Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Miley's Turkey Kill

This is Miley with her turkey kill using her .410 and she is so happy! Her Dad, Wade Pickel, is my Facebook friend and he affectionately calls her "Smiley Miley" and tells everyone to watch out world, here she comes!

Wade said that she is turning out to be a wonderful little human!

Miley is not only a hunter but her Dad said that she is starting to also like fishing and that the boys need to watch out!  Miley has an older sister, Ella and she is into sports as well.  My congrats to Miley on her turkey kill in our great wild and wonderful outdoors!

Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day Remembrance Continued...

Continuing through The Vicksburg National Military Cemetery of the final resting place of veterans of the American Civil War Battle of Vicksburg, that was waged from May 18 to July 4, 1863.  The cemetery embraces 116 acres, and holds the remains of 17,000 Civil War Union soldiers, a number unmatched by any other national cemetery.

Mockingbird perched on top of statue.

Magnolia trees are throughout the Vicksburg National Military Cemetery.

USS Cairo Museum and the Navy Memorial in the background.

Leaving The Vicksburg National Military Cemetery

Two Confederates are interred in the Vicksburg National Military Cemetery (a Sgt. White and a Pvt. Brantley) There are 43 Union soldiers who were involved in the Battle of Chickasaw Bayou interred in Soldiers Rest, but the plaque with their names is in the Vicksburg National Military Cemetery since the request to erect it at Soldiers' Rest was denied. 

Soldiers' Rest
Confederate dead from the Vicksburg Campaign originally buried behind Confederate lines, have now been re-interred in the Vicksburg City Cemetery (Cedar Hill Cemetery), in an area called "Soldiers' Rest." Approximately 5,000 Confederates have been re-interred there, of which 1,600 are identified.  

Remembrance ~ Memorial Day 2016

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Memorial Day Remembrance

Going through the gates of The Vicksburg National Military Cemetery of the final resting place of veterans of the American Civil War Battle of Vicksburg, that was waged from May 18 to July 4, 1863.  The cemetery embraces 116 acres, and holds the remains of  17,000 Civil War Union soldiers, a number unmatched by any other national cemetery.  

To be continued...

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Bovina In-The-Country Flowers

I love going to see my sister and brother-in-law because not only does it give me time to visit with them but also take pictures of their beautiful flowers.  I don't know the names of all of them but wanted to share with you the ones I took this afternoon.  

My brother-in-law said this was a six-sisters rose bush.

A pretty pink flower.


White flowers that were very tall and bushy.

This bee was busy working this pretty pink flower.

A big bush of Hydrangea.

Friday, May 27, 2016

A Selfie Hunting Pix

Deer hunter Matt Wooten  of  Mississippi spotted this very nice 8 point on his deer stand in October 2015 while bowhunting.  It's not very often you see a selfie hunting picture like this in our great wild outdoors...and, did he get this fine buck?

Yes, he did!

My congrats to Matt on his 8-point buck in our great outdoors!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Happy 9th Birthday, Tidus David!

Wishing my Great Grandson, Tidus David, a very Happy 9th Birthday today and wish I could be there in Great Falls, Montana for your birthday party.  You are growing up so fast and I really miss and love you so much. Have a great birthday and I hope you get a lot of presents because you really deserve it.  I love you, Great Gran Gran  xxoo

P.I.G. Catching Anything?

My Facebook friend, Nancy Jo Adams and her hubby had this pig named P.I.G. back in May 2013, when this picture was taken.  The caption on the picture is "Catching anything?"  This is a priceless picture for sure. 

She said that he's really rotten and wished she had a video camera when the Mexican field workers all stopped and stared dumbfounded when she drove by them in the cart with P.I.G. running beside her on their stroll.  It was without a doubt, hilarious! 

P.I.G. could possibly now be in someone's freezer or he still might be around since he has tags in his ears so hunters may not have shot him, but you never know.  She has not heard of anyone shooting him and often wonder if she went out and rode around yelling, PPPIIIIIIGGGGGG he might come running up.  She misses this crazy P.I.G. and said he was such a character.  Hopefully, P.I.G. is out there somewhere in our great wild outdoors!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Riding Shotgun

Heather Lizana picked up her deer mount from the taxidermy in Gulfport, MS, the other day and decided to take pictures and have some fun.  

She buckled up her deer in the front seat riding shotgun and of course rubber neckers were everywhere on the way back home.  

How have you transported your deer mount from the taxidermy?  I bet the same way!