Monday, December 31, 2018

My Photo Of American Queen Published In Sunday's Paper

AMERICAN QUEEN:  Marian Ann Love submitted this photo of the American Queen docked in Vicksburg for the final time in 2018.  She will return again in March 2019.  You are invited to submit photos to share with our readers of The Vicksburg Post.  Simply email high-resolution images in JPEG format to

My photo above of the American Queen was published in our Sunday's hometown paper.  I'm so honored and proud to have another one of my pictures worthy of publication.  Many thanks to The Vicksburg Post!

Friday, December 28, 2018

Poachers Suspected In Deaths Of 2 Univ. Research Deer

Two deer that were a part of a Mississippi State University and Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks study are dead and poaching is suspected to be the cause.

Steve Demarais of the MSU deer Lab said one of the animals was found shot about a month ago and a second buck's carcass was found recently.  "One was found by a sheriff's deputy shortly after it was shot," Demarais said.  "He still had the collar on him.  They shot him with a small caliber rifle."

Demarais said he's unsure of why the suspected poacher or poachers did not take the buck.

"Maybe they got nervous when they saw the collar or saw a car and did not collect it," he said.

The deer are part of a study that tracks and records the movement of mature bucks in parts of Madison and Yazoo counties along the Big Black River.  It also records the bucks' movements as they relate to hunting pressure.

The study began in 2016 when 55 mature bucks were captured and fitted with Tracking collars utilizing GPS technology and ear tags.  The collars send out both a GPS and VHF signal for tracking locating the collars.  Ten of them have gone silent.

Demarais said the second buck was considered to be a mobile buck because he had two home ranges.

"Another carcass was found badly decomposed," Demarais said, "Apparently someone caught him near Virlilia Road as he was crossing his two home ranges. I think Virlilia Road is a hot spot for poachers."

In this case, the collar was missing and has not transmitted in several weeks.

"The collar had to have been destroyed about the time the deer was poached because it never transmitted from the carcass locations,"  Demarais said.

"We can't pick them up by flying over the area.  We don't know if those collars just stopped working, both the VHF signal and GPS, or if they were poached and the collars destroyed." 

The loss of the collars is also costly.  Demarais said they cost about $3,000 and another $3,000 to $4,000 is spent collaring the deer.

Demarais said two other deaths of bucks in the study are suspected to be the work of poachers and at least two have been killed by hunters.  While shooting the tagged collard bucks is legal, hunters have been encouraged to not shoot them as the data they provide is more important than antlers hanging on a wall.

Poaching is suspected in the death in a study as this one that was photographed as he was fitted with ear tags and a tracking collar.

One hunter said he did not see the bright orange collar or ear tags on the buck he shot.  Another apparently couldn't resist temptation.

"It was a really nice 8-point with a kicker or two," Demarais said.  "It was a 160 class.  It was a buck a hunter couldn't resist."

The study ends in March when the release mechanisms are set to go off, then two years of movement data will be sorted through.  Although the purpose of the study is to see how mature backs react to hunting pressure, it is expected to reveal much more.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Pictures of Some Christmas Joy!

Two bundles of joy!  My two youngest Grandsons William David "Will" and baby Noah James.  

Mom "Lucy" has her lap full with two young boys to raise.  

My youngest Great Noah James Kelly.

Willaim David trying out his new handmade horse from me and his Great Grandpa.  

Mom "Lucy" showing him the ropes!

My youngest Grandson Michael "Ethan" Kelly home from the Air Force for Christmas and stationed at Ft. Polk, NC, holding my youngest Great Grandson Noah.

The new hunting chair that was given to me by my Granddaughter Victoria, her hubby Jamie and Great Grandson Ian.  

Granddaughter Victoria sitting in my lap!

William David "Will" with Santa Claus!

             Noah James with Santa Claus!

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Some Christmas Fun With A Grand & Great

Having some Christmas fun with my Granddaughter, Lucy, who is the Mother of my two youngest Greats, William David "Will" 1 year, 3 months and Noah James, 3 months old.  Here are a few pictures we took on Snapchat (photo messaging application) to play on Christmas Day with a family gathering. 

I'm so fortunate to have six Granddaughters and three were at our family gathering yesterday.  Two live in Virginia and one in Texas.  

Pretty Santa hats and glasses!

I love this one since I'm mariandeerhunter!

A Holly Merry Christmas!

A lot of snowflakes on our heads!

My Great Grandson Ian (11 years old) trying to figure out how to work Snapchat but we got at least one that worked for us since we are both hunters.  I will have more pictures to share having a wonderful Christmas Day with my family in Raymond, MS. 

Monday, December 24, 2018

A Five-Year-Old Deer Hunter!

Roger Howell of Enid, MS, took his granddaughter hunting recently and said she got it DONE!  She used a 26 Nosier rifle. 

This little girl is off to a young start and Roger knows that it's a memory that money can't buy anywhere.  My congratulations to her and to Grandpa for taking the time to introduce her to hunting in our great wild and wonderful Mississippi outdoors!  What a happy smile she is wearing!  I'm so proud of her!

Friday, December 21, 2018

Post Trail Cam Info

A little long but well worth checking out if you have a trail cam set up on your property and/or deer camp. 

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Amber's First Squirrels!

John Taylor of Olive Branch, MS, took one of his kiddos, Amber, out recently for a squirrel hunt and she got lucky and killed her first three squirrels.  

It looks like Amber's smile says it all!  

It's not the way you go about eating one but I'm sure she's goofing off!  It's so good to see the youth of today enjoying squirrel hunting.  

My congratulations to Amber and to her Dad for taking her hunting in our great wild Mississippi outdoors.  Way to go!

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Christopher's Buck!

Ryan King formally of my hometown of Vicksburg, MS, living in Louisiana said that this past Saturday afternoon his brother, Christopher shot this buck. It was drizzling all day and they couldn't find blood. They went back to the camp and could tell he was truly disappointed.  But he was 100 percent confident with his shot. 

Ryan said he was scrolling through his Facebook timeline and saw someone's post that he had shot a 10 point and thought he'd missed. He left prayed and went back and found his buck in the opposite direction he was searching. Well, I told my brother about this. So we prayed and after the morning hunt, he found this buck 10 feet from where we stopped searching last night. God is amazing people! Thank you, Lord, for letting my brother harvest this beautiful animal and letting us eat this amazing meat. God bless everyone!

My congratulations to Christopher and also Ryan on finding this nice buck in our great wild Mississippi outdoors!  Prayers work!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Wyatt's Nice Buck!

Paul Vickers of West Point, MS, and owner/operator of Vickers FarmsI noticed a kid at a youth rodeo back in the summer that was touring the facilities in a very neat Mossy Oak-clad tracked wheelchair and couldn't help but to strike up a conversation with him. Turned out that we shared the passion for hunting. My family was fortunate enough to spend the last couple of days with him and his dad, Jim Kurts, doing what we love. Wyatt didn't let a little handicap slow him down, in fact, he taught my family much about life. I hope we started a tradition!

My congratulations to Wyatt on a really nice buck in our great wild and wonderful Mississippi outdoors!  Let the tradition begin!

Monday, December 17, 2018

Hunter Kills Possible Record Buck In America

WILLIAMSON COUNTY, Ill. -- A hunter in Williamson County could be in the running for one of the largest bucks ever shot in America. 
Keith Szableswki from Johnston City shot a rare buck last weekend during the first shotgun season. 
He is currently waiting for a panel of judges to decide if the deer will break the record for the most countable points. 
Szableswki has only been hunting deer for four years, but he is no stranger to the outdoors. 
He started waterfowl hunting back in high school. 
"When I started putting out geese decoys, there would always be deer running around the field," Szableswki said. "I never hunted deer. There were always deer running around the decoys."
This year while hunting on private property during the first weekend of the Illinois shotgun season, Szableswki had the opportunity of a lifetime. 
"I was just sitting there and I heard the deer behind me," he said. 
After shooting and killing what he thought was a big buck, he was in for an even bigger surprise. 
"When I walked up to him, I looked at it and thought, 'What a blessing,'" he said. 
Szableswki says the conservation officers told him they think the buck is 7 to 9 years old, weighs around 265 pounds alive, and could have as many as 51 scoreable points. 
"I have a John Deere and getting that deer in the gator was a fight," he says. 
The current record was set in 2016 by a 27-year-old farmer from Gallatin, Tennessee. According to USA TODAY, Stephen Tucker shot a 47-point buck with a muzzleloader. 
Szableswki's first instinct was to call one of his good friends, and then he called the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. They told him the deer was unique and unusual. 
"They told me I needed to get the deer checked out and scored," he said. "They said they have never seen anything like it in this area before."
The hunter's plan is to pedestal mount the buck, but not before he pays it forward. 
"I took the deer to a processing center, and I'll get a little meat from it, and then I donated the rest to people that need it," Szableswki said. "I felt like I needed to. I felt like the Lord was telling me to do that."Szableswki says he will be taking the buck to the Illinois Deer and Turkey Expo next July in Peoria, where a panel of judges will officially score the deer. 
My congratulations to Keith in great wild Illinois outdoors!  A buck of a lifetime!

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Most Fun Ever In A Long Time!

Mike Zachary, a conductor for the Canadian National Railway Company living in New Hebron, MS, took his grandson squirrel hunting recently and said he had the most fun in a long time. They both made a lifetime of memories together.  

My congratulations to this little guy and to Grandpa for taking the time to get him out in our great wild Mississippi outdoors!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Four Riverboats In Town This Week

I was surprised to know that two riverboats, American Duchess and the Grand American Queen were at the waterfront today.  I checked my schedule and only the Queen was supposed to be here but my app "FINDSHIP" said both.  Yesterday, America came and tomorrow American Song will be here.  It was a pretty day for the tourist to tour our historic civil war town of Vicksburg, MS.  Here are a few pictures I took this afternoon of the boats.  

American Duchess moored while facing the sun.

Up-close of the Grand American Queen.

Up-close of the American Duchess.

River Level: 35.92 feet - Change: N/A - Flood Stage - 43 feet

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Leslie Shot Out For Hunting Season!

Leslie Brown of Larmar County, Purvis, MS said  - Okay, okay, okay. I know y’all are tired of seeing my laptop cord pull these bucks out, but I did it again. It was only an old, fat 4 point that needed killing. I am officially at my limit. Three bucks in 2 weeks and I’ve only killed 4 bucks in my whole life (including these 3) it’s been a great season. The freezer is full! I guess I can take a break and let my kids and husband kill some now. 

On her video that she recorded by phone it demonstrates how the charging cord works.  It also shows a button buck with a collar on that came up to this dead buck that stays outdoors and goes and comes as he pleases.  He's not held in a pen or anything like that and the buck likes people, she said!

An up-close picture of her buck with a laptop cord. 

Her boys keeping an eye on the buck for Mom. 

One of her nice bucks!

 Another buck!

My congratulations to Leslie in our great wild and wonderful Mississippi outdoors!  Way to go, Leslie!

Monday, December 10, 2018

Fourth Case of MS Deer Disease?

Officials say a fourth case of a debilitating deer disease may have been found in Mississippi.  

The State Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks said Thursday that an 18-month-old deer found November 23 in Marshall County test positive for the chronic wasting disease.

The contagious and fatal neurological disease causes deer to have tremors and other movement problems and lose weight.  It's present in 24-other states.

A tissue sample will be further tested to confirm the finding.

Two previous cases have been confirmed in Issaquena County in the Mississippi Delta, while one was confirmed in northeast Mississippi's Pontotoc County.

Thursday, December 06, 2018

Stephanie's Coyote Kill

Stephanie S. Hudson-Parker of Lucedale, MS used a fawn and doe call to take this guy out.  She said she could barely lift it for this picture.  They have a lot in the area and some took out their small dog and was glad she got this one taken out.  It is also one less fawn killer to worry about.  She is hoping to get more coyotes knocked out in our wild Mississippi outdoors!  Congratulations Stephanie! 

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Donna's First Buck Ever!

My congratulations to Donna Rowell on her first buck ever taken in Mississippi.  A comment was made that there is no turning back and she could lose sleep thinking about that next buck.  She said she has dreamed all night how many different ways she should have shot the buck she got.  She was so excited and all she could do was to laugh and cry.  The buck may not be really big to some folks but to her, he is HUGE1  She's looking forward to the next one!!  

I remember when I shot my first buck/deer ever and it was only a 6-point but to me, I was so excited and it was HUGE!  I know where she is coming from.  She is now hooked for life and wishing her GOOD HUNTING on her next hunt in our great wild and wonderful Mississippi outdoors! 

Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Little Man Got Him A Buck

Matt Parker of Wiggins, MS, son, Bo recently got him a buck over the weekend.  What a proud little man!  A fisherman commented that he was 71 years old and never killed a deer but 50000 catfish and 1 million frogs and counting though.  

My congratulations to Bo on a fine buck in our wild and wonderful Mississippi outdoors!  Awesomeness!  

Monday, December 03, 2018

A Christmas Parade Of Lights

We had our annual Christmas parade this past Saturday and made my way downtown because my Great Grandson Ian (11 years old) was going to be carrying the banner flag for the Cub/Boy Scouts.  By the time his float got to me towards the end, they had changed scouts and he was sitting inside the float.  I did get to see and wave at him and he waved back.  It was awesome and he was having a blast!

Here are a few pictures I took of the parade that started at 5:00 pm.  I stood at the Vicksburg Library that's actually on the edge of downtown Vicksburg with rows of festive buildings, lights on the trees and Christmas banners.  

"The Grinch" waving to the crowd on a John Deere tractor!

Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus!

At 6:00 pm this was the end of the parade on Washington Street with about 8 more blocks to go.  

I took this picture of a house at 3110 Washington Street after heading home from the Christmas Parade.  They are in the Christmas Spirit for sure and the same ones that went all out for Halloween!