Thursday, January 31, 2019

Doe On Sports Page of The Vicksburg Post

DOE:  Vicksburg resident Marian Ann Love, a 78-year-old great grandmother, shot this 120-pound doe while hunting at the Christmas Place Plantation Hunting Club in Holmes County on Jan. 12.  She made the 100-yard shot with a .270.  Love has been hunting deer for 34 years and hopes to continue into her 80s.

The Vicksburg Post invites readers to submit their hunting photos.  Please email pictures to and include the following information:  Names of the hunters; the size of the animal; and the date and location of the hunt.  Pictures containing an excess amount of blood and gore will not be published.

It was nice to see a picture of my doe in today's paper, The Vicksburg Post, being published in the Sports Section.  

I will be heading to the woods this afternoon to try one more time which is the last day of deer hunting season for 2018-2019.  Wish me luck in our great wild Mississippi outdoors!  

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Aging Whitetail Deer

Tomorrow will be the last day of hunting for the 2018-2019 Deer Season for Mississippi.  I may have a chance to get one more hunt in and will not know until morning.  I was fortunate to get a doe at the famous Christmas Place Plantation Hunting Club a couple of weeks ago on the edge of the MS Delta.  I actually like to go and just sit in the woods to watch nature since I don't belong to a deer camp and have to be invited to hunt.  I'm hoping it will all work out that I will get one more chance to be in our great wild and wonderful Mississippi outdoors hunting.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Birthday Pictures From The Louisiana Circle @ MS River

After my family left I took a drive over to the Louisiana Circle to take some pictures.  It was a beautiful day on my 78th Birthday, Sunday, January 27th.  I stood next to "The Widow Blakely" to take a few pictures.  

A plaque about "The Widow Blakely" in the Vicksburg defenses.   

A wide angle view of the Mighty Mississippi River!

A sharp bend in the MS River at Vicksburg called Delta Point looking north on a very pretty day!

I'm so thankful and blessed to have had a very nice birthday and hearing from my four daughters, grandchildren, and friends.  I also received a dozen roses from my daughter, Debra Ann, phone calls, birthday cards and a lot of wishes from my Facebook friends as well.  It was a great 78th Birthday celebration!  Thanks to all who made my birthday so special!

Monday, January 28, 2019

In Memory ~ CAMO

Last Friday, January 25th my blogging/hunting friend, Rex Howell's (Deer Camp Blog) dog, CAMO passed away.  I have added the words of a man who loved his dog, best friend and companion.  She will be missed by everyone who was fortunate to know and love her.  

Camo 1/25/2019 - A Great Dog Has Left Us
Camo was raised as a circus dog and at an early age learned to walk the high wire, juggle, leap through flaming hoops, ride bareback, do flips, catch flaming arrows in his mouth and chase trespassers. She turned this down to come live with me and Denise and become best friends with Thunderhoof. She loved to go to camp. All you had to say was "Camp" or for me to pick up my rifle and bag and she was howling at the door ready to go.
She hated a big-eared deer, a squirrel, wild hog, any big black bird (crow or buzzard), didn't like a chipmunk or rabbit and was not too fond of a grasshopper. She would kill a damn snake.
When she was young, she loved to run like the wind, but in later years she would ride in the buggy with us around the camp. Her best hunting trips were barking at deer through the windshield of my truck at deer as we rode around in my truck and growling at me to drive faster so she could grab one by the ears. She refused to do any of the tricks she knew, she was above all that, but she could bark, beg or sleep on command or not. She had us trained to get her treats with just one bark! 
Camo was the camp mascot and most of my best hunts were when she was at camp. When I got a big old deer she would race out to meet me and double check just to make sure the big horned varmint was dead. She loved almost everyone and was the smartest, most loving dog I have ever known.
At home, she slept by Denise most nights, guarded our house against Big Foot, rhinoceroses, and burglars and was the child we didn't have. Also, she was our best friend.
We buried her in the yard so we could look out and check on her occasionally, but I think she will spend her time sleeping by the fire and keeping an eye on us.
Denise and I are heartbroken but have been truly blessed to have known such a noble companion and best friend. I really don't have the words to express how much I loved that dog.

Rest In Peace, CAMO!

Sunday, January 27, 2019

This Little Girl Turns 78 Years Old Today!

Today, I'm 78 years young and so blessed/thankful that I have lived this long and have four beautiful daughters; Theresa Marie "Teri", Kathleen Love "Kathy", Debra Ann, Marian Suzanne "Suzi" and my son, William David (Deceased).  I'm also blessed with six Granddaughters; Sonya Michelle, Candace Lynn, Victoria Leigh, Lucy Ann, Emma Claire and Katherine Elizabeth "Kate" and three Grandsons, Stephen, Michael "Ethan" and Carlton.  I'm truly blessed with four Great Grandsons, Tidus David, James "Ian", William David "Will", and Noah James.  Happy Birthday to me!

Friday, January 25, 2019

My Picture Published Today In The Vicksburg Post

                                                 Marian Ann Love - FOR THE VICKSBURG POST

REFLECTIVE:  Marian Ann Love submitted this photo taken from the Louisiana Circle of a train crossing the Mighty Mississippi going west from Vicksburg into Louisiana with the sun's reflection on the river outlining well cars that carry stacked containers. 

Many thanks to The Vicksburg Post for publishing my picture in our hometown paper as a photographer.  I appreciate it so much!  

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Still Deer Hunting @ 101 Years Old!

It hadn't been the best deer season for Bertha Vickers of Morgantown, MS.  She had opportunities to harvest deer on three occasions from a blind that relatives built for her, but she didn't get the kill shot on any of them.

Vickers was happy with the blind and its location, but not with her .243 caliber rifle.  

"It's a really good place to sit, but after I had bad luck, one of the boys brought me another gun," Vickers said.  "It's a 7mm-08.  I'd seen the gun shoot and knew it would hit."

But again, she had trouble, Vickers wasn't able to cock the gun, so she tried a  workaround.  That didn't work either, so her granddaughter took the gun, cocked it, and shot the deer.

But her luck changed a few days after her birthday.

Vickers celebrated turning 101 and was back in her hunting blind, hoping for a chance to harvest a deer.

And this time, she was ready.

At 101 years old, Bertha Vickers is still going strong and this year she managed to harvest two deer with one shot.

No big deal 

Vickers' name may sound familiar.  She was born on January 9, 1918.  

Woodrow Wilson was in his second term as president.  World War I would soon be over and anyone who could afford a car was most likely driving a Ford Model T.

She was featured in The Clarion Ledger last year when she harvested a deer a couple of weeks before she celebrated her 100th birthday.  She didn't understand what the fuss was about.

"I don't know why everybody is making such a big deal about it," Vickers said at the time.  "If I'd killed a big buck I could see it, but it was just a doe."

Vickers mows her own lawn, keeps house, cooks and raises vegetables.  She's hunted and fished most of her life.  She still enjoys fishing, but at her age, she said she can no longer go alone.  

"I didn't get to fish last year," Vickers said.  "I'm not as strong as I was last year.  I hope to get to fish a little this year."

Squirrel hunting is another matter.

"I killed several squirrels before I went deer hunting,' Vickers said.  "I just went right around here in the edge of the woods.  I've always gone by myself close by."

Back in the blind

After missing four this season, Vickers was determined to bag a deer.

And when one came in view from her position in her blind, she decided to watch and wait.  

"I decided to wait for a bigger one," Vickers said.  "Before long, a bigger doe came out and I shot.

"Then I saw two deer on the ground.  It shot plum through both of them.  They both dropped right there.  The didn't take another step.  I knew it was back there, but I didn't realize it was that close to her where it could get shot."

The hunt was monumental for Vickers.  It was her first successful deer hunt as a 101-year-old.  And although completely by accident, it was the first time she'd bagged two deer in one shot.

The hunt didn't end there for Vickers.  She took part in the cleaning process and shared the meat with family.

"My grandson skins them for me, so I don't have to fool with that," Vickers said.  "I cut up what I wanted.

"I made steaks, but I gave most of it to my grandchildren.  I don't need a lot."

For her, hunting isn't about stocking up on meat as it once was when times were lean and there were children to feed.  Now, it's simply about making memories and enjoying the outdoors.  It's also something she plans to continue doing.  

"When you're as old as I am, you naturally think each one could be your last one, but I'm going to go as long as I can," Vickers said.  "I enjoy it.  I love being outside."

Bertha Vickers sits at her kitchen table as she talks about her memories of her life.  My congratulations to Bertha!  She is an inspiration to me!  I hope to keep on hunting as long as I can in our great wild and wonderful Mississippi outdoors.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Spotlighting Deer By Two City Men

Monroe, La - Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) enforcement agents cited two Vicksburg, MS  men for alleged deer hunting violations in Madison Parish.

Agents cited Brennen Parham, 20, and Jeremy Richter, 22, both of Vicksburg, for hunting deer during illegal hours, hunting deer from a moving vehicle, and hunting deer from a public road, the LDWF said in a release.

According to the LDWF, agents were on patrol near the Mississippi River levee around 8 p.m. on January 14 when they observed a vehicle traveling on the levee and shining a spotlight from both the passenger and driver's side windows.

Agents witnessed the men spotlight a doe and shoot it from the passenger side of the vehicle.  Agents approached the vehicle and made contact with Richter, who was in the driver's seat, and Parham, who was dragging the doe back to the vehicle.

Agents seized the deer and a .22 rifle.  

Under Louisiana law, hunting deer during illegal hours brings a $900 to $950 fine and up to 120 days in jail.  Hunting deer from a public road and hunting from a moving vehicle each carries a $100 to $350 fine and 30 days in jail.  

The men could also face civil restitution totaling up to $1,624 for the replacement value of the illegally taken deer. 
From staff reports - The Vicksburg Post 

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

No Hunting South of Town Near MS River @ Vicksburg

I received these pictures of my Great Grandson, Ian, (a cute muddy mess) helping his Mom and Dad get to a deer stand with the Mighty Mississippi on the rise.  My Granddaughter Victoria and hubby, Jamie joined the camp four years ago and looks like it will be cut short to hunt there now.  I have been invited to hunt but from the looks of things, it will not be happening.  Hopefully, next season!  

Ian enjoying playing in the mud!

Have boat...will travel!

I'm sure he is having the time of his life!

Water is getting deeper.  

On the way to the deer stand.

Helping Dad get things out of the deer stand.

All done until next deer season ending January 31st.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Happy 53rd Birthday To My Daughter Who Deer Hunts!

I'm wishing my daughter, Kathy Boyd Day a very Happy and Blessed 53rd Birthday today! We have made some great hunting memories together. She is the only one that hunts out of my four daughters. Kathy just moved back from WI and now living in Magee, MS.  Hopefully, next season we can get some deer hunting in once again in our great Mississippi outdoors!  xoxo (Homewood Hunting Club, Claiborne County, MS)

Friday, January 18, 2019

MS River Above Flood Stage & NS Train #9622

Yesterday afternoon on my way home, I went by the Mississippi Welcome Center to take pictures of the Mighty Mississippi River at my hometown of Vicksburg, MS.  The river level is 44.13 feet and rose 0.21 foot.  Flood stage is 43 feet.  

While there taking pictures a gentleman stopped to talk to me and said he was a retired towboat captain and was passing through going to a funeral in Louisiana.  I enjoyed talking to him and we had a nice visit.  

I love the U.S. Flag on top of the old Hwy 80 bridge.  

I happened to see lights from a train coming from Louisiana heading to Mississippi and made my way over to the top of the tunnel.  While standing there a couple from Mexico was taking pictures.  I struck up a conversation with them and said that a train was coming and he will blow his horn if we wave.  They were excited about that and said a family member worked for a railroad. 

Getting closer and closer.

We all waved at the engineer and he then blew his horn back at us!  Welcome to Mississippi!  

The Northfolk Southern Train #9622 getting ready to pass through the tunnel that runs under the street.  So glad I made the trip to the welcome center and met some nice people and got whistled at!   

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Weekend Hunting @ The Christmas Place, Cont.

Sunday morning was our last hunt at Christmas Place and Rex took me to the Sneaky Stand just off the main road and helped set me up.  It was pitched black and finally, it got light enough to take another picture below.    

Behind to the left of me is the main road going back to the camp and... the right going to all the other deer stands.  

A picture I took under the Sneaky Stand waiting for a deer or hog to walk out.

I zoomed in where I saw a deer slipped at the end from left to right within seconds and was gone.  That was it!

My chair, hunting bag, and blind at the Sneaky Stand and getting ready to meet Rex at the road.  

Looking back while leaving the field and have seen many deer at this stand since I have been hunting at the Christmas Place.  

Walking out with the hunting field to the right near the road and met Rex at 10:00.  Camp broke at 11:30 and everyone departed.  It was a wonderful weekend to see, visit and hunt with all my friends especially my blogging/hunting friend, Rex Howell.

Leaving Christmas Road in Holmes County, MS.

On my way home I always stop by the Interchange above Yazoo City, MS to take pictures of this swamp.  

I'm looking forward to our next deer/hog hunt!

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Weekend Hunts @ The Christmas Place, Cont...

All the hunter's got up early Saturday morning to hunt but a front came through about the time to leave out.  We had to wait it out and finally got an afternoon hunt in.  Rex took me to the Bird Point Stand which was next to the Arrowhead Stand where Tim went hunting.  I have never hunted this area before and was looking forward to it.  In the picture above Rex was getting ready to leave and told me I could shoot a buck but had to have 4 points on one side.  

This was my view from the stand and 100 yards to the left a doe came out at 5:00.  I was standing up at the time and had my rifle on the rung of the ladder and was able to scope and shoot.  Her hind legs kicked up and waited about 10 mins and found only hair and no blood. I tagged the area and walked out to the road and waited for Tim to come out.  He said when I shot he thought his gun had gone off!  (The stands are at a different angle so there was no danger just close)  I told him I had tagged where the deer came/went and said for me to wait for Rex.  We went back to the field and Tim found a blood trail but the deer went down a big ravine.  Rex and Tim found my deer and pulled it out while I stood with the flashlight to show the way back up.  I hated that it went down in a deep dark hole and with all the rain it was difficult for them to get it out but finally succeeded.  Got back to the camp and received congratulations from my hunting buddies and took pictures.  Don, another hunter had also killed a doe.    

To the left back side of the stand.

Looking up under the Bird Point Stand.

120lb. doe was taken with my .270 Ruger!

Rex and I with my doe!  Thanks, Rex!

To be continued...

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Weekend Hunts @ The Famous Christmas Place

I was invited by my hunting friend/mentor, Rex Howell, a.k.a. Editor of The Bodock Times (Deer Camp Blog) to come up and hunt at his family camp for the weekend.  I met Rex back in May of 2007 and have been fortunate to hunt there every year since.  His hunting ground is so magical and I have seen so many deer, turkeys, wild hogs and a bobcat.  Every deer stand has a name and I was first put on the Game Warden Stand Friday afternoon which is right next to the station at the Hillside National Wildlife Refuge in Holmes County.  Their hunting property backs up to it.  I am now hunting under the stands since I'm having problems climbing and is much safer for me at my age.  I enjoy every hunt even though I may or may not see anything but I did hear a deer blow and some pigs squealing.  I will be posting pictures I took from my three hunts at the famous Christmas Place Plantation Hunting Club on the edge of the Mississippi Delta over this past weekend.  

Just got set up for the hunt while Rex is headed to the North Cornfield Stand.  

Waiting for a deer or hog!

Standing up as the sun is slowly going down and seeing the shadow of the deer stand.

Looking behind the Game Warden Stand which was his Dad, Herchel's stand.

A beautiful sunset in the woods!

My hunting buddies, Rex Howell and Mark Stewart.  

To be continued...