Monday, April 30, 2012

Three Best In Show

Untitled-On the Phone by Leah Norris (No. 1 Best-in-Show/Drawing)

 Cultivator by Leah Norris (No. 2 Best-in-Show/3-Dimensional
Breaking the Mold by Leslie Silver (No. 3 Best-in-Show/Mixed Media)

Leah Norris standing with exhibitions Judge Dan Piersol after wining first place.  Dan has 30 years experience in the art field.  He was Curator of Prints and Drawing at the New Orleans Museum of Art and more recently Deputy Director for Programs at the Mississippi Museum of Art.  

Mystic Rose by Delinda Peterson

On-Ready by Wade Stephenson

A Good Day's Catch by Chester Martin

Mooo-nlight by Leslie Horton
Leaving the Old Constitution Firehouse after an enjoyable Saturday evening.  Bob is looking forward to the Fall Exhibit and I'm tempted to join myself in the photography category.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Vicksburg Art Association Showing

Bob and I attended our very first showing/reception at the Vicksburg Art Association which was held last night and will be continued through May 2, 2012.  We really had a fun time meeting a lot of artist and was able to experience their beautiful artwork.    
Bob's, art teacher, Joyce Grey looking over her paintings that were hung.  He did not enter the Spring showing but plans to for the fall exhibit.

The Old Swimming Hole

On The Road

Froggy Went a Courting

Bob talking to Chester Martin while Joyce walks through the gallery.

While upstairs I checked out the fireman's pole "hole" at the Old Constitution Firehouse Gallery.

To be continued...

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Vicksburg Art Association @ Constitution Firehouse

Above is a picture I took of the Constitution Firehouse last Monday after my husband, Bob, attended his art class at the Vicksburg Senior Center.  We met up with his art teacher, Joyce Ferguson Grey. She showed us around and I took some pictures inside.  My husband joined but will not show in the Spring exhibit.  

Tonight is a reception from 7:00 pm to 9:00 and we are looking forward to seeing Joyce again and meeting new artists and I'm thinking about joining myself in the fall.  You have categories of oil, watercolor, acrylic, three-dimensional, photo mono, photo color, drawing, fiber, mixed media, printmaking and computer graphics.  All work must be framed and wired for hanging.  I will be taking my camera and will post some pictures for you to see.  Should be a fun event!  

Love these tall doors!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

My "Rather-Be-Hunting-GuyTM" Bobblehead

I received an email recently from Sara Lien and she wanted me to bring to your attention a new hunting brand.  Sara works with Limit Out Productions who produce the Rather-Be-Hunting GuyTM.  The slogan is "Workin' For the Man, Huntin' When I Can."  The owner is a die hard hunter and one day he decided to produce a product for hunters that conveys their love of the sport. 

They produce bobbleheads, car decals, and bumperstickers based on a comic book about a hunter/office worker named Dale Dunnerway.  He is a struggling office worker who really wants to be a professional sportsman.  Hunting dominates every part of his life.  He is  looking for ammo sales online, practicing deer calls on breaks, and he is the only one in the office who brings deer venison to the office party. 

Sara also sent me this bobblehead for a review.  I think he is so "cute" and told her I would be delighted to show him off to my blogging hunting friends.  She said that there is a bobblehead for everyone and everything, why not hunting?  Dale Dunnerway is a hunting mascot for your car, office, or fireplace mantle. 


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                               Contact: Sara Lien
                                                                                                            Rather Be Hunting Guy
                                                                                                            Public Relations Director


Dale Dunnerway is a man who works in corporate America only to earn money to hunt

Minneapolis, Minn--There is a “Rather-Be-Hunting-Guy” in every family.  It is the person who spends too much money on outdoor gear and smells like he has been in the woods for way too long.  This is the family member who would gladly abandon a normal life and move to the country to become an outdoor guide. 
Dale Dunnerway holds this dream. He sits all day in a small cubicle and dreams of a life in the woods. He wants to be outdoors enjoying beef jerky, practicing duck calls, and building a deer stand. 
Dale works as a management trainee for an outdoor furniture and lighting company.  His biggest complaints are that he does not have enough vacation time and that hunting clubs cost way too much.  His dream job is as a vice president of taxidermy. 
Limit Out Productions produced two new Dale Dunnerway comic books.  The first comic was released in 2008 and is entitled On the Job with Rather-Be-Hunting Guy.  Limit Out followed this book in 2009 with Rather-Be-Hunting Guy & Life’s Demands.  Both comics follow Dale’s dreams of becoming a professional hunter and how his hobbies affect his co-workers lives.  Their goal is to release one comic each year in time for the hunting and gift buying season. 
Characters in the Dale Dunnerway series include: 
    ·    Dale: Single, nuts about hunting, and wants a raise to pay a deposit for a trip to Montana
    ·    Joe: Dale’s coworker who loves sports and thinks Dale may need psychiatric counseling
    ·    Travis: Another of Dale’s coworkers who thinks Dale just got lucky and landing a good office job
    ·    Jenny: Dale’s coworker who thinks Dale is a nut job
    ·    Hubert:  This is Dale’s boss. He went hunting with Dale and sick with Taco’s Friday Revenge.
About Rather-Be-Hunting-Guy
Dale Dunnerway is plain nuts about hunting and fishing.  He’s gone a lot, spends too much money on outdoor gear and looks and smells like he’s been in the woods for weeks at a time. His dream is to move to a mountain state and become an outdoor guide. His parents and co-workers want him to grow up but Dale would Rather Be Hunting.  
Dale Dunnerway comics are produced by Limit Out Productions and can be purchase at
# # #

Lien Public Relations

Linked In: 
Twitter: @lienpr1124

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

American Queens Second Visit To Vicksburg

Tuesday, as I was getting ready to run to town, I could hear the paddle wheel steamboat whistle and the calliope playing on the American Queen from our home.  On my last errand downtown, I noticed that she was backing up out of the canal around 1:30.  I thought she would stay until 5:00 and then head on to Memphis with her passengers.  So I went to one of the huge parking garages downtown and got to the top and took these pictures of her backing out.  From there I thought I would have time to finish one last errand and then took off for Diamond Jacks Casino parking lot to try and get a picture of her backing into the MS River and heading north.  Here are a few pictures I took of the American Queen.  So nice to see her twice in one month after not having her dock here in Vicksburg for the last 3-1/2 years.  

On top of one of the parking garages with the Queen towering over Grand Station Casino with Louisiana in the background.  

Better view as it passes by the Vicksburg flood walls.

Backing up and out into the Mississippi River from the Yazoo River Diversion Canal.

At Diamond Jacks parking lot on a very windy afternoon.

She is one beauty and I hope to take a cruise on the Queen one day.

On her very first visit Tuesday, April 17, it had been raining but despite that, the calliope was a big hit!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

More Old Court House Museum Flea Market Shots!

I was so happy to see my great grandson, Ian, his Mom and Dad, Victoria and Jamie, my oldest daughter, Theresa 'Teri" and granddaughter, Sonya.  My daughter and granddaughter came up from Magee, MS, for a visit and to also enjoy the Riverfest weekend.  Below are some shots I took of my family and more shots I took at the flea market.
My great grandson, Ina, atop a cannon on the grounds of the Old Court House Museum. 

My great grandson, Ian.

Jamie, Victoria, Ian, standing with Sonya, and daughter Teri with Abby, Ian's cousin.

Another candid shot of Ian.

Selling Girl Scout cookies!  Love the flag in his pocket!

Little girl in her tutu!

Bob with his painter friend at the flea market.

Police going by on patrol.

A little girl and boy playing war with their newly purchased play rifles.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Our Flea Market Booth @ Old Court House Museum

Getting set-up for the Riverfest/Old Court House Museum Flea Market.  It was very cold and windy and my nephew, "Bubba" Love making sure the paintings don't fly off the easels with some string.  Rain was also predicted but we were very lucky it never happened.

Standing with my nephew and his new wife, Cassie, of one week.  We could not have done it without their help.  Our thanks Bubba and Cassie!

Bob and I getting ready for a long day of selling his copper trees, paintings and my brother-in-law's (Chris) walking canes laying on the main table.

William Pope selling his jewelry to the left of us facing the Old Court House Museum.  After an hour or so I found out that I knew his mother.  What a small world it is!  

Polished stones from one of his two cases and his handmade settings.  William presented me with a blue opal pair of earrings in sterling and we gave him a medium copper tree which he then proceeded to put earrings on it.  It made for a great exhibit for him.

One of several beautiful polished stone pieces he showed on a necklace mannequin stand.

My friend, Mary Pope, William's mother, standing with Bob.  

Bill Marcy on the right of us facing the Old Court House Museum who was running for Congress with his helpers.  

To be continued....