Saturday, October 31, 2015

In Memory

In memory of my brother, Marion Edward Love, Jr. 
October 31, 2010. 

Happy "27th" Birthday To Victoria

Today my Granddaughter, Victoria Leigh, turns 27 years old and I want to wish her a very Happy Birthday!  Being born on Halloween her Dad gave her the nickname of "Spook"!  She is such a sweet granddaughter and I love her so much.  Wishing her many more returns of the day.  

Friday, October 30, 2015

Classics In Courtyard Today

For lunch today I attended the Classics Blues, Rock, Pop and Originals performed by the Patrick Smith Band at the Southern Cultural Heritage Foundation, formally S.F.X.A., my Alma Mater.  Palmertree Catering  provided lunch and was really good.  It was great to go back to my old school again within a week and see friends and enjoy the music.  The band really put on a great show to a packed crowd and the weather was perfect.  

Patrick Smith is a self-taught pianist who had his first paying gig at the age of fourteen.  Throughout high school, he played the explosive Highway 61 blues corridor between Vicksburg and Greenville, Mississippi, having to sit outside the kitchen door or in the parking lot during set breaks because he wasn't old enough to stay inside the bars he was playing in.  Patrick honed his skills by playing constantly and jamming whenever he could, jamming with the now legendary Beanland on riverboat cruises on the Mississippi as a teenager and playing with Jo Jo Herman of Beanland and Widespread Panic fame while in college in Oxford, Mississippi. Now, Patrick often tours with the Dirty Dozen Brass Band.  Heavy touring keeps Patrick's own band fine-tuned as they currently perform more than 100 gigs per year.  The Patrick Smith Band's music is funky, bluesy, and soulful, but rocks.  You won't help but be moved.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Deer Went To ER

This past Monday afternoon a deer staggered through the automatic doors at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, New York, after being hit by a car on Elmwood Avenue next to the ER entrance.  It came from the Mt. Hope Cemetery.  

Two deputies happened to be at the hospital when the deer wandered in and with the help of hospital public safety officers they strapped the deer to a gurney and wheeled it out to the parking lot.

Animal Control officers determined its injuries were too extensive and, unfortunately it couldn't be save.  No one was injured in the incident. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Lipstick, Earrings & A Fine Buck!

Russell Thornberry of Russell Thornberry Outdoors posted a picture of his wife, Sharleen and said...

Mama shot her a good'n last night! It was a hulk too. Thinking about 235 on the hoof! It was a grunt to load up, at least that's what my back is telling me this morning.  

Let it be known that my bride will always be at her best when the cameras come out!  But don't be fooled by the lipstick and jewelry. It's really a ploy to assure the deer that's she's not really a hunter but just a pretty lady woman out in the timber communing with nature.  They fall for it every time.  But let me say that lipstick and all, she is calm, cool and a deadly shot -- as in example A.  And where was Russell while Shar was bagging this fine buck?  At home watching a hunting show on TV! I kid you not.  

I went to Sharleen's site to congratulate and compliment her on wearing her earrings, lipstick and all and she said that is how she rolls. That is how I roll as well with spray net and all!  We got to look good for all the deer in the woods. 

Again, my congrats on a great shot on a really fine buck in our great wild outdoors! 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Happy "46th" Birthday, Debra Ann!

Today is my third daughter, Debra Ann's, 46th Birthday.  Here she is years ago at my parents home, where I grew up, holding a rose.  Mother loved roses and Dad planted them for her in our front yard.   I'm wishing my sweet daughter a very Happy Birthday and love her dearly.  I'm looking forward to seeing Debra (Debi) having many more Birthdays to come.  Kisses and Hugs!!!  Mom

Many years before of me standing on the same stoop!  

Monday, October 26, 2015

A Shame To Go This Way

Jason Beers took this photo of a deer that could have been dead or either wounded before the combine came in contact with him.  Maybe the deer thought it was hiding but unfortunately...too late. 

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Classics In The Courtyard

This past Friday I attended the "Classics in the Courtyard" at the Southern Cultural Heritage Foundation, formally my Alma Mater, Saint Francis Xavier Academy.  The Classic Blues, Rock and Originals was performed by Lee H. Abraham & the Boone Brothers with lunch provided by Goldie's Express.  I really enjoyed the music and my bar-b-que sandwich with potato salad and baked beans was so good.  They also offer water and can drinks as well.     

The 8th Annual "Classics in the Courtyard" started last Friday but I missed it.  I'm looking forward to this Friday which will be Classics Blues, Rock, Pop and Originals performed by Patrick Smith Band; lunch provided by Palmertree Catering.  On Friday, November 6, it will be Classics Pop and Country performed by Maria Signa & Ralph Miller; lunch provided by Martin's at Midtown.  It is always great to come back home to my Alma Mater.  It brings back a flood of happy and long-ago memories for me of 12 years in one whole city block.  

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Coyotes On The Prowl

Gulfport - Residents of southern Mississippi neighborhoods and cities have spotted coyotes roaming the area looking for pets to eat.

According to some residents, the coyotes have been seen in urban areas such as Second Street in Gulfport.  Gulfport resident Ron Roland said he saw a coyote carrying a dead dog on his way home Monday night.  "The dog was so heavy, the coyote was walking bow-legged," he said.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Done Right!

Michael Jones is so proud of his "little man" getting his first deer and what a wonderful memory that will stay with both forever!  How well I know the feeling when I took my youngest grandson hunting and he got his first deer, a 6 point buck.  Congratulations to this youngster who will more than likely be a hunter the rest of his life in our great wild outdoors!

Hunting done right! 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

200-Class Deer Allegedly Killed Illegally

A Louisiana man was recently cited by wildlife enforcement agents after they say he illegally killed a monster buck.

According to the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, agents were called to a hunting club in Avoyelles Parish on Oct. 17 to measure a buck with a massive rack for record-keeping purposes. When agents arrived, club members informed them the giant was harvested by a guest hunter who may have been unlicensed.

Later that morning, an LDWF agent made contact with Glen Toups, Jr., 40, of Abbeville, Louisiana, and according to LDWF, Toups admitted to killing the deer with archery equipment. He also admitted to not having the proper hunting licenses or deer harvest tags. Authorities issued citations and seized the deer, which unofficially scored 208 inches.

Agents also learned Toup did not have the proper licenses because his hunting privileges had been revoked. According to LDWF, Toups faces up to $2,533 in fines and civil restitution plus up to 75 days in jail for harvesting the deer without licenses or tags.

Charges are pending on the hunting under a revoked license and conviction could bring up to 90 days in jail and up to a $500 fine.

LDWF reported the meat was donated to a charity and the head was kept as evidence.

Contact Brian Broom at (601) 961-7225 or  The Clarion-Ledger Sports on Facebook.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Deer Plots & Oaks

Deer Feeding Plots Are Brown and Oaks Offer Limited Browse

The drought in Mississippi is letting some bow hunting boost their chances by setting up stands near the few oaks which have dropped acorns, providing food for deer.  But hunters who have planted food plots are getting little more than dirt.

Only a few oaks are dropping acorns and giving deer a spot to browse, Kyle Sandidge of Clinton said.

"The deer are basically limited," he said.  "They are eating briers or they are eating select oaks.

He said he's been using trail cameras to watch bucks on his land, knew where the biggest was bedding and eating, and shot that buck on October 7, when the wind changed to blow his scent away from the tree.

"I got in the stand roughly at 4:30," Sandidge said.  "I didn't see any deer until about six o'clock."

Several does were eaten acorns below him when a group of bucks, including the big one he wanted, showed up.  That buck chased most of the other deer away, then started to eat.  Within five minutes, Sandidge had killed a buck that green-scored 142-6/8 inches.

With rainfall since July 1 nearly a foot below normal, red oaks are so stressed they're dropping acorns more than a month early, said Mississippi State University Professor of Forestry Steve Dicke.

White oaks are producing less than normal because the cool wet spring kept winds from their pollen from tree to tree, he said, and lack of rain has stunted usually succulent green plants.

Deer will need food plots this winter but people should wait to plant until there's been a substantial amount of rain, said Chris McDonald, director of the state wildlife bureau in the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks.

Stan Rasberry of Wesson said he tried to plant recently.

"Some of the plots we disked up were like sand consistency they were so dry.  A couple of them we tried to disk and you couldn't because the grounds was so hard," he said.   
Courtesy of Kyle Sandidge (Hunter)

Monday, October 19, 2015

Happy 31st Birthday, Candace!

It's a special day, a special year and so this brings to you warm congratulations
 and best of wishes, too
For you're a special granddaughter 
and no matter what the day you're thought about 
with lots more love than any words can say. 

I love and miss you very much, Gran Gran

Saturday, October 17, 2015

It Takes Two?

I drove by the Louisiana Circle this past Tuesday and caught two towboats together coming around the bend.  I waited until I could get a clear picture in front of me because of a huge tree that blocks part of the view.  M/V Claude R and M/V Mister Mac were heading southbound towards the bridges.  

I noticed that M/V Claude R was not pushing and M/V Mister Mac was doing all the work.  I decided to get in touch with a riverboat friend of mine on Facebook, Captain Reed Vonder Harr, and he told me that they are just transporting the extra boat to perhaps a shipyard for repairs or to pick up a northbound tow. 

Making their way southbound to their destination at the Vicksburg, MS river bridges.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Picture Published In The Vicksburg Post

DockedMarian Love Phillips shot this photo of the M/V Mississippi V docked at the city waterfront over the weekend. 

Thanks again to The Vicksburg Post for publishing my picture.  I am very grateful and appreciative that it was worthy enough to be published.  

The reason why it is shown in pink is because last Sunday's paper, The Vicksburg Post, was published in honor of October being Breast Cancer Awareness month.  As one survivor quoted - "My breast make me feel sexy, but if they are going to kill me, I can be sexy without them."  Lucy Spangler, Breast Cancer Survivor
The original picture of the M/V Mississippi V that was submitted.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Wife Braggin On Hubby & Kids

Nichole Denise Moreland on Facebook said that she was going to take a moment and brag...this was the hubby's 3rd deer of the season BUT it was his 1st deer with the bow while hunting with the kids. They are 4 & 6. They was right there to track it, drag it and gut it. We couldn't be any more proud of these 2 boys. It is all about getting the younger generation involved. They can not wait to do it again.  Taken from Parenting Done Right Outdoors.  My congrats to Nicole and her husband in doing it right in our great outdoors!

Way to go in starting them off young!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Marley's First Deer

Marley Bufkin, 9, killed her first buck October 4 while hunting with her father in Claiborne county.  She is the daughter of Mickey and Mary Bufkin.  The buck had 6 points in full velvet and she made the 20 yard shot with a crossbow.

My congrats to Marley on her first 6 point buck.  My first deer was a 6 point buck as well and I know the feeling.  She is officially a huntress now in our great wild outdoors!

Monday, October 12, 2015

A Halloween Country Breakfast

Sunday morning the family was invited to my Granddaughter Victoria and her hubby, Jamie's home for a breakfast brunch in the country.  We really had a wonderful time and the weather was perfect.  Today, is Jamie's 25th birthday so we celebrated a day early with donuts, pancakes, eggs, muffins, cinnamon rolls, deer sausage, bacon and biscuits.  

Where Ian and his cousin Abby sat.

My Great Grandson Ian with his kitty, Marley.

Horses in the field.  

Jamie put up the Halloween balloons with a fishing line.  A pretty cool setting.

Skillet checking out family.

A nice fire going on a cool crisp morning.

 Buddy (a.k.a. no ears)


My Granddaughter, Victoria with Turbo!

Decorated front door!  

My Great Grandson Ian shooting his BB gun.  

Ian having some fun with his cousin, Abby!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Farmers Market Pix

After we left the Canton Flea Market Thursday, our bus driver took a detour to the Farmers Market in Jackson on our way home.  Here are a few pictures I took of what they had.  You can see our Senior Center Director, Jennifer Harper, in the blue shirt looking over the vegetables.

Look at all the fall colors!

Tomato's looked so good...I bought some!

Baskets of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Pumpkins everywhere!

Beautiful mums, flowered plants and shrubs.

Our bus driver checking out the goods. 

  Let me introduce you to our bus driver, Brady!
Took a picture of everyone getting off the bus to check out the vegetables, etc.  

A close-up of our "new" City of Vicksburg bus!