  We have a big oak tree next to our home in the backyard and I can see him come running down and then jumps over and plays on the back porch.  The other day I grabbed my camera and this is what I got.  He sees me and then he goes to my watering can to check it out.  A few months back I took a picture of him with a nut in his mouth but it turned out very blurry, so now I'm thinking maybe he's looking for his nut in my watering can!  So cute! 

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Tamed Moose Calf

Video was taken in Ouebec, Canada, in our great wild outdoors!

Monday, February 22, 2010

A New Hunting Blog

I noticed a week ago that a recent viewer from my BlogCatalog had been coming by to visit me and decided to take a look at his blog. I was pleasantly surprised to see that he had our Outdoor Bloggers Summit banner posted proudly at the top of his site. His name is Ward “Yedi” Black and hails from Ontario, Canada. His site is called, How I learned to hunt and other outdoor tales." He owns a small trucking company there and his interests are fox and deer hunting, fishing, archery and horses. He started his blog less than a month ago and stated that he wants to master the skills that he needs to get back into hunting after many years of being absent from the sport. His blog will chronicle that journey. Go over and give him a warm welcome and wish him well on his journey back into the great wild outdoors of hunting!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Today is Bob's Birthday

Today, my husband, Bob, is 68 years old!  He's a father of son, Greg, a daughter, Karen and four step daughters, Theresa, Kathleen, Debra and Marian Suzanne.  He is also the proud grandpa of 6 grandchildren, 8 steps grandchildren, one great granddaughter and two step great grandsons.  Last year for his birthday, I started a blog for him called, TWO DOGS TALL.  You have to go over and read about how this Yankee got his nickname of TWO DOGS - it is a hilarious read.  Also, I posted his 94 high school classmates who graduated with him from Boys Town, Class of 1961.  Next year his class will celebrate their 50th Class Reunion and we hope to attend in Omaha, NE.  He is also my hunting buddy!  Go over and wish Bob a very Happy Birthday!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Youngsters On The Hunt

Lynnzie Cos bagged this 10-pointer while hunting north of Vicksburg.  The buck scored 162-5/8 on the Boone and Crockett scale and weighed 260 pounds.  That is one nice deer Lynnzie!

Kayle Claiborne Wright, 8, shot her first deer while hunting at Rawhide Hunting Club.  It weighted 125 pounds and was taken with a .243 fro 50 yards.  Kaylee Claiborne is the daughter of Randy and Jessica Wright.

Cameron Harvey, 9, killed his first deer while hunting with his father in Yazoo County.  He shot the 3-point buck at 50 yards with a .243.  Cameron is the son of Lee and Alisa Harvey.

Brayden Truesell bagged his first deer, a button buck, while hunting with his grandfather Stanley Harris near Fayette.  Brayden is the son of Mikey and Haley Truesdell.

Nine-year-old Hayden Palmer shot this 8-point, 170-pound buck while hunting with his grandfather Tim Wright in southern Warren County on January 18th.  My congrats to all our young hunters who enjoy the great outdoors!

Friday, February 19, 2010

A Week Ago Today

My hometown of Vicksburg, MS, got 6.5 inches of snow a week ago today.  It was a beautiful and rare site to behold for our historical town sitting high on the bluffs of the MS River.  Here are some photos that my best girlfriend's husband, Charlie, took while going to work with his 35 mm camera.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Deer Visits Cat Everyday!

A cat in Harrisburg has a special friend that visits every day. The deer visits the cat in the yard every morning! The owner finally took pictures of it in our great outdoors!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A New Blog Site

I came across a fairly new site, The Wild Life, the other day and wanted to share it with you.  This site is written by Ian Nance who lives in the central part of Florida.  He's also a Mossy Oak Regional ProStaffer who loves to hunt.  He's wild about turkeys and has some very good stories to tell.  Recently, he wrote about a wine marinade for venison, turkey hunting safety tips and an awesome video of a 3-legged bear walking upright.  I shared with him about our Outdoor Bloggers Summit in hopes that he will join and be apart of a great group of hunters who love the wild life of the outdoors.  Go over and give him a warm welcome and check out his hunting and hog stories, tips, recipes, etc, etc., etc.  Charming, Just Charming!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

One Big Fat Boar

I received these photos from a friend out in TX over the weekend of this huge boar taken in Conroe, TX near the communtiy of Cut and Shoot.  While validating the pictures, through a GOOGLE search, I found out that it was not harvesed in TX but in Turkey by a guy on a paid Nature Tours Hunt.  This is one big boar and I don't think they make them this big at the famous Christmas Place in the Mississippi Delta.  I know they have hogs that are at least 200 lbs.  I'm looking forward to getting me a big fat hog soon.  I wonder if Phillip over at The Hog Blog has seen one this BIG lately! 

Monday, February 15, 2010

Mike's Monster Buck

I received a comment from my hunting friend, mrjbigfoot, at my CamoSpace and this is what he saw while in the woods recently.  Below you can read his story and I'm wishing him GOODHUNTING for next deer season!

This past season, during rut, I found a spot where a big whitetail buck was tearing up some big hardwoods, young oak trees and I was in the process of moving a ladder stand and locking it to a tree when he came running through hot chasing a doe. By the time I realized I had my camera, he was pretty far away but look at the rack on that sucker in the picture where I zoomed it in! Nobody got him this year so I know right where I am going to be focusing on hunting next year!  ~Mike