Friday, September 30, 2016

Jayden's Pike!

Dennis Baxter of Cody, WY, took his son, Jayden, fishing recently and he caught this huge pike fish.  I would say that Jayden has bragging rights and it looks bigger than he is. What an awesome memory going fishing with his Dad that will last a lifetime and I'm sure he is hooked for life. My congrats to Jayden in our wonderful outdoors! Way to go little fella!  

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Today's River Traffic

M/V Timothy C. Allen, M/V Keywoods and M/V Miss Kori coming under the bridges at Vicksburg, MS around 12:30 today.

Slowly coming through and it's enough room for everyone!

Took these pictures from my GMC truck at the Louisiana Circle.

M/V Maritime sneaking up on the east bank.

M/V Marquette Warrior coming under the bridges with a large load of empty barge containers.

A nice workday for a riverboat Captain on the Mighty Mississippi!

M/V Marquette Warrior up-close heading northbound while M/V Amy W. Bramlitt (not shown) was heading for the bridges from the rear.  

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

OZ Land Dreams

Caught on trail cam at Conyers Outdoors!
Joe Conyers and wife Suzy of Belleville, KS, said this is what OZ Land dreams are made of...want to hunt world class bucks...come hunt here.  This is an awesome buck with an extra beam plus extra mass!  What a trophy for any hunter in our great wild and wonderful outdoors!

What would it score?



Mac Daddy finally showed up per Joe Conyers.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

A Nice Fish For Gage!

Branden Rhodes of Houma, Louisiana took his son fishing recently in Purvis, Mississippi and caught this really nice fish.

Gage is so proud of his fish in our great wild and wonderful Mississippi Outdoors. Way to go young man!  Congratulations!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Allison's First Deer With Crossbow

Mississippi Deer Archery Seasons Open October 1 & 15

The opening of deer archery season is October 1 for the Hill and Delta Zones and October 15 for the Southeast Zone. Longbows, recurves, compound bows, and crossbows are all considered legal archery equipment and can be used during all hunting seasons for deer. There is no minimum or maximum draw weight, no minimum arrow length, and fixed or mechanical broadheads may be used.  
per Mississippi Department of Wildlife and Fisheries

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Suzi's 44th Birthday Today!

Today, the youngest of my four daughters, Marian Suzanne "Suzi" turns 44 years old. Suzi lives in Virginia with her husband, Dennis and daughters, Emma and Kate. She is a stay-at-home Mom now and has worked as a dental assistant and hopes to get back in the field when she gets Kate in school.  She a good Mother and I'm so proud of who she has become and want to wish her a very Happy and Blessed Birthday and many more to come.  I love you, Suzi!  MOM

Emma, Suzi and Kate taken last year!

Saturday, September 24, 2016

A Fence Entrapment

A nice deer that got hung up in Buster Smith's fence in Poplarville, MS, on July 8th.  It's a bad way to go, he said.

Pete Sperandeo of Union, MS, found this 11-point buck with double main beams that got hung up on his fence two weeks ago.  Pete thought that the buck would recover because it wasted no time running off. 

Friday, September 23, 2016

AKA Silent Stalker

My Facebook friends Mike Schmid of Sundance, Wyoming, brought Ryan DiGiacomo aka "Silent Stalker" of Jefferson, Ohio, out to hunt. 

A good blood trail.

Ryan found more blood.

Yay!  Doe down.

One happy 24-year-old Silent Stalker!

Dragging doe to ATV.

This morning Ryan connected on a nice 125lb. doe. They set up in an old barn blind but were busted every time he tried to release an arrow. Once the movement stopped they left the blind to check the levels on some of the stock tanks around the ranch. Then they spotted this big doe standing in an Oak grove. "Silent Stalker" slipped up to 23 yards and made a perfect shot! The doe made it about 30-40 yards before it piled up. Ryan said he just ended his whitetail drought this morning by taking out this mature doe and so blessed and grateful that Mike invited him to Wyoming. The best part is that they still have a buck tag!  Mulies and whitetails still need to be aware, he said!  GOODHUNTING on your buck, Ryan!

Congratulations Ryan "Silent Stalker" in our great wild and wonderful outdoors!  

Thursday, September 22, 2016

His First Bear!

Henry Symons of Hayden, Idaho's 12-year-old son killed his very first bear recently. It's really nice to see a young hunter with his dogs looking so proud of his trophy in our great wild and wonderful outdoors. My congrats!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Robin's Monster Doe!

Yesterday, my Facebrook friend, Robin Egbert, stuck this monster doe and is known in the hunting world as MsGrit. She is also a Pro Staff Member at Scent Crusher, Wind Pro and Field Staff Member at A & W Nature Labs, LLC.  She said that the meat is going home with her oldest friend (since they were 8) when she sees her next week.  What a wonderful friend she is!  She will be hunting soon in Virginia for her buck.  My congrats to Robin on a very nice doe in our great wild and wonderful outdoors!

Her bloody arrow!

This showed up before Robin did!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Raising A Hunter!

Kyle and Tiffany Jenkins of Springfield, Idaho, are starting their son off right in the woods. What a precious little child with a great smile!  Looks like he's on his way to being a good hunter one day in our great outdoors, thanks to his parents raising him right. 

Monday, September 19, 2016

Max's First Deer!

Dave Ebaugh of Bailey, Colorado is so proud of his son, Max, who took his very first deer recently.  Someone made a comment that trophies are measured by the size of the heart of a hunter, from the highs and lows we go through, to the laughs and tears we express. The true trophy is the thrill, the excitement, the triumphs and the fun.  Truer words were never spoken.  My congrats to Max in our great wild and wonderful outdoors! Way to go!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Happy 3rd Birthday Oliver!

Today is my Great Nephew, Oliver Love's 3rd Birthday!  He had a really nice one with a big red fire engine truck showing up in front of his house today.  He got to blow the horn, siren and played with the big water hose. What a treat for a little 3-year-old!  Below are some pictures I took at his Birthday Party with cake, ice cream and presents galore!  I love you, Oliver!  Great Aunt Missy

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, 
Happy Birthday, dear Oliver, Happy Birthday to you!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Happy 19th Birthday, Lucy!

My Granddaughter, Lucy, turns 19 years old today and I want to wish her a very Happy Birthday!

When Lucy was younger she was in an art class at the Southern Cultural Heritage Center and later her art work was displayed permanently at the Catfish Row Children's Art Park in downtown Vicksburg, MS, near the waterfront.

I'm so proud of Lucy and next year around Spring she will give me my 3rd Great Grandchild. Below is a picture and link to her story that I posted back in August 2007.  I love you very much, Lucy and I hope you have a very Happy Birthday and many more to come! Gran Gran

This is Lucy today! 

Friday, September 16, 2016

Hide And Seek Picture Published

HIDE AND SEEK:   Marian Ann Love submitted this photo of "the Grand American Queen smokestacks and pilot house peeking through the trees making its way in the Yazoo Diversion Canal last Friday afternoon."  *  You are invited to submit your photos to share with The Vicksburg Post readers.  Simply email high resolution images in JPEG format to

Once again I'm humbled by the fact that my pictures are worthy to be published in our hometown paper.  Thanks to The Vicksburg Post!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

M/V Capt. Buck Lay Coming Around The Bend

Around 10:10 this morning the M/V Capt. Buck Lay made a sharp turn in the Mississippi River bend at Vicksburg, MS, called Delta Point.  I took these pictures from the Louisiana Circle heading southbound towards the two bridges.  Towboat pilots dread coming through Vicksburg southbound/northbound because of maneuvering around the sharp bend and the bridges which is a big challenge in itself.  I'm sure they breath a sigh of relief after passing through here. (Click on pictures to enlarge)

Up-close of M/V Capt. Buck Lay.

Another shot of M/V Capt. Buck Lay putting the pedal to the metal.

Heading straight for the bridges of old Hwy 80 and I-20 at Vicksburg, MS.  

It does not look easy to me...

...but he made it.

You can see the scars on the pillars of the bridges from the towboats that have hit it because of the swift current of the Mighty Mississippi.  In January of this year we had a towboat to hit the bridges and some containers sunk in the MS River because it was at flood stage and the current was so treacherous that he lost control.  I'm sure it's a towboat captain's nightmare!