Wednesday, February 28, 2018

3-Year-Old Catches His First Fish!

Macayla Taylor from Gautier, MS, took this picture of her proud husband and excited son recently.  Their 3-year-old just caught his very first fish, a nice bass, by himself.  The fish weighed 3 pounds.  He caught it in high style with those cool looking boots on!  I sure hope Mom and Dad will get it mounted for him.  Congratulations to this little fisherman in our great wild and wonderful Mississippi outdoors.  Way to go!

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

MS River @ Vicksburg On The Rise

The Yazoo Diversion canal is slowly rising at the Vicksburg waterfront from the MS River.  Most of this will be underwater before long.  

The riverboat American Queen will moor here this Friday and return again on Friday, March 9th.  

Water is slowly creeping up the steps at the Vicksburg waterfront yesterday which will soon be all underwater from the canal.

Railroad tracks near the canal.  

Nice benches to sit and enjoy the view.  

I hope the new benches don't go underwater...but its possible.

A MidSouth train caboose sitting next to the Old Depot Museum.

In my hometown of Vicksburg, MS the MS River is expected to crest at 49.5 feet by March 24 and our city is preparing for the flood.  The river was at 36.29 feet Saturday and predicted to be at 40.9 by Wednesday.  The flood stage at Vicksburg is 43 feet.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Flooding & Fishing on First Street

Shepherdsville, Kentucky is flooded and this guy went noodling in front of his home on First Street.  Looks liked he may have some fried catfish with hushpuppies for his next meal.  

Shepherdsville is located on the Salt River and 20 minutes north of Louisville, KY.  Louisville in on the Ohio River which is flooding parts of the city.   

My hometown of Vicksburg, MS will be 4-5 feet above flood stage by March 12 and city is preparing.  We have the riverboat American Queen coming Friday and returning the following Friday.  The river was at 36.29 feet Saturday and predicted to be at 40.9 by Wednesday.  The flood stage at Vicksburg is 43 feet. This is the Yazoo Canal that connects to the MS River into downtown Vicksburg.   

I hope it will not get into the Old Depot Museum again as shown in the picture above in 2011 with a record high of 57.1 feet.  This is to be expected when you live on the Mighty MS River. 

Friday, February 23, 2018

An Awesome Bass Tale

WOW!!  Jessi Smith Mckenzie of Smithdale, MS in Franklin County caught this awesome bass of 24.5 inches and weighed 11.4 pounds in a farm pond next door to her property. 

It's her biggest bass so far and it even broke her fishing pole.

Jessi said she did not throw it back in and of course, will have it mounted.  Congratulations, Jessi!  A great fishing tale in our wild and wonderful Mississippi outdoors!

Note: She got a new rod and reel for Valentine's Day and has already used it three times.  Way to go, Jessi!

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Precious Memories Fishing

Timmy Brownies, from Sandersville, MS, who is also a volunteer firefighter for the Rustin VFD, took his grandson fishing this past weekend and made precious memories.  He said he smoked him by the way.  


What fun it is to take a grandchild fishing in our great Mississippi outdoors.  My congratulations to this young fisherman and you can tell by the smile on his face he had a blast.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Bosco vs. Deer

It's apple season for the deer, coming to a yard to help themselves. A rescue pit bull, Bosco, wants to make friends with this young buck. The buck was not in any danger, as he had ample opportunity to run away, which he did, at the end. The dog only followed the treeline.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Picnic & Walk In The Park

My daughter Debra Ann called me that she and daughter Lucy with my great-grandson Will and Maylee were in town at the park walking.  She wanted to know if I would like to meet them in the park for a picnic.  I was happy to get out and enjoyed the day with them.  It was very windy and spring-like.  We all enjoyed our visit very much and they left to go back to Raymond, MS.  I decided to take a short walk in the park to get some much-needed exercise.  

Looking towards the backside of U.S.S. Cairo from picnic tables.

Debra  (Nanny for Maylee) and Lucy with Will.

Little Maylee was not very happy.

Lucy (Mom) and William David "Will" is almost 5 months old. 

Will getting ready to fuss on a very windy day.

Will closed his eyes for me.  

Looking at the U.S. S. Cairo while entering Vicksburg National Cemetery.

17,000 Union soldiers buried here and 

about 13,000 are unknown.

This very old tree is finally dead...if it could only talk.

Getting ready to walk in the park.

Passing by the private Anshe Chesed Cemetery adjacent to the park.  

Watch your step...ant mounds all over the park.

I walked to the Jefferson Davis's monument.  

Walking past the Vicksburg National Miltary Park visitors center and heading back to my truck to leave.  It was a really nice day with family to remember on a windy and nice 83-degree weather.  

Monday, February 19, 2018

A Watery Grave

Cathy Episcopo Cameron of Stone County, MS said she finally found her 8-point-buck that she shot three weeks ago.  It was also her very first buck!  I'm so glad she found him because it's tough to shoot a good buck and lose him.  You need to always check a creek bed, pond, swamp or river when you shoot one you cannot find.  I shot a deer one time near the Big Black River and you could tell by the tracks that it went into the water.  It's very disappointing.  Congratulations to Cathy in our great wild and wonderful Mississippi outdoors. 

Note from Cathy:  Just to clarify to everyone, this picture is not where he was found lol. He wasn’t found in the water. He was found in a field. My hubby was just rinsing the horns off in the creek when this pic was taken. If you look closely, you will notice there isn’t a body in this pic. We know they usually head for water and we looked beforehand 😁 Thank you all for the congrats though! Even though it took us a while to recover him, it’s still exciting!!

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Kareen's Hog #140

My Facebook friend, Kareen Beinhauer of Alpine, TX is at it again killing hog #4 of #140.  Her story below about her hog kill last night in her own words. 

I was out by 6:15 and the usual javelinas and 6 deer were there. The wind was blowing in my face so that was perfect too. Game cam showed hogs coming in at 7:39. Sometime later I heard some grunting and the javelinas and deer sprinted off. Put my earplugs in and could see one hog coming and then there were probably 6 more, all about the same size. I took my shot on one and took three more shots as they ran off and the only reason I did that was that I saw the deer run off in the opposite direction. Don't know if I hit anything else but I got a small sow which is excellent. One less breeder out of commission. That makes #140 for the grand total and 4 for the year. Y'all have a good night!

#140, Sow, horse trap, 7:15 p.m., #4 for the year!

Again, my congratulations to Kareen (Hog Killing Queen) on a job well done in our great wild and wonderful outdoors!  

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Safety Tips For Chronic Wasting Disease

Chronic Wasting Disease, a neurological disease in white-tailed deer that's 100 percent fatal, has arrived in Mississippi  It was probably inevitable.

A 4-1/2-year-old buck in Issaquena County was confirmed late last month to have CWD, and the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks banned feeding deer in counties as far south as Claiborne County.  Feeding deer tends to congregate them, making it easier for the disease to spread.  

The disease can be spread from one deer to another or through the environment of an infected area.  Once established, it can linger in the soil, leaves, and roots for a long time.  So the first and most obvious danger of CWD is to the deer herd itself.

Deer infected with CWD lose weight, lose appetite and develop an insatiable thirst.  They tend to stay away from herds, walk in patterns, carry their head low, salivate and grind their teeth.

Wildlife officials have been tracking the spread of the disease, and they have restricted the import of deer carcasses from other states.  They also cracked down on high-fence owners who import infected deer from other states.  None of that was enough.

A lurking concern is a possibility the disease could spread to humans.  That has never happened, so far as scientists know, but they are researching the possibility.  CWD is similar to other diseases found in humans (such as Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease) and animals (Mad Cow Disease) - similar, but still distinct.

The wildlife department offers safety tips for deer hunters:

Do not shoot, handle or consume any animal that is acting abnormally or appears to be sick.  Wear latex or rubber gloves when field-dressing deer.  Bone out the meat; don't saw through bone, and avoid cutting through the brain or spinal cord (backbone).  Minimize the handling of brain and spinal tissues.

Wash hands and instruments thoroughly after field dressing are completed.  Avoid consuming brain, spinal cord, eyes, spleen, tonsils and lymph nodes (cutting away from fatty tissue will remove remaining lymph nodes).  If you have your deer commercially processed, request that your animal is processed individually to avoid meat from other animals.

If every hunter follows these suggestions, Mississippi can contain this threat to wildlife and, possibly, humans, too.

~The Greenwood Commonwealth

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Tailgate Full Of Bunnies

Above is a tailgate full of bunnies that were killed by Noble Williams of Egypt, Mississippi.  Time is running out with rabbit season ending on February 28th.  He said he had a great hunt yesterday in our wild and wonderful Mississippi outdoors.  My congratulations to Noble and it looks like rabbit stew may be on the menu.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

A Truckload Of Pork Chops & Bacon

Wayne Cambre of Franklin County, Meadville, MS is bringing a truckload of pork chops/bacon home when he trapped seven sows and two boars recently.  These unattractive animals are taking over areas of Mississippi and are very destructive.  You can kill them year-round because they are a nuisance animal in our wild outdoors.  My congratulations to Wayne!

Monday, February 12, 2018

Time For The Rod And Reels

Timothy Moran and Austin Henson are putting the rifles up and dusting off the rod and reels.  It's a very nice catch for both Timothy and Austin in our great Mississippi outdoors!    

Saturday, February 10, 2018

MS Dead Deer Found With Fatal Disease

Mississippi's efforts to keep out a debilitating deer disease appear to have failed.

The state Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks announced Friday that a white-tailed deer found dead January 25 in Issaquena County has tested positive for the chronic wasting disease.

It's the first deer found in Mississippi with the disease.

The contagious and fatal neurological disease typically causes deer to have tremors and other movement problems and lose weight.  The disease was already present among deer in Arkansas and 23 other states.

The department is ordering hunters to stop supplemental feeding of wildlife in Claiborne, Hinds, Issaquena, Sharkey, Warren, (my hometown county) and Yazoo counties as part of its response plan.

Mississippi last year banned the import of dead deer carcasses from affected areas in hopes of keeping out the disease.

Friday, February 09, 2018

Kareen's Hog #139

My Facebook friend, Kareen Beinhauer of Alpine, TX is starting the year off killing hog #3 of #139.  Below is the story of her hog kill last night. 

I was out by 6:32. I was going to put my corn out earlier but the horses were there so I waited until I went out later. They were still there so I went up the hill in the horse trap and whistled them up there and put out some deer feed and hoped they would stay up top. I got my corn put out and settled in. Of course, the deer and javelinas were there. Finally, there was one javelina left and I could see a deer moving around. All of a sudden they ran off and there he was. That hog that was on the game camera! My pulse went through the roof because I was excited to see a hog. I ever so slowly put my earplugs in and quietly took the safety off. I wasn't sure if I could hit him because he was not triggering the lights all that well. But when the light came back on, I took my shot which I also wondered if I should do since he was facing me. Dropped him like a bad habit and I watched him make sure he would not be getting up but he was done. He was a little bigger than I thought so I was super happy! I am also dedicating him to John Neill, Roy's brother-in-law because he always gets such a kick out of my silly hunting stories. More pics below of #139!

Congratulations to my Facebook friend!  Proud of you, Kareen!

Thursday, February 08, 2018

Saving Larmar County's Corn Piles

Leslie Brown, a mother of two young sons trapped and killed these four hogs near Purvis, MS.  Looks like she is saving Lamar County's corn piles.  She looks so happy and I love her T-Shirt which reads: Breakfast Checklist: Bacon, Bacon Bacon!  I know the feeling of eradicating these nuisance animals and to bring home the bacon.  I think it's time to break out the smoker!  My congrats to Leslie on a job well done in our great wild and wonderful Mississippi outdoors.  

Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Duck Fever For A Young Hunter

Tim Stringer of Columbia, Mississippi took his daughter duck hunting recently and now he says she loves knocking down the greenheads.  On top of that...she's got duck fever!  My congrats to this young hunter in our great Mississippi outdoors.  I'm very proud of her!