Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Devoted Husband

Talking about husbands...just got in after 5 hours in the ER and putting my husband in the hospital.  We were having a really nice day and started out going to the Farmers Market downtown at Catfish Row Art Park, ran some errands and ended up eating lunch at the Subway in Wal-Mart and then bought our groceries.  While there he started having chest pains and took his nitroglycerin pill but got to feeling better.  Came home and put up the groceries and he started having chest pains we went to the ER and they admitted him for observation.  Hopefully, he will be alright...

Friday, July 30, 2010

Funny Old Rock Star Songs!

This is pretty funny and we all are getting older and so are all the rock stars!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Busy Crazy Day

It has been a busy crazy day here for me.  First off, had to take my husband to his Doctor's appointment and that took almost two and half hours.  Afterwards, we went by McDonald's and Bob got a chocolate sundae and I love their wild berry smoothies and drove to the Louisiana Circle to enjoy the scenery.  No barges came by but as we were leaving a small boat had just passed under the bridges headed up the river towards where we were parked.  It's been really nice and breezy here in Vicksburg today.  From the photo it looks like you can see more and more of the sandbar as the days go by with the MS River dropping.  We left and went by the hospital to visit my brother, who is not doing very well.  He may be going back into a nursing home by middle of next week.  He also, may have to give up his apartment before long because he's not able to take care of his needs anymore.  We came home and had lunch and my daughter and grandson came over to visit us and brought some boxes for us to carry Bob's copper trees in for our trip to Water Valley next weekend for the Watermelon Carnival.  My daughter works for Riverwalk Casino here in Vicksburg and was able to get the boxes and will do the job perfectly.  After they left, I tried to get on my computer to blog and it was acting crazy again.  I have a bad feeling that my computer is about to give me a really hard time.  It has been hanging up a lot and had to shut it down and reboot.  So, I finally made it to post something today.  I really need to backup some of my documents and pictures soon before something bad happens.  I may have to get my computer reformatted and start all over.  Thank goodness I have a grandson that can do all of this tech stuff for me.  He is my computer guru!  :)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dave's Wildlife Photography

My friend, Dave, who lives in Indiana sent me these pictures via email a week or so ago and wanted to share with you a few wildlife pictures he took with the help of Winnie, (his dog) who took care of the crew-cab duties for him.  He said, I really pray you enjoy this as much as I cherish taking them. When I take these, I look first for the background so it doesn't have some truck or something in it. Then, I wait until the picture is balanced as you see here, with the waves adding as much as the ducks themselves. I also try to "frame" pictures when I can such as you can see with the blue Heron. Using the dead-wood worked beautifully... It makes for much better photographs to share. Please enjoy and would sure love hearing from those who do enjoy them... Makes my day for sure... Dave

Robert (Dave) Quick

I want to Finish Well
I want to end this race
Still leaning on His Amazing Grace

Member: Community Christian Church
Member: Pilots 4 Christ
Member: Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

More Camp Shots...

Got this shot of Camo (Rex's dog) while we were sitting in the swing.  Look at those adorable doggy eyes! 

Taking another relaxing break at the camp from the heat at the table...from left Burney (grill cook), Bob (Vicksburg friend), Paul (good neighbor), Mark (mailrider) and Hershel (Camp Chief).

Hershel driving us back to camp after viewing the beautiful Sunflowers at the Hillside National Wildlife Refuge.

Hershel with his lovely neighborhood friend, Dorothy.

Deer coming out at the camp in the evening during happy hour which made our workday all worthwhile.

Monday, July 26, 2010

A Working/Fun Weekend

We got to the camp around 10ish and Rex was cleaning out his upright freezer that he brought to the camp to replace the freezer that went out.  Bob and I went right to work helping him  We had to take a lot of breaks because it was getting hotter and hotter by the minute...and yes, even Rex and Camo took a break!  Mark and Burney were in the house cleaning and doing some electrical work.  A good bit was accomplished at the camp Saturday and Rex's Dad, Hershel, took Bob and I down the road behind the Game Warden's office on the Hillside National Wildlife Refuge, to show us the beautiful sunflowers that were planted for the very first time in preparation for an upcoming dove hunt.
Some still in bloom and all facing east.

Bob took this picture when he climbed up in the bed of the truck to get a birds eye view.  We were a few days to late to see all in full bloom.  That must have been a beautiful site!

Let us bow our heads and pray!

A flower to bring home to plant seeds come next Spring.  Sunflowers are one of my favorites.

Some still in bloom.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Beautiful and Eerie Swamp

Some swamp pictures that I have been wanting to take on the opposite side of an interchange to 49E while on our way to the famous Christmas Place Plantation and Hunting Club yesterday morning.  I love taking swamp pictures because of it's beauty and eerieness and for my blogger friend, Al, at My Dismal Swamp.  As always, we had a great time visiting and being with our special friends at their deer camp in the MS Delta.  I will post more pictures tomorrow of our adventures!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Famous Christmas Place

We are headed to the famous Christmas Place Plantation and Hunting Club this morning in the Mississippi Delta for a workday weekend.  Looking forward to helping out in anyway we can.  Rex has made a to-do list of things we need to take care of while there and hope we can accomplished some of them with tropical storm Bonnie on our heels.  If not, we will get a good visit in and call it a blessed day!

A Nice Bass

Once again, Richard VanDenAkker caught a 7.8-pound bass behind his house in Camelot Estates.  I posted on July 10 about another nice and bigger bass that Richard caught.  Looks like the same tee shirt he is wearing and must be his lucky "go fishing" shirt.  Congrats again, Richard, for a really nice fish in our great wild outdoors.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Deer Me!

This video has been circulating the web lately and was posted May 2010 on YouTube.  This is something you just don't see everyday!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Beautiful Eilley!

Picture of my step great granddaughter Eilley.  Look at those big beautiful blue eyes! 

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Robin Williams As The Flag

This was sent to me by my friend Steve yesterday and have never seen this video before and it is GREAT!   This is Robin Williams at his absolute BEST and was produced by Norman Lear. Let the kids watch too because it's very entertaining!

If you have a problem viewing this video CLICK HERE!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sunday's Riverfront Park Scenes

We had such a nice time yesterday at the Riverfront Park that we decided to go back again and maybe we could see a barge going up or down the Mississippi River and we got lucky.  We are forturnate to live about a mile or so from this spot.  In fact, at night when all is quiet, I can hear the barges going up and down the river, the interstate traffic and the train crossing the old Hwy 80 river bridge.  Enjoy the scenes from our visit.

A train crossing over on the old Hwy 80 bridge.

An empty barge going down the Mississippi River.

Motor Vessel - Lydia Marie chugging along down the river!

Have a safe journey, Lydia Marie!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Saturday's Riverfront Park Scenes

This past Saturday we went down to the Riverfront park and enjoyed the muddy Mississippi River flowing to it's destination, the Gulf of Mexico.  The temperature had dropped down to 79 degrees and was nice and breezy.  The park is located below the Louisiana Circle that I have recently posted about.  It has picnic tables/pavilions with covers, charcoal grills, walking paths, restrooms and a very nice playground area for the kids. 

Looking south down river towards the bridges.

Bob enjoying the scenery and hoping for a barge to come around the bend.  We saw no river traffic except for a small boat coming out the Yazoo Diversion Canal to the right headed up the MS River.

A very nice walking path.

A submerge tree in the river.

Oak tree hanging above us.

Bob enjoying the view with the Diamond Jack's Hotel/Casino in the background.

Kudzu covering the banks along side the riverfront park.

Getting ready to head home in our GMC Sierra "THISIT" truck. 

This is a circular turn-a-round at the end of the riverfront park with Diamond Jack's Hotel/Casino near the river's edge.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Happy 13th Birthday Laura


Little Laura is 13 years old today.  Grandpa Bob and I want to wish her a very Happy Birthday!  Above is a picture I took of her when she was little on our deck and now she is 13 years old.  Don't know where the time has gone.  Will try tomorrow and call her name in to win a prize on Radio Station River 101.  When I talked to Laura today she had just gotten back from playing golf.  She is also very good in gymnastics and has won numerous awards.  We love you very much!  Gran Gran and Grandpa Bob

...and Now

This picture was taken in Panama City, FL, while vacationing a couple of weeks ago.  Left to right, her Mom, Eleanor, Dad, Greg, The Happy Birthday Girl, Laura and her big brother, John.

My Picture Was Published!

I was pleasantly surprised this morning to see another one of my photos published in our hometown paper, The Vicksburg Post.  I took this picture on June 19th and sent it in the following week.  I thought maybe they may have put it aside and forgot it.  Here is what was said....Marian Love Phillips was standing on Louisiana Circle off Washington Streen when she spotted this cloud in a sunset, looking as if it is part of a hand pointing toward heaven. 

The Vicksburg Post will accept photos for publication submitted by their readers.  The photos need to be current and of interest to the public, either because of their subject or their oddity, or photographic skills.  Charming, Just Charming!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Scenes Near Our Waterfront

Ride a crooked rail - You have to passed over railroad tracks to go beyond the flood walls to the Yazoo River Diversion Canal.  The impressive Yazoo & Mississippi Valley RR Station depot is to the right.

An Egret looking for food at the edge of the waterfront.

Sweet Olive moored at the waterfront.  It's our tour boat on the canal and MS River.  Note the Egret.

Horizon Casino boat moored in it's cofferdam.

Another Egret making it's way searching for food.  My husband, Bob, took both pictures of the Egrets for me since I was driving and stayed in our truck and zoomed in.  Turned out pretty good!

Took this picture of Catfish Row and where the Farmers' Market is held on Wednesday and Saturday's near the old train depot as we were leaving the waterfront.  If you are ever in Vicksburg, come down to the waterfront and check out our beautiful murals on the flood wall.  You will be very impressed!

Took this picture of a gazebo going up the hill on Clay Street yesterday towards Washington Street, the main artery of downtown Vicksburg.  It looks somewhat crooked to me!