Monday, September 30, 2013

Bucky Deer @ Breakfast Table

Photo shoot with Bucky - Mike's deer friend!

My Facebook friend, Mike Persichini, who lives in Troy, MI, said there is a place in the woods that he calls the breakfast table and took these great pictures of his friend, Bucky, yesterday.  I call Mike the "deer whisperer" since he visits the Troy Nature Center almost daily and captures great shots of deer in their own habitat.  He said that he had won apples on Radio Station 104.3 for a year and this has made Kroger and deer very happy! 

Resting after his photo shoot.  Mike said he was tired.

Little Moose!

Little Moose on the left and Big Boy!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

A Bar Hopping Bear!

I read a funny article in the paper last night of a bear in Juneau, Alaska, walking into a bar. As the story goes...

Bartender Ariel Svetlik-McCarthy says she freaked out and yelled, 





The bear complied, leaving the bar within seconds.  (If only all unwelcome bar guests were this obliging).

State biologist Ryan Scott says it's rare for black bears to go inside Juneau businesses, but they have wandered inside homes before.

He said the staff did a great job, and it was good news the bear left.

State wildlife officials have killed two nuisance bears in Juneau this summer.

Friday, September 27, 2013

A Wedged Deer

A Facebook friend that I follow, Patrick Montgomery, said that his hunt yesterday went pretty crazy for him in the high country.  He was wanting to kill the deer that was probably 170ish.  The two were bedded up in some thick brush and he couldn't really tell who was who.  With orders to bring home meat, he felt like he didn't really care.  He said he figured he had a 50/50 chance and shot the vitals he could get with an arrow to.  It had been a while since he shot one with his bow and he felt good. 

He had glassed a tall boy earlier but it was not him and was his little 4/4 buddy laying in some thick spruce trees when he shot.

A closer look at the tall boy!

The deer then tumbled about 500 ft. down a mountain side with an arrow sticking out of him and this is how it ended up.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Pig Party Coming to Vicksburg!

Looks like my hometown will be hosting it's very first pig pickin' party, cookin' contest downtown next month.  It is being called, HOGTOBERFEST!  Sounds like a lot of fun.  It is planned for 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., October 26, but the deadline to participate in the competition is September 30 according to the paper.

It will be held at my old school stomping grounds, now named, Southern Cultural Heritage Foundation, along with the Vicksburg Foundation for Historic Preservation, who are sponsoring the event. This includes a craft beer festival as well and the proceeds will benefit each organization.

The competition is limited to 20 cookers and Hogtoberfest vendor benefits include camping space in the SCHC courtyard the night before, breakfast the morning of the event, and a commemorative Hogtoberfest glass.

Judges for the competition include locals Bill Seratt and Mike Kirlin, who have both been judges for the Memphis in May world championship barbecue contest.

Registration for the pig-cooking competition is $50 for SCHF members and $60 for nonmenbers. Applications can be found at

As a special kickoff to the event, the popular western, "Tombstone," will be shown on a big screen outside in the courtyard of the SCHC at 8:30 p.m. the night before Hogtoberfest. The movie is sponsored in part by the Strand Cinema and admission will be free.

Admission will also be free for the event which includes live entertainment.  Hog samplings and craft beer tasting will be available for purchase and the first 300 attendees will be able to purchase a special "Hogtoberfest" commemorative pint glass.

For more information, call 601-631-2997 or email


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Happy 41st Birthday Suzi

Wishing my youngest daughter, Marian Suzanne, 'Suzi' who lives in Virginia, a very Happy Birthday!  I love and miss you so much!  I hope you have a Blessed one!  With lots of love and hugs!  MOM  

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Velvet Shedding on a Barbed Wire Fence

Hunting season is fast approaching and the bucks are shedding their velvet.  This happens every year prior to the re-growth of new ones.  The process usually takes two to three weeks to complete and the re-growth takes place over the summer up into early fall.  The cycles starts all over again after the rut when the antlers fall off.  A buck does not need antlers (depending on animal/latitude) during the early months of the year because they can manage without antlers and do not need to fight off other bucks for territory or does. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

To Vicksburg....with love!

A very nice video of my hometown where I have lived all my life!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

A Great Site for Camouflage Products

I was recently contacted by Erica Hill, Content Coordinator of CamoTrading to do a review on their Camouflage products. Being a hunter I love camouflage and was very excited to be able to pick out a bedding.  I had already purchased a new comforter for my bedroom and had a daybed in my computer room where my grand kids stay when they come to visit and it was really needing new covering.  I chose the daybed Mossy Oak bedding and it is very good quality bedding.  Have gotten a lot of compliments on it since and recommend you go by and check out their site.  Not only do they have bedding they also carry camo rugs, lingerie, swimwear, footwear, men's apparel, baby, kids and even women's camo apparel. They can also be found on Facebook!

My box has arrived!

Can't wait to put it on the daybed! 

It looks very nice and I'm so proud of my Mossy Oak bedding for the daybed.  Later, I will get the roll/square pillows to go with it.  

One of the many bedding selections and this one is called, Browning Buckmark!  How cool is this!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Friday, September 20, 2013

Lunch & Towboats @ Riverwalk Casino

Today I got invited out to eat lunch with some ladies at the Riverwalk Casino and of course had to carry my camera with me hoping to see a towboat or two pass by.  I got real lucky...not only were two towboats with barges sitting on the side parked to rest...I was able to get them passing by as we sat near a window. 

Could not get the name of this towboat parked.

M/V Twyla Luhr parked near the banks of the Mississippi River at Riverwalk Casino.

Long shot of M/V Twyla Luhr. 

 Heavy Metal Blues Band 
100% Mississippi Scrap
This is so cute!

Close up of M/V Twyla Luhr.

The President has ordered flags to Half Staff until 9/20/2013...Honoring the Victims of the Tragedy at the Washington Naval Yard.

An alligator all chained up so he want get away.

Towboat pushing a barge coming down the Mississippi River.  Note the BUG looking in the window.

Looks like an ERGON working tugboat.

Heading home with traffic backed up working on Warrenton Road.

I drove by the Louisiana Circle and saw storm clouds building up over the MS River at Vicksburg.  We have a cold front coming through later today bringing rain that we really need.

I-20 and Hwy 80 bridges with the sandbar out and ominous clouds overhead.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Mike ~ The Deer Whisperer!

My Facebook friend, Mike Persichini of Troy, Michigan, loves to go to his city's nature preserve and feed the deer apples and corn to gain their trust to photograph them up close in their natural habitat.  He has come up with some awesome pictures that you would never see otherwise. He has one deer, Bucky, that he feeds right out of his hand.  He also feeds the wild animals in his own backyard.  Mike is - The Deer Whisperer!

A nice rack!

Mike named this deer "Moose" with an apple in his mouth!

Looks like everybody's happy now!

Mike said, What a mess!

Yum Yum!

Mike feeding Bucky in our great wild outdoors!

Mike said this is not a tame deer!  He has been feeding him treats since he was a fawn. He said, I friend all the deer in the city in the dead of winter when they need it!  20 degrees below zero and I am out there with food.  You would be my friend also!

The Boneyard is still alive in his own backyard!

He can't get enough of this - two cameras in one spot!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

How To Prepare For A BIG Game Hunt

I would like for all you hunters to check out this neat site on - How to Prepare for a Big Game Hunt in our great wild outdoors! 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Happy "Sweet Sixteen" Lucy!

My granddaughter Lucy with her WANTED Happy Sweet "16" Birthday this pass weekend at Rocky Springs on the Natchez Trace Parkway.  Wishing her a very Happy Birthday today! Love you! Gran Gran

The Town of Rocky Springs - Part 3

Bridge leading over to the town site.  Only had time to take a picture of the safe and cistern because my grandson saw a snake and we just turned around and came back out. Really not much else to see but was sad knowing that this place used to be inhabited and now no one lives here.  It's a ghost town.


The End