Monday, June 30, 2014

Fawn Fenced In

A good Mother never leaves her baby behind.  Watch what she does!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Nature Lovers

A friend of mine sent me this video today and said...

Even if you don't have a garden but love nature and the outdoors, I can't imagine that you won't love this.  Be sure to watch this on the largest computer screen you have available to you and have your sound turned up.  The hummingbird doing rolls chasing a bee is not to be missed.  Also, be sure and watch closely (around 2 min 40 sec) and check out the baby bat under its mother.  

Lovely!  I know that many or even most of you are astute observers of nature and, if you have a garden or back-yard, that you watch the incredibly beautiful and complex life there.  But, if you are interested in these beautiful things but don't have a yard or garden, similar things can be watched from a porch or balcony planted to attract such beautiful insects as well as other wonderful creatures.

Here is a wonderful photography about such interesting and gorgeous beauty.  Enjoy!  

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Friday, June 27, 2014

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Happy "24" Birthday Grandson!

Today my grandson, Carlton "Carl" Thomas is 24 years old.   It's hard to believe that he's all grown up and I'm reminiscing about our hunts together.  I have three grandsons and Carl was the only one that I took hunting that got a deer.  Today, all three are excellent hunters.  Carl got his 5 point buck at Jasper Bottom Hunting Club in Claiborne County, MS, and shot it with my .270 rifle at 100 yards in 2003.  It was a hunt that I will never forget. When he shot I had to literally catch him so he would not fall off the stool.  The deer came across a levee and when we got down to check on the deer it was not there but had scooted down on the other side.  I told Carl he would have to shoot again.  He got down on one knee and braced for another shot.  I was so proud of him and still proud of him to this day. 

Took Carl hunting at Homewood Hunting Club in Claiborne County, MS, at the Cedar Tree Stand.  The old stand was torn down and this one was built in it's place.  We are getting ready to hunt and...

...wait for a deer to walk by!

Riding around the camp at Homewood Hunting Club in Claiborne County, MS.  

Carl on his birthday and all grown up now and living in Sheboygan, WI, with his girlfriend, Courtney, who served as a Corporal in the Marines.  They both work at Kohler. Wishing him a very Happy "24" Birthday and letting him know that I love and miss him so much!  

Friday, June 20, 2014

My Granddaughter Turns 30 Today!

My Granddaughter, Sonya Michelle Gordy, turns 30 years old today! She is the oldest of six granddaughters and I'm proud to say that she has served in the U. S. Navy.  She went to boot camp at Great Lakes, IL and from there was stationed at the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, CA. She had signed up for 6 years and planned to be a linguist but became ill and was honorably medically discharged.  She attended MS State University at Starkville and the University of Southern MS at Hattiesburg.  She's planning to return to Southern MS to further her education.  Sonya is fluent in French, German, Spanish and Chinese Mandarin. While living in her hometown of Vicksburg, Sonya took the Hunters Education Course and had planned to hunt with me until she moved away to Magee, MS. I would take her to the deer camp and practice shooting my .22 rifle and she was very good at hitting the bulls eye. We are making plans to hunt together this coming season at her home in Magee. Sonya has also performed on stage at the Vicksburg Little Theater and took acting lessons in college.  I want to wish her a very Happy Birthday and may she have many more returns of the day!  I love and miss you so much!  Have a Blessed Birthday and I look forward to seeing you this fall. Gran Gran 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A Bear-of-a-Day!

My Facebrook friend, Layne Logue, met Jake Anderson yesterday while stopping for a break while paddling the Mississippi River.  He started in Iowa and has paddled 905 miles so far to Vicksburg.  Jake called Layne yesterday for supplies and got him a double pounder with fries and some other minor stuff. He will take the Atchafalaya River (south of Natchez) to the Gulf of Mexico.  

Jake pushing off continuing his journey!

An hour later he called Layne to tell him that he just watched a black bear swim the Mississippi River about 10 miles south of Vicksburg. He caught it halfway and escorted to the Louisiana side.  The river is 2/3 miles wide in that area and said he was getting tired just watching him.  How cool it is to witness that! Lucky guy! 

Wishing Jake a successful and safe travels on the Mighty Mississippi and Atchafalaya Rivers.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Newborn Fawn Rescued

Last month these two men heard a distress call from a fawn while working and went to investigate.  Saw the mother standing on the edge of Lake Oconee in Georgia where they found this newborn fawn hopelessly tangled in the vines in the water.  It's brother was also in the water about ten yards away and was able to be rescued as well.  Both fawns were warmed up and stabilized before being led back into the woods to be reunited with their mother.  A very happy ending and a big thank you to the guys that rescued them in our great wild outdoors!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Five Cubs Up A Tree!

In the video below, five black bear cubs quickly scale a tree to avoid a confrontation with a wandering male. Cubs learn how to climb trees beginning at about eight weeks and will retain the skill for the rest of their lives. Trees offer more than a temporary sanctuary for black bears—they are a source of food, a vantage point, a safe bed, and a message board.

Black bears are excellent climbers. Their powerful hind legs and innate balance means that even large bears are able to scale trees, making it inadvisable to seek cover in one during a bear attack.
Bear cubs will take readily to climbing if they sense danger, and the mother will generally stand guard nearby. A mother bear is at her most dangerous when her cubs are threatened.
Image screenshot of video by BearsForever on YouTube

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Let's Play Catch!

The Ancient Greek philosopherAristotle, once said that elephants were "the animal which surpasses all others in wit and mind.  

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Tongue Licking Good

The picture above was taken by Michael Persichini, my Facebook friend, who puts out mineral licks for deer at the Troy Nature Park in Troy, Michigan.  

This is going to be a very nice buck and it looks like he's really enjoying his treat from Mike. He now has these deer down to a pattern coming in at 8:00 a.m., 3:00 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., for a photo shoot.  He has been taking some incredible pictures of deer over the last few years and has been called by many on Facebook as the "Deer Whisperer!"  Please keep the pictures coming Mike!

Double Main Beams - Mike said, let's watch him grow!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Literally - When Pigs Fly!

The expression "when pigs fly" took on new meaning when a swine bound for the slaughter house jumped from the back of the truck it was riding in. 

The driver behind the truck captured the moment and posted the video to You Tube with no description, but the Daily Mail says the truck was headed for a facility in South America. 

The video shows what happened after the pig jumped. It looked a little dazed. 

It's unclear what happened after the pig jumped. 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Remembering My Dad On His Birthday

This is in memory of my Dad, Marion Edward Love, Sr., who was born on June 12, 1916 in New Orleans, LA and passed away on November 6, 1986 in Vicksburg, MS. The picture above was taken at his 50th class reunion from St. Aloysius High School, here in Vicksburg.  Remembering you is easy, I do it every day.  Missing you is the heartache that never goes away.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Cows and More

A beautiful morning in the country and loving the birdhouse on the fence!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

An American Queen Tour

With the American Queen back in my hometown visiting again, I found this video tour of her on YouTube.  It started off raining this morning as they disembarked but since it has cleared up some. I hope the passengers on the boat had a good time visiting our historical city.  I wanted to show you how the passengers live while cruising up and down the Mighty Mississippi on this magnificent boat, American Queen!  Hopefully, one day I can take a ride on the her!  It's on my bucket list!

The American Queen docked at the waterfront this morning on a rainy day!  Picture was taken by Visit Vicksburg at The Old Depot Museum.

Monday, June 09, 2014

Mama Doe and Fawn

A Mother's Love is...
 and Eternal.

Gavin Hunt Van Dyke

Sunday, June 08, 2014

Happy "20" Birthday Ethan

My grandson, Michael "Ethan" Ransom Kelly, turns 20 years old today.  Here he is when he was just a little fella and now he is all grown up...

...and in the Air Force.  He went into the service on October 2, 2012 and stationed at Pope Airfield, Fort Bragg, NC. He graduated basic military training on December 2, 2012 at Lackland AFB, San Antonio, TX.  He will be coming home to visit family in August before he will be deployed to Kandahar, Afghanistan in September. 

Wishing him a very Happy "20" Birthday and looking forward to seeing him soon.  God Bless Ethan and and all our service men/women serving the armed forces.   God Bless America!

Saturday, June 07, 2014

Deer Crashes Into Coffee Shop

KINGSTON, NY - Wait in line, bucko!
A young deer burst through the front door of Hudson Coffee Traders Tuesday morning, shattering the glass and halting everyone's daily grind while authorities attempted to wrangle the beast.
"As soon as it happened, I was in shock," said employee Jenna Shaffer.
The young deer crashed through the Uptown coffee shop at about 7 a.m., according to shop owner Donna Brooks. Patrons looking for their daily pick-me-up quickly picked up their belongings and headed outside.
Inside, the doe hung out near the back of the shop and stayed fairly sedate until animal control and Kingston police arrived about a half hour later. Animal control officials were able to wrangle it in safely, and no one was hurt.
By noon, repairmen were already installing a new glass door and patrons were getting caught up with their java-fix at the popular coffee spot for attorneys, judges and county employees. Kingston police say they brought the deer into a patrol truck and released it back into the wild.
"We're a very popular coffee shop; we've extended to the wildlife," Brooks said.  

Friday, June 06, 2014

Dances With Deer

Zeke having a fun day with a deer!  This is so funny and love the music that's playing! 

Thursday, June 05, 2014

Two Fawns

Would love to see this in the woods!

Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Crying Baby?

We heard something that sounded like a crying baby outside one afternoon, but when we went to check, we saw a tiny little deer caught in the fence! At first we thought he might be hurt, but once we got close we realized he was just stuck, so we carefully pulled him out. As soon as he realized he was free, he ran towards his mom who had been waiting for him the whole time. It was such a heartwarming moment! And if you watch the video till the end, it almost seems like she looks at us to say thank you!  :)

Monday, June 02, 2014

M/V Jo Anne Stegbauer Passing Thru

This morning while I was out running errands...I took a chance going by the Louisiana Circle and was glad to see an empty towboat coming under the bridges headed north.  It was M/V Jo Anne Stegbauer!  

A pulled-out view with her tow.

If you look closely you can see that they have to climb up into the pilot house by a stairway and I've never seen a towboat built like this before.  

M/V Jo Anne Stegbauer heading for the bend in the MS River with her empty load on a very cloudy day. 

Sunday, June 01, 2014

KS Turkey vs MS Charlie

My BEST-EST girlfriend's husband, Charlie, Sr., got this very nice turkey back in May while visiting family and turkey hunting.  He harvested the bird in Ellsworth County, KS about 90 minutes northwest of Wichita. Charlie commented that there are a lot of turkeys in KS and this MS turkey had to go and check them out!  

Above is Charlie with their son Kirk, who is also my Godchild, as his guide for getting the bird in close. They located the bird and another before daylight and worked him until 8:15. Kirk got him to cross the dry creek bed behind them for the shot.  My congrats to Charlie for a fine bird and Kirk for helping his Dad in our great wild and wonderful outdoors! Awesome!