Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Take Them Fishing, Y'all!

Jeff Hancock of Myrtle, Mississippi took these kids fishing yesterday and what fun they had.  He said, these young kids had a blast ripping some lips.  It made him happy seeing them outside enjoying the great outdoors, instead of inside playing video games. 

Take a kid fishing y'all because it's good for them as well as your soul in our wonderful and wild Mississippi outdoors!

The smiles on their faces says it all!  My congrats!  Well done little ones!

Monday, February 27, 2017

MS River Dropping @ Vicksburg

I rode over to the Louisiana Circle today around 1:00 after my Doctors appointment and took a few pictures on a cloudy and rainy day.  The bend in the MS River at Vicksburg is called, Delta Point.

The sandbar is way out as the MS River is falling.  River level now is 19.90 feet and dropped -0.39 foot.  Flood stage is 43 feet. 

Our U. S. Flag atop the old Hwy 80 bridge.

A partial picture of the bridges at Vicksburg.  I noticed on my FINDSHIP app that I just missed seeing M/V Navigator as it was heading north on the MS River just passing Vicksburg.

Sandbar on the Louisiana side of the MS River.

Gages on the pillars of the two bridges.

Old Hwy 80 bridge is also used for east/west train traffic.  This is looking towards the Louisiana side.  While on my way home on the frontage road, before I became parallel with I-20, a deer ran across the road in front of me towards the woods by the Interstate.  Have seen deer in this area before and of course they live within the city limits and walk the streets day and night!  All deer feel safer now with hunting season over with in the great wild and wonderful Mississippi outdoors!

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Proud Of His Dog!

Bryce Dearman of Laurel, Mississippi did not have a bad ending to his hunting season getting 8 squirrels and a coon!   He's also real proud of his dog that just turned a year old and was a big help.  Congratulations Bryce on your kills in our great wonderful and wild Mississippi outdoors!

Saturday, February 25, 2017

First Rabbit Hunt

Justin Price of Pontotoc, MS took his son, Wesson, hunting on his first rabbit hunt.  He looks so proud going to the woods with his Dad on a hunt and possibly he's a new hunter in training in our Mississippi wild and wonderful outdoors!

Friday, February 24, 2017

MS Guided Hog Hunts

Ricky Norman of "Righteous Men Guided Hog Hunts" from Corinth, MS can help you get a nasty old hog in MS that are running wild in our state.  For more info you can contact him on Facebook!

Hawaiian friend Bully with the pleasure of hunting with us. Blessed with two nice trophy boar hogs.  (February 4, 2017)

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Granddaughter's Dog, Atlas!

My Granddaughter, Candace Lynn, Lauren, and Atlas came by to visit me today from their home in Louisiana!  I enjoyed it so much and we took a bunch of pictures.  Atlas is my Granddaughter's two-year-old service dog weighing 90 pounds and very obedient.  Candace said that Atlas Mom is 100% Arctic Wolf and Dad, Malamute and Timber Wolf mix. 

Atlas with Candace and Lauren.

Atlas posing for a picture!

Atlas on the bed with Candace and I.

Candace giving Atlas a kiss!

Atlas getting a big hug from Candace!

Atlas licking my ear which I was not expecting and was taken by surprise and it tickled!

It was a great and wonderful visit catching up on family news and having fun with Atlas who stole the show!  He is a big help to my Granddaughter and glad she has him for her health issues.  Dogs are great creatures for emotional support, therapy, companionship and love for us all.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Oregon Shed Hunters

Stephen Price of Medford, Oregon took his son, Coby, shed hunting Sunday and made off like a bandit in the woods.  His Dad is the owner of Rogue Antler Arts and uses sheds for his art work.  He said they cleaned up on the blacktail sheds and found 3 matching sets of 4 fresh and some old ones.  Best of all, it was a great day sharing it with his favorite hunting buddy.  Someone commented on how do they find all these and Stephen said, "A blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then." 

My congrats to both shed hunters in our great wild and wonderful outdoors!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

An Issaquena Buck

Josh Graves of Richland, Mississippi killed this very nice buck in Valley Park, Issaquena County, MS during the rut north of my hometown of Vicksburg.

A very nice trophy in anyone's book in our great wild Mississippi outdoors.  Congratulations, Josh!

Monday, February 20, 2017

Couple of Hogs For Danny!

With deer season over with now it's time to get after those nasty ole hogs.  This is exactly what Danny Perfuit of Poplarville, MS did over the weekend and got a couple of fat hogs with one being a sow.  

I hope to get back up in the MS Delta later this year to try and get hog number 3.  A few years ago while deer hunting around 5:00 in the afternoon I saw about 12 hogs in an opened field eating.  Braced my .270 on one of 3 big hogs and put the site on her head and dropped her and reloaded and shot another smaller one running.  My black sow weighed 180 lbs.  I had it processed and ate off of it for a year and gave some to family and friends. 

My congrats to Danny in thinning out the wild hog population that is rapidly becoming a menace for agriculture, etc., in our great wild Mississippi outdoors!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Coyotes, Bobcat & Beaver, Oh My!

Richard Nations of Clinton, MS recently trapped a couple of coyotes, a bobcat and a beaver.  I would stay that's a good days catch in Humphreys County.  These animals and/or rodents are destroying timber, killing fawns, calves and sheep.  I have never eaten beaver but heard hunters say that it taste like chicken.  Have you ever heard the saying, "Save a tree eat a beaver?"  My congrats to Richard on his trapping success in our great Mississippi wild outdoors!

Saturday, February 18, 2017

MS Bunny Kills

Great day in Mississippi today for rabbit hunting.  The season started October 15, 2016 and will end on February 28, 2017.  The daily bag limit is 8 rabbits per hunter regardless of species.  It looks like a big pot of rabbit stew is in the making.  A lot of bunnies killed today in our great wild and wonderful Mississippi outdoors! 

Tailgate of bunnies!

Friday, February 17, 2017

Time For Fishing & Hog Killing

With deer season closed now it's time to go fishing and hog hunting in the great State of Mississippi. 

Brandi Kelly's close friend went fishing recently near Carrie, MS and caught some great looking catfish!

WOW!!!  My congrats on your nice catch!

Dudley Stone of  Olive Branch, MS, put the hammer down on 16 hogs in the Delta near Duncan, MS, yesterday!  My congrats on eradicating these nasty ole hogs in our great wild Mississippi outdoors!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Goes Out With A Bang!

Heath Seymour of Wade, MS, took his young son hunting on the last day of deer season (yesterday) and he got his first rack buck!  What a way to end the hunting season in our great Mississippi outdoors!  My congrats to this little guy going out with a bang!  That's awesome!

Proud Dad!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

First Walleye

Bruce Parker owner of Fish Tales Guide Service in Casper, Wyoming, is so proud of his Granddaughter and Grandson recently.  This is what it is all about with kids in our great outdoors. 

Success!  His Grandson, Brayden with his first walleye!

She is really concentrating! 

Success!  His proud Granddaughter with her very first walleye!
My congrats to both in our great wild and wonderful outdoors!
Raising them right!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

10 Tips To Know Preparing Venison

I came across this site the other day and wanted to share it with you.  It's called, 10 Tips To Know Preparing Venison.  It's always nice to get different tips and takes on preparing venison in other ways.  Check out her site at:  Stacy Lyn's Game and Garden with her family.

A perfect dry rub!

Monday, February 13, 2017

Long Arm Fishing

Brock Long of Prentiss, Jefferson Davis County, MS, caught this big long armed fish recently and he looks so proud.  I hear that long arm pictures are popping up like crazy now.  It's one way to get a bigger fish in our great wild and wonderful Mississippi outdoors!  Congrats, Brock!  At least you tried!

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Watch Your Step!

Michael Hale of Hurley, Mississippi said that this was not the trophy they were after but it sure is a big one. 

We are having unseasonably warm weather here in Mississippi for the month of February and the snakes are out crawling around, so please watch your step. 

At least he got the snake before the snake got him in our great wild Mississippi outdoors!  

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Let's Go Fishing Daddy!

Greg Sherman of Hattiesburg, MS and his little girl who had the flu all week...told him today...let's go fishing Daddy!  Looks like she was in luck in getting a fish with the temps in the low eighties.  My congrats to this young angler in our great wild and wonderful Mississippi outdoors.  That's the way to go!

Friday, February 10, 2017

An Old Rustic Wagon

I love this picture I took years ago on top of a mountain outside Santa Fe, NM.  During that time we were visiting family and was invited to the Olds Ranch.  While riding towards the ranch we saw "Oscar" a 1000 pound pet pig running through the woods.  Oscar had his own shed to take shelter in and to sleep and eat.  You can barely see a cabin on the lower right side that was still in use and another more modern building towards the left near an old collapsed barn.  My daughter and I walked up to the side of the mountain where I took this picture of this old rustic wagon.  While standing there admiring the scenery we heard some bells getting closer and closer and about 3 or 4 horses came trotting by us.  That was so cool!  It was a good thing we did not see any bears because a year or so later we found out that ole Oscar may have been eaten by one.  Also, the bear had made it's way into the small cabin on the right (bear claws were embedded in the window frame) and tore up the cabin.  I had the picture framed in a gray wooden frame with several red mats to pick up the red in the old wagon that added some depth. 

If the old rustic wagon could only talk!

Thursday, February 09, 2017

Only Five Minutes Apart

Aaron Bullock of Runnelstown, MS, and his Dad killed these bucks 5 minutes apart recently chasing does at 2:00 in the evening.  Aaron and his Dad live in the Southeast Zone and the deer season closes on February 15th for Perry County, MS. 

Congratulations to Aaron and his Dad on two fine bucks in our great Mississippi outdoors!  Double the meat for the table!

Wednesday, February 08, 2017

A Nine-Pointer For Karley

Vicksburg resident Karley Hinson killed this 9-point buck while hunting in Yazoo County on December 22.  The deer weighed 210 pounds and scored 164-1/4 points.

My congrats to Karley on a magnificent buck in our great wild and wonderful Mississippi outdoors! 

Tuesday, February 07, 2017

A Young Hunter's First Deer!

This proud young hunter got her very first deer recently and there is no memory like your very first one.  I'm 76 and will always remember my first deer which was a 6 point buck taken 32 years ago just like it was yesterday.

Congratulations little one!  I'm so very proud of all the kids that hunt in our great, wild and wonderful outdoors !

Monday, February 06, 2017

Sam's First Deer With Jake!

Scotty Mims youngest son, Sam, killed his first deer with a bow recently, a nice Forrest County 6-point.  Scotty was not with his son when he killed his deer and a rope was used around the deer's neck to drag it.  Scotty then told his son that the horns were the "HANDLE BARS!"  Jake is in the background and sitting proud because he helped Sam in finding his deer.  

My congrats to Sam, a proven hunter now and to proud Jake on a very nice deer in our great wild and wonderful Mississippi outdoors!

Sunday, February 05, 2017

Little Angler Gets Bass!

Erika Campa's daughter is so excited when she saw her rod tip bend and reeled a .65lb bass in like a champ.  This is her bass fishing girl!  She did have a rough start when she had trouble casting her line over the railing.  Her rod tip got caught, slipped from her hand and the rod went plopped into the lake BUT discovered that her big girl Zebco 202 push button combo...FLOATS!  This was her redeeming catch and the only one that caught anything!  Way to go little angler!  I'm proud of you in our great fishing outdoors!

Saturday, February 04, 2017

What A Fine 8-Pointer!

Connor Whatley, an 11-year-old from Madison, harvested this fine buck the day after Thanksgiving on Kings Point Island.  Connor's 8-pointer weighed 220 pounds, which was the heaviest deer taken at his club all season. 

I have hunted on Kings Point Island at Brown's Point and got two nice 8 points but this deer is really awesome.  I also hunted with his Dad and Grandad years ago.  It's nice to see his son get this fine deer in our Mississippi wild and wonderful outdoors. 

My congrats to Connor!  He's so lucky at such a young age!  Way to go Connor!

Friday, February 03, 2017

Louisiana Man Charged Hunting From Vehicle

A Waterproof, Louisiana man is facing charges after officials say he was found hunting from a vehicle after hunting hours.

Tyrone Washington, 46, was arrested last Sunday night on multiple charges including driving while intoxicated, drug possession and hunting from a moving vehicle.

Officer Adam Einck with the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fishers says an agent saw Washington hunting from his vehicle along the Concordia and Tensas parish line.

Officials say when the agent tried to speak to Washington, the suspect drove off but stopped after a brief chase.

Einck says the agent discovered two deer in the back of Washington's truck as well as prescription drugs without a prescription.

Thursday, February 02, 2017

8 Squirrels & A Coon!

These young hunters had a blast recently killing 8 squirrels and a coon near Meridian, MS.  They don't know it...but they are making memories that will last a lifetime.  My congrats to them in our great wild and wonderful Mississippi outdoors!  I'm proud of you guys!

Wednesday, February 01, 2017

It's The Doe's Fault

Shane White said he finally got 'old big boy' and it was the doe's fault that got him shot.  That's a fine looking buck that was killed in Winston, County, MS.  As the song goes, "Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places," even applies to the animals.  My congrats to Shane on a really nice buck in our Mississippi great outdoors!