Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Bear Killed by MS Man

Photo By Paul Davidson
There was an article in The Vicksburg Post yesterday of a man being charged for killing a bear in Sharkey County.  He killed a Louisiana black bear and could face up to a year in prison and $50,000 in fines.

A federal complaint filed Friday in the U.S. District Court in Natchez charges Ryan C. Murphy with killing the federally protected species near Mayersville on November 16.

Louisiana black bears are protected under the Federal Endangered Species Act.  Brad Young is the executive director of the MS Wildlife Federation and previously led the Black Bear Program with the MS Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.

"The ones in Sharkey, Issaquena and Warren counties are protected," he said.

Mayersville is about 10 miles west of Rolling Fork, near the MS River.

Federal authorities are seeking the forfeiture of a bow.

Young said Louisiana black bears are slightly different from the American black bear that inhabits north Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas and the Appalachian region.

"It's done by county," he said.

"There's kind of a dividing line at (Mississippi) Highway 82."

In 2002, the MDWFP created the Black Bear Program to boost the species' number in the state.  In 10 years, the number of Louisiana black bears in the state went from fewer than 50 to about 150 today.

The MDWFP website points to an increase in female black bears, which has led to the births of dozens of cubs in the last 10 years.  Before the program began, a black bear birth had not been documented in Mississippi since the early 1960s.

"It's definitely grown," Young said.  "We have certainly seen the bear population, especially in Sharkey and Issaquena county, grown.  We see cubs being born every year and we're seeing reproduction, something we had not seen before."

Young said restoring the black bear population to earlier levels will take decades.

"We still have a long ways to go," he said.  "It's not like deer or wild hogs.  It's very slow increase."

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Wrong Place @ Wrong Time

This buck was at the wrong place at the wrong time.  Someone commented that Mother Nature must have been a deer hunter!  When it is your time to go...that's it!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Saturday, July 27, 2013

M/V Linda Taylor Heading South

As I turned into the Lousiana Circle around 7:00 the sun was trying to peek through the clouds after raining all night and during the day.  I also saw a towboat coming around the bend and waited for it's arrival passing by Vicksburg.

M/V Linda Taylor making her way down the Mighty Mississippi.

Up close view of the M/V Linda Tayor.  You can see two men on the deck, one midway standing and another one on the back end spraying a water hose.

Heading south with her tow.  I knew I had remembered this towboat because last April 2012, I took a picture of her and when I looked up her name for a link on Dick's Towboat Gallery it was not listed.  I found out later that there was no pictures of her and sent my pictures in to the gallery and was published this past May.  I was so happy to help Dick out and also excited that he wanted to publish my pictures on his gallery site.  Thank you Dick!

An ERGON boat returning after delivering supplies to the M/V Linda Taylor.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Tripple T and Split T

My hunting friend, Dave, a.k.a. (Ironknees's), uploaded this video of Tripple T and Split T about three days ago on YouTube.  Dave lives in Indiana and has seen some very nice bucks and also has named them.  Above are two that really has him going nuts!  Hunting season will be here before you know it and Dave is chomping at the bits. Thanks Dave for letting me share your cam video and I'm sure the hunters will enjoy viewing it. 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wild Hog Problems In Mississippi

Wild hogs are in half of our state's counties: 

Mississippi wildlife officials say wild hogs are now in more than half the counties of the state, including Warren, tearing up crops and destroying other kinds of vegetation

Four or five years ago, they were causing problems in only about five or six counties.

Wildlife officials say they are trying to make it easier for people to kill them.

"Basically liberalizing it, making it where a landowner, lease-holder, can kill hogs or other nuisance animals any day of the year, day or night, without any type of caliber or weapon restrictions," said Chad Dacus with the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks.

MDWFP officials said wild hog populations are growing because they reproduce often and can survive in virtually any habitat.  The animals also lack any natural predators.

Wild hogs are crafty, too, making them difficult to corner and kill.  Their razor-like tusks and aggression when cornered can make them dangerous to pursue.

State officials said there have been so many complaints that virtually all of the rules against shooting them have been removed.

Dacus said Warren County's hog problems is as serious as other areas of the state.  One of the reasons for the county's hog problem, he said, is the Mississippi River.

"They like to be near water, and the Mississippi gives them a good place to gather," he said.  "They'll follow the river."

One of the local areas that has suffered from hogs is the Vicksburg National Military Park which had to set out traps in an effort to either control or eliminate the hog population in the park.

Park Superintendent Michael Madell said the problem last year was centered in an area north of Graveyard Road, adding the park's hog problem has since slacked off. - Jackson, MS

"We haven't seen any hogs since April or May," he said, adding traps are set up in different areas of the park to catch any hogs that might come in the area.

Hogs were reported often in Vicksburg and Warren County during the Mississippi River flood of 2011.  They were seen swimming across the swollen river and coming onto the bank at Riverfront Park.

A new state law took effect July 1 that added wild hogs to the state beaver-control program.

The law created the Beaver and Wild Hog Control Advisory Board to come up with a program to control or eradicate beavers and wild hogs.  The program is administered by the Mississippi Department of Agriculture.

Tony Hammons, who lives in Copiah County,  likes to hunt the hogs, take pictures of them and eat them.  He has respect for how dangerous they can be, too.  He said the tusks are very sharp.   
~The Vicksburg Post

Pictured above is a friend of mine, Mark Stewart, who kill this monster hog at the famous Christmas Place Plantation and Hunting Club on the edge of the MS Delta back on January 17, 2009.  A hog is on my bucket list and hope to get one in the near future to help eradicate these nasty critters in our great wild outdoors!

Close up view!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Presenting ~ Mr. & Mrs. William Horner

Mr. & Mrs. William Horner

Wedding Announcement

Carlton, Candace and Victoria, my grandchildren of my daughter, Kathleen Love Day.

Monday, July 22, 2013

In Middle Of Town

Check out this awesome buck in the middle of town!  He knows where it's safe!  

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Granddaughter's Marriage This Evening

My Granddaughter, Candace Barnhart's, pretty striking eyes on her Facebook Timeline! 

Candace will marry William Horner this evening at 7:00 in Springfield, Louisiana. Unfortunately, my husband and I will not be able to attend.  I wish Will and Candace a very Happy Wedding Day and a wonderful married life together!

Candace and Will's Wedding Cake made of vanilla with strawberry filling and butter cream created by Chef Cliff.   She had this posted on her Facebook page.  My daughter, Kathy and grandson, Carl, will be attending the ceremony and will bring me back some of this delicious looking cake.  It's almost to pretty to eat!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Practicing For Golf Championship

My step granddaughter, Laura Phillips, watches a short putt head toward the hole.  The Warren County Championship is scheduled for July 26-28 at Clear Creek here in Vicksburg.  Laura will participating in it and wish her the very best.  The family is so very proud of her and her accomplishments.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Family Cabin Getting New Look

My step-daughter, Karen Whitmore and family live in Santa Fe, NM, and they also have a family cabin in the woods in Las Vegas, NM. My husband, Bob, and I have been there several times and it's so nice to sit on the porch and enjoy the scenery in the woods at the Cerro Bonito Ranch. Only the women in the family have roads named after them there.  I am fortunate to have my own road called, Marian's Mile, for my smile! :)

I have seen bear scat on the porch one time when we arrived and also we spooked a huge elk in the woods while riding around in an opened jeep and took pictures of it's footprints.  Also, heard an elk bugling at 3:00 in the morning.  What a wonderful sound it was.  Just like the sounds of the owls that live in our oak trees that surround our home.  I just love it!  A city girl that should have been born and raised in the woods!

We are looking forward to one day returning to the cabin to see the "new" recycled plastic railings with the deck that is being installed now.  The railings look like real metal to me.  With all the great grandchildren coming along they will really enjoy coming to the cabin and not getting any splinters playing on the porch from the railings. 

Below is a babbling brook that runs in front of the cabin where the grand kids have enjoyed playing growing up and now it's time for the great grand kids to have their turn playing there.  How lucky they are and what fun they will have!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What Happened Here?

Hunters - Do you have a guess as to what happened here?

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

M/V Kansas City On The Mississippi

Drove by the Louisiana Circle this afternoon with my husband Bob to see if anything was going by and just as we pulled up, I just did get this picture of M/V Kansas City making it way south with a load of rip rap.  

Heading under the I-20 & Hwy 80 bridges at Vicksburg!  M/V Kansas City was moving pretty fast with the Mississippi River's current.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Rags To Riches

Every now and again...good things happen to good people!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Evie's First Birthday Cake

Yesterday, was Evie's very first birthday and as you can see she has her hands full of cake!  What an adorable picture of her.  Evie lives in Santa Fe, NM, with her Mom, Jessica and Dad, Braddock and she is our great granddaughter.  We were in Santa Fe last June and did not get to meet her since she was not born yet.  Hopefully, we will get out that way soon and catch up on all our hugs and kisses.  Looks like Evie had a great first birthday! We love you very much!  Great Grandpa Bob and Great Gran Gran

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Coming Around The Bend

M/V  John R. Ingram of Ingram Barge Co., coming in site on July 9th.

M/V John R. Ingram making the turn.

M/V John R. Ingram loaded down with coal passing through Vicksburg. 

Sun was too bright here!

M/V John R. Ingram, making it look easy passing under the bridges at Vicksburg.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Jessica's First Deer

My congrats to Jessica Allen on her very first ever deer near Meridian, ID.  She said, "nothing fabulous, but she's a whitetail and this got me addicted to deer hunting."  I know how easy it can be getting addicted to deer hunting once you shoot your very first one.  It gets in your blood! Wishing her many more trophies in years to come and GOODHUNTING in our great wild outdoors.

Tuesday, July 09, 2013


"Take a stand for what you believe, 
never give up, never back down."

Monday, July 08, 2013

Lil' Allie-Gator

I recently came across this funny article from Philadelphia, PA, about a man who had offered a little gator aid - - calling animal control authorities to help rescue a juvenile alligator he found near a sewer gate on his street.

Joe Malseed saw the 18-inch reptile in the city's Fishtown neighborhood and snapped its photo before calling for help.  He said the alligator was in a puddle and appeared to be emerging from a nearby sewer.  He said it was docile until a man tried to get a closer look and it hissed.

Police took the reptile to the city's Animal Care & Control Team.  The reptile has been named Allie-Gator.

The animal control team said despite the name it hasn't determined the alligator's gender because, "Who's going to do that job?"

Allie-Gator will remain with the team until a permanent home is found.

Sunday, July 07, 2013

A Rainy Day on the Mississippi River

Bob and I drove by the Louisiana Circle after we left his Doctor's appointment to see if anything was floating on the Mighty Mississippi.  While I rounded the circle I jumped out and got this picture of a towboat making it's way pass Vicksburg.  This is a first for me to get pictures of a towboat in the rain!  Usually it's a sunny/cloudy day when I make a run by the circle and it was also thundering some.  I made it quick!    

Looks like a fisherman got caught up in the rain and heading back to the waterfront. 

M/V Golden Eagle heading towards the bend of the river on a rainy Mississippi day @ Vicksburg.  

Saturday, July 06, 2013

Illinois State Memorial ~ Vicksburg National Military Park

To me the Illinois State Memorial is the most beautiful monument in our Vicksburg National Military Park. This picture was taken on July 3, 2013 of the Sesquicentennial Grand Illumination by park officials.  For some reason they had this blocked off so you could not ride pass it. It has a turn-a-round but guessing that it would have been a bottle-neck if they had let through traffic.  When I took the two-hour tour you could see it but could not get close enough to take a decent picture.  I'm sharing this with you because I think it is awesome!

Some Facts:  The Illinois State Memorial is located on Union Avenue at milepost 1.8, tour stop #2.  Dedicated on October 26, 1906, the monument was transferred to the United States by Governor C. S. Deneen and accepted by J. S. Schofield of the United States War Department.  It was erected by the firm of Culver Construction Company with William B. Mundie contracting the designers and sculptors.  The design was by W. L. B. Jenney and sculptor was Charles J. Mulligan. 

Stone Mountain (GA) granite forms the base and stairway.  Above the base is Georgia white marble.  There are forty-seven steps in the long stairway, one for each day of the Siege of Vicksburg.  Modeled after the Roman Pantheon, the monument has sixty unique bronze tablets lining its interior walls, naming all 36,325 Illinois soldiers who participated in the Vicksburg Campaign.  The monument stands sixty-two feet in height, and originally coast $194,423.92, paid by the state of Illinois.

On this evening, 150 years ago, history was forever changed as the decision to surrender Vicksburg was made.  On this hallowed ground, soldiers battled for their beliefs, their nation and their lives.  The course of the Civil War and the course of the nation changed forever, but not before 19,233 were killed, wounded or missing.  The memory of their deeds and legacy remain on the battlefield.  Tonight, we honor those casualties on their anniversary.

Today, the Vicksburg National Military Park serves as a memorial and a symbol of healing and reconciliation of a nation.  Hundreds of thousands of visitors come each year to explore the place that transformed America as we know it today.  It offers lessons in leadership and sacrifice.  It offers inspiration and understanding.  Its land is hallowed by the blood of Americans willing to pay the ultimate price for a greater cause.

Dating back to the American Revolution, one of the greatest honors a community could render was conducting a Grand Illumination.   Throughout the Civil War there were stories of "illuminations" including one of the largest recorded in Washington D.C. only five days after the end of the War.  Communities would rally to simultaneously light up a town or specific area to honor a cause or loss.

In honor of the Sesquicentennial, hundreds of businesses and individuals have joined the Friends of Vicksburg National Military Park to pay tribute to the souls of the Civil War casualties at Vicksburg by sponsoring and volunteering to light the luminaries.  Each one of the 19,233 glowing lights you see tonight represents a human life.

Luminaries representing men who were killed, wounded, or missing are placed at the state memorials - one luminary for each soldier from that state who was a casualty.  Of the 19,233 casualties, records could not determine the exact location of 2,223 men.  The 2,228 confirmed casualties that would not be identified by state are dispersed throughout the Grand Illumination in yellow bags to mark then as confirmed, but unidentified casualties.  No site has less then 100 luminaries.  The traditional white bag luminaries represent confirmed casualties honored at their state memorial.  In addition to state monuments, several sites were selected to honor other casualties including the U. S. Colored Troops and the C.S. River Batteries.  

A very special evening to honor those noble Americans for their bravery and their sacrifice.

Please Note:
If you would like to see pictures I posted of the tour on July 4, click here.

Friday, July 05, 2013

Fireworks Galore

Bob and I took off downtown about 30 minutes before the fireworks were to go off and decided to go up in a 5 story parking garage.  We have two downtown garages so I go to the one closest to where the fireworks would be shot and had to go all the way to the top because the place was packed full.  So if you see a hood of vehicles in some of these photos you know where I was.  It took longer to get out of the garage than the fireworks that were shot.  It was a perfect night for the 4th of July fireworks display which we both enjoyed.  I hope you enjoy some of the pictures I took also.