Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Katelyn's First Deer

I have known Katelyn ever since she was born and I am so proud of her accomplishments in getting her very first deer recently.  You can see by her big happy smile and also being initiated as a deer huntress.  That's a very nice doe she harvested!  Katelyn graduated from Catholic High School here in Vicksburg, MS and attends Mississippi State University in Starkville. Way to go Katelyn in our great wild outdoors! 

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Blake's First Deer

Chuck Wilkerson of Long Beach, Mississippi, is so proud of his son's first deer.  

My little man (Blake) killed his first buck, a small 6 pointer, and said he's just getting started.  

My congrats to young Blake in our great wild outdoors!  Job well done!

Monday, December 29, 2014

An Afternoon Hunt

Took off around 2:00 and headed down south to my Granddaughter Victoria and her hubby, Jamie's place to deer hunt. As I passed by the field walking to my stand I took some pictures of their pony, a donkey and some horses in an opened field near the barn.  When I got to my stand I decided not to get up in it but to used my ground blind instead. The temp was in the mid-forties and slowly falling. The temp in the morning will be 31 and looks like we will have one last blast of cold air before we get into the New Year.  I finally got all set up around 3:00 and at 3:15 someone shot in front of me across the main road.  At 4:40 another shot came to the right of me and was close. Around 5:10 a deer blew at me several times and I knew it was over with but stayed another five minutes or so while the deer continued to blow at me trying to get me to leave.  I packed up and stopped by to visit with my family and Great Grandson on my way out. It's always good to get back in the woods even though I did not see or get one. Maybe next time when I head to the woods I will get lucky and get a deer.  Here are a few pictures I took on my afternoon hunt to share with you.

Road to my stand.

My deer stand.

Highway where they have been seen to walk.  

Sitting behind a ground blind waiting for a deer to walk out on a wet and soggy ground.

My faithful .270 Ruger (Featherweight).   

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Deer Harvest Chart

Harvest Chart by artist ~ Nadia van der Donk
The purpose is to tell what parts of an hunted animal is used or consumed, but also which kind of meat comes from which part of the body (in general.)

A single deer can provide a lot of meat that can last for months if cut properly.  The hide can also be used for a wall hanging or carpet.  Butchering at home requires a lot more than a deer meat guide.  You'll need the right knives for skinning the hide, a hacksaw, wet stone and gloves for cleanliness.  Plus, the process can get a little dirty, so having a safe place to do it without risking a seriously messed up kitchen is key.  If you don't know what you're doing, you'll be much better off taking it to a deer processing facility or an experienced butcher.  If you're up for the challenge this handy guide will certainly help out. GOODHUNTING in our great wild outdoors!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

A Family Tradition

Wyatt Turner, 14, heads back to his grandfather's truck after hunting on family land in northern Warren County.  

Recently there was an article in our paper about a young hunter who has a passion for hunting that was inherited. Wyatt Turner, who is 14 years old, has been hunting since he was 7 years old.  He loves hunting with his grandfather, James Wyatt, in northern Warren County on family land.

They had been in the woods since 2:30 on this particular afternoon, and they only saw about a dozen deer - what they call a bad day.  "We see about 30 deer on a normal day, but never when we're trying to impress somebody," James Wyatt said.  "We've seen 80 out here before."

Wyatt hunts daily with his grandfather when he is out of school and said that's all I want to do.  When he killed his first deer, which he wasn't proud of because it wasn't very big, he said.  "But my second one was, it was an eight point," he said.

"I always used to shoot them as soon as I saw them, then I started passing them up because we really didn't need the meat," he said.  "That hunting, not killing."

Now that he's a seasoned hunter.  Turner looks for the "right" deer instead of just any deer.  The "right" one has got to have good size, he said, but there's something else that's inexplicable, he said.  It's more about what you feel when you see it.  "You start shaking," Turner said.  "You just know when you know."

Turner has become as much an observer as a hunter.  He can watch them for hours without ever taking a shot.  "I'll just sit back and enjoy it," he said.  "They're so pretty and it's just nature and your're right in the middle watching them"

His grandfather, James Wyatt, educated him as a woodsman and taught him many tips and tricks along the way.  His grandfather taught him how to spot turkeys by making a hooting call like an owl, and Turner swears he called up a fox once by making a high-pitched sound like a dying mouse.  "I don't know why it works, I'm not an expert," Turner said.  "I just know it works."

Hunting has been the bond between Turner and his grandfather for years, and although friends come and go, family is always there, he said.  "He's like a friend to me.  A lot of kids don't have the kind of relationship with their pawpaw like I do," he said.

Turner is a student in Scholastic Academy and makes good grades; he was exempt from all of his testing lasts week, which allowed for more hunting trips with his grandfather.  Nevertheless, he finds his true talent to be in the woods.  "School's hard, hunting isn't." he said.

He doesn't watch much television, but when he does, he's watching hunting shows, he said.  Turner's talent for hunting and passion for sharing it with people seem to point to a natural career path for his future in that industry.  "That would be my dream job, but it probably won't happen," he said.  But you never know.  The Vicksburg Post by Justin Sellers

Friday, December 26, 2014

Twas The Day After Christmas

Twas the day after Christmas, and all through the house,
Every creatures was hurting - even the mouse.

The toys were all broken, their batteries dead; 
Santa passed out, with some ice on his head.
Wrapping and ribbons just covered the floor, while
Upstairs the family continued to shore.
And I in my T-shirt, new Reeboks and jeans,
Went into the kitchen and started to clean.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the sink to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the curtains, and threw up the sash.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a little white truck, with an oversize mirror.
The driver was smiling, so lively and grand;
The patch on his jacket said "U.S. POSTMAN."
With a handful of bills, he grinned like a fox
Then quickly he stuffed them into our mailbox.
Bill after bill, after bill, they still came.
Whistling and shouting he called them by name:
"Now Dillard's, now Broadway's, now Penny's and Sears
Here's Levitz's and Target's and Mervyn's-all here!!
To the tip or your limit, every store, every mall,
Now chargeaway-chargeaway-chargeaway all!"
He whooped and he whistled as he finished his work.
He filled up the box, and then turned with a jerk.
He sprang to his truck and he drove down the road,
Driving much faster with just half a load.
Then I heard him exclaim with great holiday cheer,

Author Unknown

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Monday, December 22, 2014

A Big Old Fish!

This cute little girl is the granddaughter of my Facebook friend, Dennis Baxter, of Coty, Wyoming.  She's holding on tight to that fish!  It's a great way for her to start out in our wild outdoors! 

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Brandon's First Tree Rats

His smile is priceless! My congrats to Brandon is the wild outdoors. 
Posted by Mark Mantooth on Vanguard Hunting.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Deer-Vehicle Collisions

TUPELO (AP)  Mississippians aren't the only ones bustling about his time of the year.

It's a common sight to see herds of deer standing alongside - and even crossing - busy highways and roads. It's a sight you may have even seen yourself when driving down a dark highway or playing golf at the local course. During December and January, when temperatures drop and the breeding seasons ensues, deer become more mobile, increasing their visibility as well as producing a higher number of vehicle collisions.

"We have deer crashes in the middle of the day, we have deer crashes at night," said Mississippi Highway Patrol trooper Ray Hall.  "Predominantly during their feeding periods, which would be early morning and late evenings, we have more crashes, but we do have them all times of the day."

Mississippi's deer populations is estimated to be 1.75 million, according to the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks.  Lann Wilf, the department's north region biologist, said the deer and vehicle collisions this time of year stem from a combination of limited food sources as well as the breeding period known as the rut.  "Deer throw caution to the wind, because they have the rut on their mind," Wilf said. "They're not thinking about avoiding human interaction."

The odds of drivers hitting a deer in Mississippi in the coming year are one out of 84, twice the national average of one in 169, according to recent claims data from State Farm Insurance.  This statistic keep Mississippi in the top 10 nationally for the likelihood of a deer-vehicle collisions.

Anthony Knight, body shop manager of Tom's Automotive Service in Tupelo, said his shop sees more deer-related collisions in December than any other time of the year.  Recently, the body shop has been repairing around four deer-damaged vehicles a week.

"They just come out of nowhere," Knight said.  "In most of the ones I see, people didn't see (the deer) until they hit them pretty much."

Knight said the most commonly damaged areas include the front bumpers and the sides of vehicles.  The cost of repairs typically ranges from $2,000 to $4,000.  "I've seen some bloody cars from deer going through the windshield busting people up," Knight said.  "It can be dangerous."

Due to the unpredictable nature of the animals, the Highway Patrol advises drivers to slow down and use caution if they spot a deer.  Attempting to avoid the animal by swerving at a high speed could also result in a wreck.

"Just be extra cautious, especially if you get on roads that are remote," Hall said.  "Those are where your deer are going to be moving.  With less traffic, your chances at hitting a deer are going to be greater."

Deer generally travel in herds of three to eight.  Seeing one could mean others are nearby.  If driving at night, use high-beam headlights as much as possible to illuminate the areas from which deer will enter roadways.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Coyote Problem - Get A Donkey!

Steve Hipps took this photo of his donkey "Buck" with a coyote that came into his pasture.  He shared the story with Georgia Outdoor News.  After stomping the coyote, Buck picked it up and began slinging it like a rag doll.  Way to go, Buck!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Giving Thanks!

Spencer Beam of Kentucky giving thanks for his first buck kill yesterday.  

My congrats to Spencer!

A family member, Dale Wimsatt, giving him a big hug and kiss!

You can tell how proud Dale is of Spencer in our great wild outdoors!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

A Stoned Deer

I would like for you to meet Sugar Bob, the stoned deer of Southeast Oregon.  Sugar Bob is a domestic (and often stoned deer) living in the mountains of Oregon with Richard Davis, a medical marijuana grower, and his elderly beagle, Trooper D. Davis "owns" Sugar Bob, who help to comfort Trooper D as he eases into old age and eventually passes on. 

Sugar Bob also cleans up the weed trimmings and then he gets really sleepy... 

Friday, December 12, 2014

Grizzly Chasing An Elk!

The grizzly bears are the fiercest predator on this earth and also have been clocked at speeds over 30 miles per hour!  This was filmed from a helicopter above Yellowstone, when a large mother grizzly bear chased down a young elk to feed her family in our great wild outdoors.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

The Hunt

Long draw in front of my stand.

To the right near the main road.

Another long draw to the left.

Deer stand before I got in and the windows opened.

Young doe coming out to feed around 4:00 and in/out for 30 minutes. 

Mama finally comes out and stands broadside with yearling still close by.   

Was on the deer stand by 3:00 and it was so good to be back in the woods to enjoy nature again. It has been so long and over a year because of surgery on my right rotator cuff back in October 2013.  It was a beautiful day and just took it all end.  Saw a squirrel to the left of me run across a long draw.  Around 4:00 a small doe came out in front of me in a draw about 125 to 135 yards and started glassing her.  Also, took a bunch of pictures with my camera.  I was hoping that Mama would soon walk out.  Finally, she stepped out after 30 minutes and was hanging real close to her little one and could not make that shot. The sun was going down and it was right in my face and did manage to take a couple of pictures as she was looking at me. She had a darker brown coat eating and looking back at me and decided I would take the shot. She was finally standing broadside away from the little one. As I grabbed for my rifle and put it up on the ledge, she kept her eyes on me.  It could have been a flicker of light off my gun barrel or the movement of my gun and they were both gone.  Never saw anything else after that.  I will always remember this hunt since it has been a very long time and soaking in the whole afternoon. The BONUS was seeing deer and taking pictures.  I am so grateful to my best girlfriend's husband, Charlie, who took me to their hunting land that has been passed down from generations to generation on his side of the family.  I'm looking forward to my next hunt and can't wait to get back in the woods.  I do regret getting out of my hunting club that I was in for 25 years due to financial reasons.  It's by invite only to go to the woods now.  I do have three more offers for hunts and hopefully all three will come together for me to get back in the woods to enjoy the great wild outdoors once again.

Monday, December 08, 2014

Heading To The Woods!

Getting ready to go hunting this afternoon and hope I see or get a deer! Most important is just getting in the woods close to nature in our great wild outdoors!

Sunday, December 07, 2014

My Photo Published

BIG APPLE - Marian Love Phillips took this picture last Friday inside the Illinois State Memorial and the sun's shadow resembles a big apple.  

I submitted my photo last week and when I opened up my Sunday paper this morning to the Classified Section it was the only one shown and half the page. WOW!  I could not believe it and made my day! Many thanks to The Vicksburg Post for publishing my picture to share with my hometown of Vicksburg.   

GIVE US YOUR BEST SHOT!  The Vicksburg Post will accept for publication photos submitted by readers.  The photos should be current and of interest to the public, either because of their subject matter or their oddity, or the photographic skill shown.  Submitted photos should be accompanied by complete caption information and include a phone number for the photographer.  Photos may be submitted electronically at, in person at Post Plaza or by mail to The Vicksburg Post, News photos, P. O. Box 821668, Vicksburg, MS  39182.

A side view of the Illinois State Memorial while at the Shirley House in the Vicksburg National Military Park, on Friday, November 28, 2014.  

There are forty-seven steps in the long stairway, one for each day of the Siege of Vicksburg.  Modeled after the Roman Pantheon, the monument has sixty unique bronze tablets lining its interior walls, naming all 36,325 Illinois soldiers who participated in the Vicksburg Campaign.  The monument stands sixty-two feet in height, and originally cost $194,423.92, paid by the state of Illinois. 

 A beautiful solid bronze eagle, gilded with gold leaf atop the monument.

Saturday, December 06, 2014

Youth On The Hunt

Colin McMillian, 5, killed his first deer while hunting with his father in Warren County on November 30.  Colin is the son of Levi and Kenda McMillian of Vicksburg.  ~The Vicksburg Post

Trace Arthur, 9, shot his first deer on November 22.  The shot was made from 80 yards.  ~ The Vicksburg Post

My congrats to both of these young hunters in our great wild outdoors. I'm so proud of them!

Friday, December 05, 2014

When Pigs Fly...

though a car window and this happens.  You usually see cats, dogs, possums, deer, etc., but a pig can put a bigger dent in your fender as you can see.  

The wild boar almost took up the whole back seat.  Hope the driver was alright. It's on my bucket list to get one of these critters but not like this!

Thursday, December 04, 2014

The Woods

Thank you God for the woods to give us peace!

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Christmas Spirit

This Elk had to get in the Christmas spirit!

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Brothers Get Bucks Today

Rhonda Blasi lives in northeast, PA with her three sons and husband. Above is a picture of their 5 year old with his first buck and below is their 7 year old with his second buck. They were lucky enough to both score tonight just before dark.  She said their house is rolling with excitement!

She said that non hunting families do not believe that these kids actually sat in tree stands for practically two full days, much less shot these deer.  She also said that her husband has these two boys shooting better than some grown men. A proud mother who really has some bragging rights tonight!  

My congrats to these two young boys in our great wild outdoors! I'm so very proud of them!