Thursday, September 30, 2010

More Camp Scenes

Super Duper equipment to keep the camp in tip top shape.

Would love to have one of these!  ;)

Backside of old horse stable where more ATV's are stored.

Getting ready to chow down to some chicken, pork, potato salad, slaw, baked beans, etc., with a member preparing the meat to be served.

Craig and Larry getting the bread toasted for our meal.

After lunch we took a drive up to the fish camp on Pecan Ridge Road and snaps some pictures of deer stands in the woods. 

Nearing the Mississippi River.

My favorite spot...someone had the right idea with the chair!  To be continued...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Old Hunting Buddies

Bill's older brother Joe, (in white shirt).  Also in picture, Jim Warren, (back) Tommy and Craig Poche and Jim Fitzpatrick with hand in his pocket all standing around telling old hunting stories with Bob and Joe looking on.

Boats stored for fishing, etc.

Lake to the south side and that wraps around towards the back of the camp.  Bob and I used to fish in this lake.  

Jackson and I played throwing the rocks into the lake. His grandmother and I worked at the Corps of Engineers together.

We ended up trying to throw the rocks in the open area of an old rusted pipe drain. 

A pretty flower along the main road.

Jackson standing on the main road coming into the camp. He is one lucky little boy to be able to grow up and enjoy a camp setting like this.  I'm sure he will be a good hunter one day.  His Dad was one of the kids enjoying the camp when I was there and now his son is walking in his shoes.  To be continued...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Deer Camp

Coming into Brown's Point deer camp.

Lake in front of the deer camp.

Front of deer camp house. 

When we were members our room was up the stairs to the right facing the north side porch.  It has a full bath and 1/2 bath on the outside perimeter.

Gotta love this sign on the kitchen wall!

Bob with old hunting buddy, Craig Poche.  Behind on wall is the sign off of the fish camp house that is located north of the camp called, THISIT.  The fish camp is now in a deteriorating stage.  Bob and I had spent a couple of nights there back in the late 80's.

Bob with another hunting buddy, Dr. Poche, who is now a retired optometrist from the New Orleans area.

Dr. Poche and I.  Dr. Poche is 88 years old now and he still LOVES and LIVES to hunt.  I hope I will still be hunting when I turn 88!

Topo map of approximately 2,000 acres with deer stands marked by numbers only adjacent to MS River.

Garden on the north side of the camp house

ATV storage, shower and fish cleaning area to the right side.

Stable that was used for horses but now houses more ATV's.
To be continued...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Brown's Point Adventure

My step-son, Greg, made it possible for us to make a trip up to Brown's Point Hunting Club, Saturday, as his guest to spend the day and see our old hunting buddies that I have not seen and a long, long long, that I did not recognize some of them!  Bob had been with Greg to hunt, zero in guns, mow the grass, plant food plots or whatever he was assigned to do.  There are approximately 23 members that belong to the camp on 2,000 acres.  Bob was a member of this camp years ago but the dues kept going up and we had to pull out.  This is where Bob first hunted when he came down south to Vicksburg from Champaign, IL, to be the new Director of Labor Relations/Personnel Manger of Anderson-Tully Lumber Co., (ATCO).  This was also the same hunting club where Bob harvested his first deer ever and Greg getting his first deer the same day.  You can read about this hilarious hunt on his blog at TWO DOGS TALL.  Below are some pictures I took as we were headed towards the camp yesterday morning.  The camp is on Kings Point Island, which is part of Warren County.  You have to cross the Yazoo River by ferry to get to it.  I harvested my first 8 pt. buck there on New Year's Eve '89 and eventually got another nice 8 pt. that was with two does and dropped him with a shot to the neck. We had the hide tanned and it's hanging on our wall with the 8 pt. rack beside it.

Haining Road on the Port of Vicksburg.

Kings Point Ferry approximately 3.5 miles.

Getting ready to get on the ferry to cross over to Kings Point Island.

Looking North up the Yazoo River.

Heading towards the landing.

Looking south...

Brown's Point here we come!
 To be continued...

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Happy 38th Birthday Suzi

Today is my youngest daughter, Marian Suzanne "Suzi's" 38th birthday.  Suzi lives in Fredricksburg, VA, and has a 3 year old daughter, Emma.  She was my 5th child born about 8:05 on a rainy morning.  I want to wish my Suzi a very Happy Birthday and I love and miss her so much.  Hopefully, in December at Christmas time, I can make the trip to visit her, her hubby and my granddaughter.  Wishing Suzi many happy returns of the day!  MOM  xxoo

Big Alligator Snagged

With the help of trappers from the Mississippi Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, 14-year-old Casey Landers, left, and his father Ralph Landers snagged this big gator in their private pond in Claiborne County.  The gator was 10 feet, 5 inches long and had an estimated weight of about 600 pounds.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Wild Chincoteague Ponies

I received this surprised post card yesterday from my daughter in Virginia and had known that she and family were going to take a mini trip to the beach.  I had talked to her before the postman came and she was telling me that she also went up in a light house and walked outside and took some pictures.  They also got to see the Chincoteague Ponies near the surf at Assateague Island, VA.  The surf was up because of Hurricane Igor but got to take my granddaughter to play at the beach.  This reminds me of the time when Bob and I were on our honeymoon in Jacksonville, FL, and we got on a shuttle bus to go ride horses in the Atlantic Ocean.   Once we got there we found out that if you were 200 lbs. or more, you could not get on the horse.   They said I could go...who wants to go horse back riding alone in the Atlantic Ocean on your honeymoon??...when we got back to the condo where we were staying at Amelia Island Plantation, my husband complained that we should have been told upfront before we had made reservations and got to the site.  In apology they offered us a five course meal in their fancy restaurant.  The service was great and we were treated like a King and Queen.  The meal ended up costing more than the horse ride.  Maybe one day I will still get my chance to ride a horse in the ocean!  You just never know!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dave's Late Fawns

Dave said that he just brought these pics in this week...I was expecting bucks but got fawns instead. Many of the fawns in this particular woods have already lost their spots, but this yearling doe must have given birth really late.   Hope you enjoy.   Dave  <><

D. Robert (Dave) Quick
I want to Finish Well
I want to end this race
Still leaning on His Amazing Grace
Member: Community Christian Church
Member: Pilots 4 Christ
Member: Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Patrick's on The Biggest Loser!

I don't normally watched The Biggest Loser but I did last night because we have Patrick House from my hometown of Vicksburg on the show!  Patrick is a native of Brandon but lives here with his wife, Bradley, and two sons, ages 2 and 4.  According to his bio on The Biggest Loser he didn't realize he had any health issues before being on the show, but soon discovered he had sleep apnea, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and was pre-diabetic. It wasn't until Patrick was in college that he really started putting on weight. While pursuing his degree in business management at Delta State University, he was an offensive lineman for the school's football team and consumed large quantities of food to maintain that position. An injury forced him to stop playing, but he continued to maintain the same diet. He now weighs 400 pounds and that affects every aspect of his life - from choosing restaurants with seating that can accommodate his large size, to being unable to go on rides with his sons at the state fair. Determined to have a better, healthier life with his wife and family, Patrick looks forward to riding roller coasters at amusements parks, playing with and coaching his sons, and not using seat belt extenders on the plane.

A month or so ago there was a big write up in the paper and film crews were here with his family and friends down at the waterfront for his homecoming.  This was the first time I had heard about him being on the show.  

In last night's paper was a really nice write-up on him and said that since much of the show is filmed far ahead of its broadcast date, House and his family have been sworn to secrecy about his progress.  He said, Being in California, away from my family for three months, it's been pretty tough.  But coming back to this -- I know it's been worth it."  At the ranch, House had worked with trainers, Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper.  He returns home to continue the work in the second phase of the competition.  

The sad part is...he recently got laid off from his job from a food service firm.  I do hope Patrick went all the way with the contest and that he will be able to find work soon.

Patrick House

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Ostrich

A man walks into a restaurant with a full-grown ostrich behind him.  The waitress asks them for their orders. The man says, "A hamburger, fries and a coke," and turns to the ostrich, "What's yours?" "I'll have the same," says the ostrich.  

A short time later the waitress returns with the order. "That will be $9.40 please."  The man reaches into his pocket and pulls out the exact change for payment.  The next day, the man and the ostrich come again and the man says, "A hamburger, fries and a coke.." The ostrich says, "I'll have the same.."

 Again the man reaches into his pocket and pays with exact change.

This becomes routine until the two enter again. "The usual?" asks the waitress. "No, this is Friday night, so I will have a steak, baked potato and a salad," says the man. "Same," says the ostrich. Shortly the waitress brings the order and says, "That will be $32.62."

Once again the man pulls the exact change out of his pocket and places it on the table.  The waitress cannot hold back her curiosity any longer.  "Excuse me, sir.  How do you manage to always come up with the exact change in your pocket every time?"

"Well," says  the man, "several years ago I was cleaning the attic and found an old lamp.  When I rubbed it, a Genie appeared and offered me two wishes.   My first wish was that if I ever had to pay for anything, I would just put my hand in my pocket and the right amount of money would always be there.."

"That's  brilliant!" says the waitress..  "Most  people would ask for a  million dollars or something, but you'll always be as rich as you want for as long as you live!"

"That's right. Whether it's a gallon of milk or a Rolls Royce, the exact money is always there," says the man..  The waitress asks, "What's with the ostrich?" The man sighs, pauses and answers, "My second wish was for a tall chick with a big butt and long legs who agrees with everything I say.."


Monday, September 20, 2010

Lucy's B'day Photos

Lucy had a real nice "13th" birthday party and had three of her friends for a sleepover.  The night before they all went to the skating rink and had a wonderful time.  According to Lucy's Mom, they all stayed up till 3:00 in the morning talking and talking and talking.  Here are few photos that I took of Lucy and also of my great grandson who came.  By the way, Lucy has on a new pair of glasses now and they really look good on her.

She got two new pairs of tennis shoes...These are really cool looking!

Getting ready to open her present from us.

Her sleep over friends!

My great grandson, Ian, cuddling up to some bears!