Sunday, November 30, 2014

Hunter Harassment In Indiana

The Indiana DNR is looking for any information and witnesses on an act of hunter sabotage.  In the pictures you can see how far anti-hunters will go to engage in the illegal act of harassing hunters.  If you have any information about this, or any other hunter harassment case please contact the Indiana DNR at 1-800-TIP-IDNR.

District 10 Officers have been hard at work this weekend responding to complaints of hunter harassment.  In the pictures above you can see the lengths some will go to mess up someone else's hunt.  Report all hunting and fishing violations at 1-800-TIP-IDNR.

This is terrible because a hunter could have come to his/her stand in the dark not knowing about the tree and could have been killed. This is premeditated murder.  I do hope they catch the person/persons who did this.  No excuses for ignorance such as this whether it was another hunter or an anti-hunter.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Deer In The Park

Saw this deer (doe) on the north loop across from the Mississippi State Memorial in the Vicksburg National Military Park yesterday afternoon while touring the park with my grandson (Carl) and his girlfriend (Courtney) from Wisconsin and my daughter, Kathy. The pictures were taken with my cell phone by my grandson because my batteries had gone out on my camera.  This is the first time I have every seen deer in the park and was really excited. I have seen a lot of turkeys and pictures of hogs in the park as well.  

A deer (doe) and fawn near the Kentucky State Memorial on the south loop of the Vicksburg National Military Park, yesterday afternoon in Vicksburg, MS. 

My grandson took this picture of a really nice buck in a bottom near the Iowa State Memorial on the south loop of our park.  I could have gotten a closer picture if my camera had not died on me! Deer are not spooked in our park because they have never been shot at, of course. Deer are very lucky living here in the great wild outdoors within the city limits!

Thursday, November 27, 2014


So funny...I could not resist to share!
Happy Turkey Day!  

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving Bloggers!

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.  
Psalm 107:1

Stay safe and enjoy your Thanksgiving Day!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Eating My Greens

Photo by my Facebook friend, Dan Wutkowski, of Waukesha, WI.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Sunday, November 23, 2014

What A Hunter Has To Do!

I had to share this photo that was on Facebook recently of a guy driving home from Menards and saw this car go by.  There were actually 5 deer strapped on!  Whoever said you need a truck to hunt ain't been to Michigan!  A hunter has to do what a hunter has to do!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Happy Belated Blogoversary To Me!

Well, it has been 15 days ago that I reached my 8-year Blogoversary.  For some reason I forgot all about it, until today, when I realized I had missed it.  It all started on November 7, 2006 and did not know what I was doing and was just out there in cyberspace.  My next door neighbor had a blog, so I thought I would create one for myself and chose hunting as a theme for my site.  I have met so many nice people through the years and have remained close friends to many of them to this day. Thanks to BLOGGER for making it all possible and many thanks to everyone who stopped by to visit me. I really appreciate each and every one of you for your great support.  I'm looking forward to another year of blogging at Marian's Hunting Stories, etc., etc., etc.  

Friday, November 21, 2014

Opening Day

Tomorrow is opening day for gun season here in Mississippi.  I hate to say I will not be on a deer stand since I have gotten out of my hunting camp but have been invited to several places to hunt this season.  I can't wait to get in the woods and climb into a stand and deer hunt. Wishing all my Blogging hunting friends - GOODHUNTING!!! 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Taking Flight

These three photos were taken by my Facebook friend, Ron French, who said... 

 that this handsome fella came in last Monday morning...

but he got downwind and took flight!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Jay's 13-Point Buck

I received a message from my FB friend Mike Snow this morning that his friend got this awesome buck last week in Kemper County, MS.  Jay Graham, who accepted my FB friendship today, put an arrow through this 174 2/8-inch (gross score) 13-pointer.  You can read the complete story about his successful trophy hunt here at the Mississippi Sportsman site.  So proud of him and what an awesome hunt he had! My congrats to Jay in our great wild outdoors! 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Doughnut On Antler?

A man was taking a nice nature walk when an unexpected visitor showed up.  A very friendly deer showed up in the bottom of the snake river canyon.  He comes up to say hello to the man, with a doughnut on his antler!  Most likely the doughnut was placed there by another camper.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

My Photo Published

Marian Love Phillips saw this towboat pushing an empty container on the Mississippi River heading to the Port of Vicksburg Sunday afternoon. 

Last Sunday my photo was published that I submitted to our paper, The Vicksburg Post. I'm always thankful that my pictures are chosen to be published from time to time. Photos are always in the Classifieds Section of the paper called, Give Us Your Best Shot!  The Vicksburg Post will accept for publication photos submitted by readers.  The photos should be current and of interest to the public, either because of their subject matter or their oddity, or the photographic skill show.  Submitted photos should be accompanied by complete caption information and include a phone number for the photographer.  Photos may be submitted electronically at, in person at Post Plaza or by mail to The Vicksburg Post, News photos, P. O. Box 821668, Vicksburg, MS  39182.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Youth On The Hunt

Vicksburg resident John Wyatt Massey-Ford bagged this six-point deer, his first, while hunting with a crossbow on October 16, 2014. I'm so proud of John for getting his very first deer in our great wild outdoors!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Hunting Moms

My congrats to all Moms who hunt in our great wild outdoors! 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Liam's First Deer

Kevin Tillyer my Facebook friend of Plain City, Ohio, could not have been more prouder of his son, Liam, after getting his very first buck yesterday, an 8 point!  He is one happy young man and look at those cheeks!  My congrats to Liam in getting this fine buck in our great wild outdoors!  

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A Monster Buck Killed in North East Iowa

This monster buck was harvested yesterday in free range and could be a new state record.  244" gross and it had 23 scoreable points.  It was shot north of Decorah, Iowa, by Kyle in the blowing snow. Two sheriffs and the Winneshiek County Conservation Officer was on hand. Everyone was in shock when it was found.  

What a monster and what a dedicated hunter!

Danielle Christopher said the buck was killed on her Uncle's property and had seen it for herself.  My congrats to Kyle on his monster trophy in our great wild outdoors!

Monday, November 10, 2014

A Nerf Birthday Party

It was a beautiful Saturday for my Great Grandson, Ian's, 7th Birthday party on Hwy 61 South.  It was a Nerf party with a lot of his friends and family attending.  He had a blast!

Ian's all dressed up with his Nerf hat, Nerf gun and Nerf shirt on.

Concentrating on his aim.

He hit it!

Another big toy to play on!

Ian trying to climb up on a haystack and gets a helping hand.

Must be a lot more fun being high up on a haystack!

Opening all his present with his Dad at his side.

A Nerf Birthday cake!

Happy Birthday Great Grandson...I love you so much!

Sunday, November 09, 2014

Youth Deer Hunting Season Underway

Picture of my grandson, Carl and I, with his first deer a 5 pt. buck on youth weekend about 15 years ago. He used my .270 for a 100 yard shot and the buck weighed 150 lbs. It was one of the most exciting moments in my life to take him hunting and to harvest a deer. I was so proud of him! The experience was priceless in our great wild and awesome outdoors.  

The gun deer season for youth hunters 15 years old and under began across the state this weekend.

The period for the Hill and Delta Deer Management Zones concludes January 31. The Southeast Zone's season ends February 21.

Youth can use any firearm and harvest one buck with hardened antler per day and up to five does per day on private land.  The total must not exceed three bucks and five does for the entire hunting season.  Zone-specific spread and main beam antler regulations do not apply to youth hunters.

Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks Deer Program Leader, Lann Wilf, expects a strong youth season.

"The deer archery season has already shown good potential with several nice bucks harvested across the state," Wilf said.  "Camera surveys have revealed better than expected antler growth, along with a high number of mature bucks in the herd.  this is sure to create a lot of smiles over the youth deer season."

All deer hunters, including archery hunters, must wear hunter orange unless inside a fully enclosed hunting stand or in a hunting stand at least 12 feet above the ground.  Hunters also should take time before the hunt to make sure they have all the proper safety equipment.  Deer hunters should have the following: hunter education certification (if required), hunter orange, a full-body harness for tree stands, an emergency signal device such as a whistle or cell phone, a light to walk to and from stand during low light conditions, and a hunting plan that includes notifying someone else about the hunting location.

Limited Special Primitive season: Special primitive weapons season for white-tailed deer will open Monday in the Hill and Delta Deer Management Zones.  The special primitive weapons season is for anterless deer only on private lands and open public lands until November 21.

Thursday, November 06, 2014

MS Voters Approve Hunting Rights Proposal

Mississippi voters Tuesday approved a proposal to enshrine hunting and fishing as rights in the state's constitution.

The issue was placed on the ballot at the urging of hunting groups and lawmakers concerned about animal rights groups' campaigns in other parts of the country against hunting game.  Animal rights groups reject those claims.

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, the constitutions of 17 states guarantee the right to hunt and fish.

Vermont's language dates to 1777, while the rest have been adopted since 1996.

Those states are Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

California and Rhode Island have guarantees on the right to fish, but not to hunt.

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

A Rise On Deer Camp Burglaries

I recently read in the paper that if history repeats itself, hunters can expect to see a rise in burglaries in the coming weeks.

"Your deer camps, of course, because of the nature of what they are, they're in rural, isolated areas," Martin Pace, our Sheriff of Warren County said.  "They do fall victim to property crimes."

And as hunters begin to bring more gear to camp for hunting season, camps become more attractive targets for thieves.

"You see an increase essentially two times out of the year," Pace said.  "One is during the season itself on weekdays when no one is there, and they are stocked.

"The other is after the season when they are essentially abandoned.."

During the season, one of the biggest concerns is gun theft.

"First and foremost, we always encourage people to not leave firearms when they are away from camp," Pace said.  "Firearms need to go with the hunter."

While most hunters don't leave guns at camp, there are plenty of other items thieves are interested in. Protecting that property is a matter of basics.

The most obvious line of defense is keeping everything locked.  Check windows and doors before you leave camp.

Another step Pace recommended, if possible, is to form what amounts to a neighborhood watch.  Let neighboring camp members or landowners know when no one will be at camp, and ask them to call law enforcement if they see something suspicious.

If your camp is burglarized, knowing exactly what was stolen is critical.  "Always know the make, model and serial numbers of items in the camp," Pace said.  "Have that properly recorded somewhere.

"That dramatically increases law enforcement's chances of recovering the property and identifying those responsible."

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Happy 7th Birthday, Ian

My great grandson, Ian, turns 7 years old today and I'm looking forward to his Nerf Birthday Party this coming Saturday.  I hope your day is full of fun and wonderful surprises!  Happy Birthday!  I love you! Great Gran Gran. 
Shooting his Nerf gun that he got for his Birthday today.

Wild Free Range NE Elk

This young man has done what very few people will ever get to do.  This wild, free range Nebraska elk made a lifetime of memories for this family by simply letting him be touched and a few pictures taken.  The family is big into hunting and fishing and this picture proves that outdoorsman really are... 

Conservationists at heart and truly appreciate nature in its purest form.

T. J. Roberson's 4-year-old son got the chance to reach out and touch an elk calf in Nebraska! 

Monday, November 03, 2014

Hunter Is His Name!

Yesterday, I posted this cute little boy with a stuffed deer on top of his play toy and today I found out that his real name is Hunter.  This is what his mother, Renee Thompson Charles, had to say....

Many of you may have seen my photo that has went viral - though people did not know it was mine.  Here are a few more from the "Hunter Series".  By the way - his name is Hunter.  Feel free to "share", just don't crop out my logo.  ----  at Pocketful of Rocks Photography by Renee Charles. 

"Lil" Hunter checking out his buck!

Sunday, November 02, 2014

Saturday, November 01, 2014

Five-Yard Bow Shot

Having two really close encounters with a gigantic bears like that, armed only with a bow, must have been pretty intense.  It's a good thing he made his shot count!  

As it turns out, this bear is the new Safari Club International #1 Archery Alaskan Brown Bear.  Though it is unknown how much this monster bruin weighed, his skull measured 18 6/16 inches long and 11 inches wide. 

This video by Gus Congemi does not disappoint in our great wild outdoors!