Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Gibbes ~ An Old County Store

I took this picture of an old country store named, H. D. Gibbes & Sons, as I left my daughter's from Thanksgiving Dinner in Learned, MS, on my way for a short hunt.  John, she and the kids only live 2 blocks from it and located at the corner of Pine and Main Streets.  Someone was telling me not long ago that you can eat there now.  I found out you can eat on Thursday, Friday and Saturday's and it's a very nice experience going back in time.  

A customer, David P. of Flowood, MS, said...When I think of a "country store" in my mind, I can't bring up a mental image of any building/setting that could be more of a country store than this one! This is a REALLY cool, off-the-beaten-path store that doubles as a "restaurant" certain nights of the week.  (I put the word restaurant in quotations, because they do nothing more than set up tables in the store to act as a restaurant...VERY charming).  We went on Friday night, and the place was packed!  While the menu is very limited, all of the entrees ordered by our table were very good, and all three of the desserts they offer are AWESOME!  Maybe slightly pricey for what you might expect, but the whole experience is worth it.  I can tell you, we plan to revisit this establishment often.

Another customer, LL of Byram, MS, said...that actually Thursday and Friday AND Saturday are steak nights, along with a couple of choices of fish.  We went last night for the first time at the recommendation of friends and truly enjoyed the country store atmosphere:  the wood plank floors, eating with strangers at the long communal tables (although they also have four small individual tables in the middle of the store), the ceiling fans whirling high above, the pot belly stove and oh, and the food was good too!  :)

I have been in the store a long time ago when I was taking care of my granddaughter, Lucy, while my daughter, Debra, was going to college.  I would take her in a stroller while my grandson Ethan would follow on his bike through the little town.  

My blogging friend, Janie, Southern Lagniappe, who lives in Vicksburg, but never met, was in the old country store back in March 2010 with her husband for dinner.  Check out her blog because she posted some excellent pictures inside the store and the surrounding areas of town.  It's a great way to step back in time!  

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Mike's Special Buck!

Here is a picture of Mike and him in December 2010 and was a small 10 pointer.  He put his camera on a tripod to take this picture.  You can see how close they were then.

Mike Persichini, who is my Facebook friend, has been photographing this awesome buck for the last 3 years now.  He first came across him one winter when he was laying in the snow very sick.  He gave the buck some water from a water bottle and went and got some corn and apples and fed him.  He lived and never forgotten him.  He said, when he sees me, he meets him in the woods and will come to him. Since this has been going on for the last 3 years he hopes he will have more time with him.

Mike said that this is not his land, but a 100 acres in the city with no hunting and bigger deer have been poached there. Two of the bigger ones that he has been photographing, have vanished and was close to them also.  

Mike has posted a lot of pictures of this buck using his Cannon 60D and was going to stop, but can’t help himself.  As you can see the lighting and the colors were just right on this particular November morning below.  He said the snow will soon come to his hometown of Troy, Michigan and trying to get in as many shots as he can.  Mike also has deer, ducks, squirrels, etc., that he feeds in his own backyard.  

Mike feeding his addiction on a November morning recently.  Found him resting in the timbers!

In this picture he was only 8 feet in front of him.

He comes running when he sees him.

He told the does to go get the big boys and he would give them some corn!!!

You need to go over to Mike's Facebook and look at all the fantastic pictures he has taken, not only of this one buck, but of other bucks and does.  Joan Persichini, a relative, said they are going to start calling him the DEER WHISPERER!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Fawns Inside Hog Area

My friend, Elaine, who lives in Arkansas, sent me this picture she took Saturday of one of the twin fawns inside a neighbors hog fenced wired land just down from her.  The other fawn seems a bit more afraid, or shy, and runs or hides more quickly than this one does.  It's funny, she said, how being in the middle of a National Forest, and hunters all around, (even with dogs) these two babies seem to either not know or understand death yet, or they are just getting used to people more, by staying inside the fence, even though they can easily jump over it...they just tend to stay there. She thinks their mother must have been shot because none are ever around them.

One of the fawns!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Photos By Vicksburg Readers!

Looking much like a football player hiding the pigskin in front of a crowd, this squirrel posed for Marian Love Phillips in Vicksburg on her porch in front of a pot of flowers.

This is a picture I took of my friendly squirrel on our back porch in October and was published in The Vicksburg Post today!  You can read all about this cute rodent on my post of October 24, 2011.  I had emailed it to the post on November 2, and it's just now being published. Sometimes they will hold a picture for a few weeks, but by then I have usually forgotten that I have sent one in. It was a nice surprise to open up the paper this morning to see it.  As you can see below it was a large picture published on the front page of the Classified Section of our paper and took up more than half the page.

GIVE US YOUR BEST SHOT!  The Vicksburg Post will accept for publication photos submitted by readers.  The photos should be current and of interest to the public, either because of their subject matter or their oddity, or the photographic skill shown.  These are the criteria that will be used in determining which photos will be published. Submitted photos should be accompanied by complete caption information and include a phone number for the photographer, which will not be published.  Photos my be submitted electronically at, in person at Post Plaza or my mail to The Vicksburg Post. News photos, P.O. Box 821668, Vicksburg, MS  39182

    Marian Love Phillips     Joseph Jackson   Martha Williams
                                      KK McCarley      Pam Rushing

Joseph Jackson of Vicksburg said this bird appeared to be enjoying the fall weather as it perched on a gutter at his home.

Martha Williams said she thought the full moon looked prettier than usual when shot through trees.

KKMcCarley of Vicksburg said this "awesome" mushroom was "too cool" to pass up with her camera.

Pam Rushing of Vicksburg  said she felt a deer was leaving her a special message of thank-you by leaving a heart-shaped footprint for allowing a constant buffet on her lawn.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Vicksburg Youth On The Hunt

Cami Ghrigsby shot her first deer, a 130-pound doe, while hunting with her father Jay at St. Alban's Hunting Club on November 11.

Nolan Gullett, 7, shot his first deer with a .243 rifle in Yokena.  Nolan is the son of Matt and Jennifer Gullett.

Robert "Beau" Hinson, 9, killed his first deer on private land in northern Warren County on November 10.  He shot the 155-pound spike with a .243 rifle at a distance of 70 yards.  Robert is the son of Robin and Gary Hinson.

Taylor Rae Pace, 12, bagged this 8-point, 200-pound buck while hunting with her father, Preston Pace, in southern Warren County on November 12.

Evan Mabe, 9, took her first deer on November 12 while hunting with her father on private land in Hinds County.  She shot this 115-pound doe at a distance of 130 yards.  Evan is the daughter of Levi and Kenda McMillian.
Emily Grace Redditt, 7, took her first deer on the opening morning of the youth hunt weekend. She used a .223 handi-rifle to make the 115-yard shot that took down the 125-pound doe.   Emily Grace is the daughter of Monte Redditt.

I'm so proud of all our young hunters in our great outdoors.  I remembered how proud I was to get my very first deer when I started hunting in my mid-forties.  These youngsters are so lucky to start at a very young age to enjoy such a great sport.  My congratulations to each and every one and may you have many more harvest of deer to come!  

Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy 22nd Birthday Stephen!

A picture of my grandson, Stephen and I, taken yesterday at Thanksgiving Dinner in Learned, MS. He is 22 years old today and want to wish him a very Happy Birthday!  With all my love, Gran Gran 

An Hour of Hunting

After our Thanksgiving Dinner at my daughter's place in Learned, MS, we headed back to Faye's to get an hour hunt in via the Natchez Trace Parkway.  Bob did not hunt and visited with Faye as I hunted.  Got all set up around 4:30.  My daughter, Kathy and Faye, cleared some brush and was able to move the one-man stand to the right and down near a higher slope so when you sat down you would be level instead of lending on an incline.  To the right is where Kathy saw the doe late Wednesday evening and it was too late to get a shot.  So that is where I anticipated and concentrated on her to come through...but you never know.    

It's almost 4:55 and the sun it getting ready to go down.

The two trees right in front of me is where she came in up the hill.  I did not see her and it was 5 mins. to closing time and heard stomping...Uh, oh...she was looking at me and I could not see her.  My night perception is not the best at my age.  Then she crossed from the two trees in front of me to the left but could not get my gun up in time to make a shot.  I guess I looked like a BIG bump on a log and she was trying to make me move.  She took off down the hill, blew and stomped and blew in stomped.  I thought she was going to stomp the hill down!  Oh well, it was nice to see a deer and was a big doe!  My daughter and I plan to hunt next Thursday when she is off from work and we are going to toss a coin as to who will hunt there.  The one who loses will have to go to the chicken coop to hunt!  My husband had a dream last night that I won the toss and got the deer!  I hope his dream comes true but more than that, I hope my daughter gets the deer!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hunting With My Daughter

Bob's one-man stand.

This morning I met my daughter, Kathy, at her sister-in-law, Faye's home south of town to hunt. Got there right at daybreak.  Had to set up Bob's one-man stand and Kathy went to the chicken coop stand.  The one- man stand was on a slight incline on the side of a hill and was hard to find a flat spot but settled in to hunt.  Saw nothing but squirrels and chipmunks playing.  About 9:15 Kathy called and we decided to go back to the house and take a short break and hunt again later. I suggested to Kathy that we swap stands and she agreed.  About 11:10 was getting ready to quit for the day and Kathy shot.  Got all my hunting gear together and by the time I got to Kathy they were looking for her deer.  She shot at a nice doe and the yearlings were off to one side and they did not move at the time. The doe went down the hill and out-of-site.  We looked for about 45 minutes to see if we could find any blood but nothing.  As we were standing talking about the deer, one blew at us.  It's probably the doe she missed and wanting to find her yearlings.  She said she either flinched or the bullet deflected off of a limb or branch.  She was so pumped up and was happy she saw a deer and hopefully by this evening she will try again and get one.

I had to come back home to start cooking for Thanksgiving.  My daughter, Debra, and her family have invited us to come to Learned, MS, for a Thanksgiving dinner.  After we eat we will head back over to Faye's via the Natchez Trace Parkway and do an afternoon hunt.  Faye's property is surrounded by deer hunting camps.  She said that the deer are always walking around in her yard and it's like a super highway through her property and has seen some nice bucks also.

In front of me.

To the left of me.

Faye's home behind me.

Kathy did not want her picture taken today so I got her backside.

She took my picture using Bob's .270.  

Chicken coop stand.

To the right of me.

To the left of me.

In front of me.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Children's Books on Hunting & Fishing!

I was recently contacted by, Michael Waguespack, of Country Kids Publishing, who is also the co-writer and publisher of children's books on hunting and fishing.  The books are well written on a child's level and a great educational tool with pictures in reading and learning about our great outdoors. Michael is also a certified elementary and middle school teacher with a Masters of Fine Arts Degree in Creative Writing for Children.  The books include, My First Deer Hunt, My First Turkey Hunt and My First Fishing Trip, which you can preview by clicking on each link here or at the books shown below.  

There is also a coloring contest going on to kick off a new coloring book called, Hunting, Fishing and Wildlife.  It is loaded with wildlife pictures that I know your child will enjoy. Go to Country Kid Blog to get all the details and your child just might win and be transformed into a brand new coloring page.  The contest ends, December 15, 2011, at midnight!

I'm looking forward to sharing these books with my youngest granddaughter and both my grandsons!

Be sure and check out these outdoor books for kids and I know you want be disappointed.  Books are great gifts anytime and with the Christmas holidays upon us, will make an excellent choice for your children in learning more about our great wild outdoors!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Hunting @ The Horse Farm

Yesterday afternoon I went down to my granddaughter's family horse farm to hunt.  Took a few pictures before I walked to my stand of the horses in the field.  Got on my stand around 2:00 and I did not see a deer but enjoyed being in the woods and being still.  The weather was very warm at 79 degrees with a nice breeze blowing.  It wasn't your typical weather to hunt.  Of course, the mosquitoes were bad.  I did have some Off to spray on me and that helped.  Heard some shots fired in the distance.  Bob did not see a deer either but enjoyed being in the woods as well.  I love taking pictures of where I hunt so I can go back and relive the moment.  Unfortunately, I know one day my hunting days will be over with and blogging is a good way to document it.  

Jamie, my granddaughter's husband was going to put my camo around my stand for me.  I guess being busy working with his Dad running a business and a 4 year old to raise, takes most of his time.  

To the right!

In front of me!

...and to the left.

My LaCrosse boots are made for hunting!

Now you see me!

Now you don't!  Looks like I need to tack up my camo face mask on one side!  It's almost like a dry run on your first hunt to see what you need to do or what you forgot to bring.  Of course, I will not wear this particular one if the weather is colder. It's a good one to pack for warmer days though.  

Looking behind me where I walked to my stand.   Maybe next time!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

An Afternoon Hunt!

Rifle season opened up yesterday here in Mississippi and have been invited to hunt on my granddaughter's land south of town this afternoon.  I'm looking forward to getting on my deer stand and hunt hard. I wish the weather was more cooperative because it's predicted to be near 79 degrees with winds 10-15 miles.  Singing, The Deer Song, to get me going!  Wishing all hunters a very successful hunting season in our great outdoors!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Vicksburg Youth On The Hunt

Nicholas Neihaus bagged this spike deer using a .243 rifle from a distance of 140 yards.  The deer weighed 105 pounds and was taken on November 5.  Nicholas is the son of Kevin and April Neihaus.

Carson Collier, 11, took down this 8-point, 200-pound buck in Northern Warren County on November 5.  Carson is the son of Andy and Hollie Cook, and Jeff and Dita Collier.

Brenda Taylor, 7, shot this 110-pound doe with a .22-250 rifle on November 6 in Pattison.  Brooke is the daughter of Kevin and Andrea Taylor of Vicksburg.

Bailey McMillian, 12, bagged this 10-point, 190-pound buck on November 5 in Claiborne County. The buck's rack was 16 inches wide with 19-3/4 inch main beams.  Bailey is the son of Levi and Kenda McMillian, and Breck and Delicia Jamison.

These youngsters bagged their deer on Youth Hunt Weekend.  According to the rules, residents under the age of sixteen (16) are exempt from purchasing a hunting or fishing license.  A Youth Exempt license can voluntary be purchased by providing their social security number along with a copy of their parent/legal guardian's driver's license to establish residency.  The Youth Exempt license application are available online at