Saturday, January 31, 2015

Last Day & Very First Deer

Little Miss Adriana killed her very first deer, a 7 point buck, while hunting with her Dad, Bo Brown, this morning near Chrystal Springs, Mississippi.  Today is the last day of deer hunting season in the state of Mississippi.  I am so very proud of her and I know she will forever remember this day!  My congrats to Adriana on becoming an official huntress in our great wild outdoors! 

 Way to go Adriana!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Wrong Girl

Someone picks the wrong girl!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Susan's Mr. Piggy

My Facebook friend, Susan Frances Crain, who lives in Florida, shot this 200 pound red and black boar last night.  I'm so very proud of her! With a good friend, a rope and a truck she was able to get it out of the woods.  She has killed about six she said and a whole family to go.  My sincere congrats to Susan and hope she can get the rest of that nasty ole hog family in our great wild outdoors!


A nasty ole hog!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Monday, January 26, 2015

Finally Got Him!

My new Facebook friend, Amanda Thames, said her friend, Nina Hill, finally got him! I'm so proud of Nina harvesting this very nice buck in our great wild outdoors in Laurence County, MS! Congratulations! You go girl!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Not For Sale

Little Dawson got him a rabbit right here in Mississippi. He and his Dad went outside to put stands in the truck to go climb a tree and they heard Copper running.  First time ever to hear him run, at 6-7 months old and jumps and runs by himself...Of course, he is NOT FOR SALE!  My congrats to Dawson on his rabbit and to Copper for doing a good job in our great wild outdoors!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Killing Time & Making Memories

Shane Smith is shown here with his son on a recent hunt and said the only thing we killed was time...but had fun.  Memories can't be made without time and he did good in our great wild outdoors!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Feral Hogs Plague Farmers and Timber Owners Alike

It used to be if you owned timber your biggest threat of losing it was forest fire or a rare direct hit tornado.  Well, there was and still is the possibility attack by some pine bark beetle species.  And there are a few tree-feeding fungi with sinister-sounding names like Fusarium and Phytophthora.  A relatively new forest threat is the problems of feral hogs.

The hog problem in agriculture continues to get worse.  We typically think of hogs destroying crops in the field with their feeding frenzies.  But they do much more out where they don’t belong.  In forestry, hogs literally root up newly planted seedlings.  In some places, large numbers of hogs affect water quality by creating wallows near streams.

They also rub against trees and can damage younger trees that way.  As for forest wildlife, hog competition cuts into the food supply since they too eat acorns and fruits and berries.  Plus feral hogs eagerly consume bird eggs of ground nesters like turkeys and waterfowl.

Local timber owners have an opportunity coming up to learn more about feral hog damage, what is being done to deal with the problem and what steps landowners can take.  Feral hogs will be the topic for the 2015 annual membership meeting of the Warren County Forestry Association.  The meeting will be Thursday, January 29 beginning at 6 p.m. at the International Paper Company Training Center at Redwood.

Everyone with a forestry interest is invited to attend and join the county association.  Dues of $30 will be collected at the door and this does cover dinner.  A second dinner ticket for a spouse or guest is $15.  Make checks payable to Warren County Forestry Association.  There is a serious RSVP need to get the right number of catered meals.  So call the Warren County Extension office at 601-636-5442 no later then 5:00 PM Friday, January 23 to get counted in.

The exact title of the meeting’s educational presentation is “Feral Hog Biology, Management and Control” by speaker Cliff Covington, MSState Extension Service Wildlife Department.  Some readers might remember Cliff from his days as County Agent in Claiborne County.  He has been working with the feral hog problem from the landowner education angle for quite some time now.

By the way, the correct term is feral even though we often hear “Wild hogs.”  Feral animals are domestic ones that have gone wild and their wild descendants.  Hogs are not native to this part of the world.  Some domestic hogs escaped from early European settlements.

And to tell the truth some modern sportsmen abetted the current feral hog dilemma by intentionally releasing domestic hogs a few decades back.  Their idea was to increase huntable wild game in the woods.  Bad idea…

There might be hunting club members who want to attend the feral hog meeting.  No problem; you don’t have to actually own the land.  Just own thirty bucks and bring it with you.  And don’t forget to call in by the Friday before.

Terry Rector writes for the Warren County Soil and WaterConservation District, 601-636-7679, Ext. 3. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Third Hunt @ Deer Camp

On my third hunt Rex, (Deer Camp Blog) took me to the Scenic Stand not far from camp and later took a picture of the sun peaking through the woods.  

Once again I got under the stand to hunt.  I have been in this stand before a few years ago and it's on a hill but when you climb in, turn around and sit down you feel like you are twice as high.  

The stand owns up to it name by being a scenic spot to hunt.  This was in front of me.  

To the left side and... 

...behind me.

It was the most perfect weekend to hunt.  Did not see a deer/hog but I soaked up the last remaining minutes of the hunt and was very hard to leave.   

Zoomed in to take a picture of the Scenic Stand on top of the hill.

While walking back to camp I took a picture of a sandy deer track from the roadway.

Close-up picture of my very first hog (sow) kill.  

I'm very proud of my accomplishment in getting my first hog which was on my bucket list! Also, Rex's dog, CAMO wanted to get in the picture with me!  

Many thanks to my mentor and friend for inviting me to come up this past weekend for three great hunts and how lucky I was to get my very first hog.  A weekend I will never forget and appreciate Rex, his brothers, Paul, Trent and cousin, Burney for welcoming me back to their hunting ground at the famous Christmas Place Plantation and Hunting Club on the edge of the MS Delta.  

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Second Hunt @ Deer Camp

My afternoon hunt was at the Taj-Mahal deer stand in a huge opened field.  I have hunted off of this stand before and seen deer so early in the morning that I could barely make them out.

Rex heading to his deer stand after dropping me off.  

As seen in front of the stand and to the right and left was a very huge cotton field.   

This is where I saw about 12 hogs in the green next to the woods appear at 100 yards on back side of stand.  I noticed 3 large hogs and the rest were smaller ones.  I took aim with my .270 and hit the one that stood out, which was a black hog facing me and hit her right in the head and she dropped.  After I shot, they all scattered and was able to pull off another shot and hit a smaller pig and it dropped.  This was about 5:10 in the afternoon and nothing else came out.  

I zoomed in with my camera and got a picture of the black sow that I shot before it got dark.  

Picture of the little hog I shot back at camp at the skinning pole.  

Rex, my mentor/friend and I, showing off my very first hog kill in our great wild outdoors at the famous Christmas Place Plantation and Hunting Club (Deep Camp Blog) on the edge of the Mississippi Delta.
To be continued...

Monday, January 19, 2015

First Hunt @ Deer Camp

I was so happy to be invited up to the Christmas Place Plantation and Hunting Club by my mentor/friend, Rex Howell, of Deer Camp Blog last Friday afternoon.  Got to camp around 8:00 pm on the edge of the MS Delta and was so good to see everyone again and to visit. It has been awhile since I have been due to recovering from shoulder surgery which knocked me out for a whole hunting season.  My first hunt was planned at the Sneaky Stand not far from camp and below are some pictures I took while sitting behind a ground blind to deer/hog hunt.

A beautiful crescent moon on a very cold morning for my first hunt.

Looking down a long frosty field.

To the right of the field.

Behind me was the main road.

Looking up while sitting under the deer stand.  The step rungs were to far apart for me to climb up.

Sneaky Stand from the road as I finished my hunt.

Walking back to camp and crossing a new bridge that was built last year.

Wouldn't you know I would have two does and a small fawn to jumped out in front of me as I was returning to camp.
To be continued...

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Swamp Near Yazoo City, MS

I enjoy stopping by and taking pictures of this swamp on my way home from hunting this weekend at the famous Christmas Place Plantation and Hunting Club on the edge of the MS Delta.  The first two pictures were taken with my cell phone and the last one with my camera.  (Click on pictures to enlarge)

Ducks taking refuge near the swamp after flying around getting shot at this morning.

I like the way the eye plays on the cypress trees as the swamp meets water.  

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Caught On Trail Cam

John Hunt caught his daughter on his trail cam recently and someone said it looks like he has his hands full with that little trespasser! Better get her under control now!  :)

Monday, January 12, 2015

Brother's First Deer

Korey Wallace on Facebook from Hurley, MS, said that his 9 year old little brother put the 'smack down' on his first deer!  He couldn't be anymore proud of him and made one heck of a shot from about 115 yards!

My congrats to his little brother and a perfect shot on a very first deer in our great wild outdoors!