Tuesday, September 30, 2014

MS Bag Limits & Legal Weapons

Bag Limits

Antlered Buck Deer:  The bag limit on antlered buck deer is one buck per day, not to exceed three per license year.  Legal bucks must meet the antler criteria within the appropriate deer management zone.  For youth hunters 15 years of age and younger, hunting on private land and authorized state and federal lands, all of the three buck bag limit may be an antlered deer.

Antlerless Deer:  The bag limit on antlerless deer is one per day, not to exceed five per license year on private land or three on U.S. Forest Service National Forest land.  Antlerless deer are defined as any female deer and any male deer without hardened antler above the hairline.  Spotted fawns are not to be killed of molested at any time.

Legal Weapons

Youth Gun:  Youth may carry and use any firearm with which they can safely hunt, and in compliance with other applicable laws, rules, and regulations.

Archery:  Longbows, re-curves, compound bows, and crossbows.  There is no minimum or maximum draw weight.  there is not minimum arrow length.  Fixed or mechanical broad heads may be used.

Primitive Weapons:  For the purpose of hunting deer, "Primitive Firearms" are defined as all archery equipment; single or double barreled muzzle-loading rifles of at least .38 caliber; or single shot, breech loading, metallic cartridge rifles (.35 caliber or larger) and replicas, reproductions, or reintroduction of those type rifles with an exposed hammer; or single or double-barreled muzzle-loading shotguns, with single ball or slug.  All muzzle-loading primitive firearms must use black powder or a black powder substitute with percussion caps, No. 209 shotgun primers, or flintlock ignition.  "Blackpowder substitute" is defined as a substance designed, manufactured and specifically intended to be used as a propellant in muzzle-loading or other black powder firearms, excluding modern smokeless powder. Metallic cartridges may be loaded with either black powder or modern smokeless powder (cartridge purchased at sporting good stores).  Handguns or sidearms are not allowed for hunting deer during Primitive Weapons seasons.  Telescopic sights are allowed while hunting with any primitive firearm during the primitive weapon seasons.  A "telescopic sight" is defined as an optical sighting device with any magnification.

During any open season on deer with primitive weapons after November 30, a person may use any legal weapon of choice on private lands only, if the person is the title owner of the land, the lessee of the hunting rights on the land, a member of a hunting club leasing the hunting rights on the land, or a guest of a person specified above.  If the person is required to have a hunting license, the person much have a primitive weapon license, Sportsman's License, or a Lifetime Sportsman's License.

Gun:  There are no caliber of magazine capacity restrictions on firearms.  Primitive weapons (as defined above) and archery equipment may be used during gun seasons.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Mississippi Deer Season 2014-2015

Mississippi deer season in three zones:

Private and open lands east of Interstate 55 and north of Interstate 20 plus areas south of Interstate 20 and east of U.S. 61, excluding areas south of U. S. 84 and east of MS 35.

A legal buck is defined as having either a minimum inside spread of 10 inches or a minimum main beam length of 13 inches.
Oct. 1-Nov. 21
Legal Deer: Either sex on private land and open public land.
Youth Gun
Nov. 8-Jan. 31
Legal deer: Either sex on private land and authorized state and federal land. (ages 15 and under).
Early Primitive Weapon
Nov, 10-21
Legal deer: Anterless Deer only on private land and open public land.
Gun (With Dogs)
Nov. 22-Dec. 1
Legal deer: Either sex on private land; Legal bucks only on open public land.
Primitive Weapon
Dec. 2-15
Legal deer: Either sex on private land and open public land.
Gun (Without Dogs)
Dec. 16-23
Gun (With Dogs)
Dec. 24-Jan.21
Legal deer: Either sex on private land; Legal bucks only on
open public land.
Archery/Primitive Weapon
Jan. 22-31
Legal deer: Either sex on private land and open public land.

Private and open public lands south of U.S. 84 and east of MS 35.

A legal buck is defined as having either a minimum inside spread of 10 inches or a minimum main beam length of 13 inches.

Oct. 15-Nov. 22
Legal Deer: Either sex on private land and open public land.
Youth Gun
Nov. 8-Feb. 15
Legal deer: Either sex on private land and authorized state and federal and. (ages 15 and under).
Gun (With Dogs)
Nov. 22-Dec 1
Legal deer: Either sex on private land; Legal bucks only on open public land.
Primitive Weapon
Dec. 2-15
Legal deer: Either sex on private land and open public land.
Gun (Without Dogs)
Dec. 16-23
Legal deer: Either sex on private and open land.
Gun (With Dogs)
Dec. 24-Jan.21
Legal deer: Either sex on private land; Legal bucks only on open public land.
Archery/Primitive Weapon
Jan. 22-31
Legal deer: Either sex on private land and open public land.
Archery/Primitive Weapon
Feb. 1-15
Legal deer: Legal bucks only on private and open public land.

Private and open public lands west of Interstate 55 and north of Interstate 20 plus areas south of Interstate 20 and west of U.S. 61.

A legal buck is defined as having either a minimum inside spread of 12 inches or a minimum main beam length of 15 inches.

Oct. 1-Nov. 22
Legal Deer: Either sex on private land and open public land.
Youth Gun
Nov. 8-Jan. 31
Legal deer: Either sex on private land and authorized state and federal and. (ages 15 and under).
Early Primitive Weapons Hunt
Nov, 10-21
Legal deer: Anterless Deer only on private land and open public land.
Gun (With Dogs)
Nov. 22-Dec. 1
Legal deer: Either sex on private land; Legal bucks only on open public land.
Primitive Weapon
Dec. 2-15
Legal deer: Either sex on private land and open public land.
Gun (Without Dogs)
Dec. 16-23
Gun (With Dogs)
Dec. 24-Jan.21
Legal deer: Either sex on private land; Legal bucks only on open public land.
Archery/Primitive Weapon
Jan. 22-31
Legal deer: Either sex on private land; Legal bucks only on open public land.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Regulations Changes For Mississippi Hunters

A couple of changes to regulations on deer will give Mississippi's hunters some more options this season.

The Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks over the summer altered bag limits for anterless deer and loosened restrictions on primitive weapons.

On private lands only, the anterless deer bag limit was changed to five per year with no daily limit.  On U. S. Forest Service land, the limit was reduced to three per year with a daily limit of one.

The change was intended to offer more flexibility to hunters managing abundant deer herds on private lands and reduce antlerless deer harvest on USFS where lower deer densities may occur, MDWFP said in a release.

The change to primitive weapons regulations is also for hunters on private lands.

During any open season on deer with primitive weapons after November 30, hunters may use any legal weapon of choice on private lands.

Additionally, hunters are required to have a hunting license and must posses a valid primitive weapon license, sportsman's license, or lifetime sportsman's license to take advantage of this new opportunity.

One other new regulation is in place, as well.  Beginning this deer season, hunters are required to wear in full view at least 500 inches of solid unbroken fluorescent orange unless hunting in a stand at least twelve feet above ground or in a fully enclosed deer stand or blind.

Hunters must wear hunter orange while traveling to and from their stand.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Happy Birthday To You, Suzi

Today is my youngest daughter, Marian Suzanne "Suzi", Birthday! She turns 42 years old and was born right after 8:00 a.m.  Suzi lives in Virginia and is the proud mother of two daughter's, Emma and Kate. I called this morning and sung Happy Birthday to her! I love and miss you so much Suzi and wishing you many more happy returns of the day!  MOM

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

M/V Angela K Passing Through Vicksburg

M/V Angela K coming around the bend.  

Heading towards the bridges.

Zoomed in on the front of the containers as the sun was setting.

Pulled out view of the M/V Angela K coming into view.

Close up view of the M/V Angela K.  

Park Ranger at the Louisiana Circle getting ready to close the gates.

M/V Angela K making her way under the bridges at Vicksburg, MS, on her way to deliver goods.

Took this picture behind a bush to get a view of the sky before the sun was to set in approximately 15 minutes.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A Monster Bull Elk

Chuck Paddock of Open Season TV is shown here with his awesome bull elk that he got this past weekend. Check out the bone mass on this big bull!  He used his Mathews, Inc. Chill X and said he came in screaming. The bull scored 360" and the mass is insane, he said.  Very impressive and you can tell that Chuck is so proud of his harvest in our great wild outdoors! My congrats to Chuck!  

Chuck Paddock

Chart on the breakdown cuts of an elk.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Oliver's First Birthday!

My great nephew was born September 19, 2013, and we celebrated his ONE-YEAR-OLD Birthday yesterday with a grand party with family and friends. Oliver received a lot of nice presents to play with, clothes and birthday cards w/money. The theme was football of course! Here are some pictures I took of the joyful and memorable occasion!

Oliver's football cake.

Oliver's very own Birthday cake.  OLG stands for Oliver Griffing Love.

His name on back of his football jersey!

My picture taken with my great nephew, Oliver!

Oliver patiently waiting to open up his presents.

Mom, Cassie Jo, all excited for Oliver and getting ready to open up his presents.

Oliver checking out his new wheels.

As you can see...he literally dug in!

All cleaned up and ready to take a ride in his new car.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Famous Flipping Deer

Phil Robertson is known for his Duck Commander duck calls and videos but he is also an avid deer hunter and a pretty darn good shot from what I see in this video clip! This is known as the “most famous event in Duck Commander history” and comes from the Duck Commander “Duckmen 4: Straight Powder” video. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Happy 17th Birthday Lucy!

My granddaughter, Lucy Kelly, is 17 years old today!  This picture of her was taken in July 2012 while we were on vacation in Virginia.  I'm not sure where all the time has gone because it seems like only yesterday she was just a little girl.  Wishing you many more Happy Birthday's to come, Lucy!  I love you so much! Gran Gran 
PS:  Lucy got a new puppy for her birthday and she named it, Wally!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Giving Thanks!

Last hunting season I wrote about Shelby's first deer and here she is giving thanks. 

Her mother, my Facebook friend, Suzy Conyers, said that she wants to hunt again and to bring on youth season! 

I'm wishing Shelby GOODHUNTING and I know she will once again be respectful in giving thanks in our great wild outdoors.    

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Another Hog For Kareen

My Facebook friend got another hog and here is her story:
Last night - Was sitting out by 8:34 p.m. It was kind of misting and barely sprinkling and a little chilly and nothing was coming in but then the javelin's finally showed up after 10:00 p.m. As you all know I like this because they will alert me to anything else coming in and they will only run off if the feral hogs are coming. They finally did run off after 11:00 p.m. and I could hear the hogs walking and grunting and they finally came under the green light but they were very skittish and I could not get a good shot on them and they finally spooked and ran off. I thought to myself, you dummy, you should have taken a shot and if they come back do take a shot. I didn't think they would come back but I could still hear them and a short time later three hogs showed up and I shot one and I am pretty sure I got him or her because I could see the way it gathered itself up after I shot it. Of course, it ran towards the creek so will have to wait until the morning to see if I really hit anything. So happy though because at least I got to see some hogs! 

Today - Roy (husband) went out this morning while I was still in bed & came back & said the dogs were barking at something across the creek & he had found a blood trail. We both went out & he & the dogs crossed the creek & the dogs started barking because they found the sow & she was still alive under a tree. Roy shot twice with his pistol. I started over there & for you folks who think it is easy to navigate this terrain just have no idea how rough it is. Roy followed the blood trail & I finally saw her & was close enough to see & hear her gnashing her teeth. Shot her a couple of times & she still stumbled off across the hill. Finally got a kill shot on her & then discovered she was missing a front leg. We got a good workout too. The pictures are showing how far up we were. What an adventure!

Foot shot off.

Looking straight down towards where the hog was. Terrain is very steep, rocky and hard to walk or stand to get a shot.  She said once they started shooting their dogs left....hog dogs they are not!   

Shot from the feeder.

Hog was to the left.  

My congrats to Kareen in our great wild outdoors in Alpine, Texas!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Friday, September 12, 2014

Hunt, Pluck & Gut A Dove

Published on Oct 1, 2013
Go beyond breasting out your doves! This video shows how to pluck and gut them, and includes resources for how to cook them. Shop for products I use at http://hollyheyser.blogspot.com/p/sto....

(Click here)

Opening day of dove season is one of the most anticipated and popular hunting days of the year for many Mississippians.  Dove season brings the first hunting opportunity of the fall as the long and hot Mississippi summer comes to a close.  Dove hunting in the southeast has a long tradition of being a very social event and is a time for fellowship with friends and family outdoors.  The opening day of dove season is a day not to be missed for many Mississippi hunters.  However, a common complaint of many hunters is that they simply do not have a place to hunt.  Wing shooters around the state should take a moment to check out the variety of public dove hunting opportunities provided by the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks.  Information on these opportunities can be found using the links below listed under "Dove Hunting Opportunities".

2014-15 Dove Season Dates
North Dove Zone
(Areas north of US Hwy 84 plus areas south of US Hwy 84 and west of MS Hwy 35)
  • September 1 - 21
  • October 4 - November 9
  • December 15 - January 15
South Dove Zone
(Areas south of US Hwy 84 and east of MS Hwy 35)
  • September 13 - 21
  • October 4 - November 9
  • December 3 - January 15

*** Shooting Hours Notice ***
Shooting hours for opening day in both zones begins at 30 minutes prior to sunrise on private lands.

Dove Hunting Opportunities
 Additional Resources

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

A (Gator) Dinosaur?

Danny Boler, above, buys, sells, mounts and processes alligators.  

An alligator weighing more than 700 pounds lays on the floor this past Saturday on the walk-in freezer at B&L Meat Processing.

Alligator business in good for our state's only buyer.  B&L Meat Processing owner Danny Boler, who also happens to be Vicksburg's only alligator meat processor, has been hard at work since the season opened August 29 and still has a freezer full of gators to get to.  This is only his second year working in the alligator market, but it's given his business a boost during what previously a slower time of the year.

"Last year I decided I wanted to expand a little bit," Boler said.  

"I started processing and skinning, and this year I decided I wanted to start buying since there's not a buyer in the state."

Although skinning and processing an alligator isn't that much different than any other animal, he had to learn the basics before he could cut into his first one.  

"It was new to me last year, I had to learn everything, Boler said.  "I had to learn how to skin them, where to cut them and where not to cut them"  

Along with meat processing, he is also the only resident buyer of alligators in the state of Mississippi.  Boler buys mostly from hunters in west central and southwest Mississippi, and attributes his success to Vicksburg's proximity to those regions.

"We're dead in between both regions, it's very convenient," he said.  "It's an easy out for the hunters.

Boler, who is self-described "middle man," buys whole alligators or just their hides, and then ships then to buyers in south Louisiana.  At that point those hides may become purses, jackets, or a new pair of shoes, depending on what the demand is.  

Boler has had steady business, receiving about 100 alligators this year, but hopes to grow even more in the coming years.  The volume of his business depends heavily on what time of the year it is, and this gives him something to do before deer season gets in full swing and he's working sixteen-hour days.

"It makes me have a year-round job," Boler said.  "I go from taxidermy alligator processing to deer processing, then start over."

Once deer season ends he'll begin his taxidermy work, mounting deer, fish, alligator heads, and anything else that customers want as a lasting memory of their hunt.

Although the concept of processing an alligator for meat or taxidermy  is similar to other animals, the sheer size of most of the reptiles is what's difficult.  With Mississippi's newest state record holder weighing in at a massive 792 pounds, even a medium-sized alligator can be too much for one man.

"They're hard to do anything with, it's not like dragging a deer through the door," Boler said.  "He's a dinosaur."   ~The Vicksburg Post

VICKSBURG, Miss., Sept. 2 (UPI) -- A record-breaking alligator was reeled in on Tuesday in the waters of the Mississippi River.

The almost 800 pound gator was captured near Vicksburg, Mississippi. The alligator was 13.5 feet in length.

That behemoth barely beats the record that was set over the weekend, when a group of men snagged a gator that was more than 13 feet in length and also weighed 756 pounds. Robert Mahaffey and his friends caught that one in the Mississippi River, also near Vicksburg.

"I reached down and grabbed my rod, Jay stepped out of the way and there is this huge head sitting on top of the water."
Mahaffey was also the fisherman who caught last year's record-breaking alligator.

Mississippi researchers said they don't think the gators there are getting bigger, rather people are now finding ones that had been hidden until recently.

Alligator hunting season in Mississippi still has three more weeks to go.  Hunting on public land ends Monday and on September 22 for private land.

Monday, September 08, 2014

Bucket Bear Rescue

Published on Sep 1, 2014
This is from this Labor Day 9/1/14 We came across photos of a bear who had been struggling with an object stuck on it's head for over a month. We decided to try to find and help the bear. The video is documentation of our adventure. The link above is a gofundme link that was started for our canine rescue after video of us freeing the bucket bear spread. We sincerely thank you for donating/sharing or both!

Saturday, September 06, 2014

Stacy's Bears

My Facebook friend, Jon Sissney is very proud of his wife, Stacy, of His & Hers Outdoors TV. in getting her very first bear this past Thursday at Sentinel Mountain Safaris in Bear Lake, British Columbia.  

After shooting her first bear Thursday Stacy went out Friday morning (yesterday) and filled another tag. This time she was able to stalk within 25 yards and made a shot. The bear ran 30 yards and expired. She wanted nothing more than to shoot a bear with her Mathews Chill SDX bow spot and stalk style. She can now check that off her bucket list her husband said.  He is so happy for her and can't wait to share the footage with everyone.  My congrats to Stacy in our great wild outdoors!

Real Families 
Real Lives 
Real Hunting

Friday, September 05, 2014

Serenading The Deer With Horn

Who would've thought? This guy starts playing his horn in a field and deer come pouring out of the woods toward the sound. And that's just the beginning. Wait until you see all of the deer at the end. I don't know what it is about the horn and deer, but this is amazing.

Published on Aug 27, 2014

Thursday, September 04, 2014

More Wild Gators Caught

WOW - Check this out!

These gators were caught this past weekend on the Mississippi River by Dr. Lee Nichols, Jerry Hedglin, George Nichols and Dr. Trey Howell.  The large one is 13 ft. and the smaller is about 9 ft.  Another wild catch in our great outdoors!  My congrats to all!

Photo courtesy: Fern Hedglin of Jackson, MS.