Monday, November 30, 2020

Bella's Nice Buck

Gerry Carter of Grenda Lake, MS, said that his daughter Bella is his heart.  He looks up to her and respects her and she is an awesome young lady.  He said she makes him a better person.  Keep on being you kid, he said.  He loves her and congratulated her on the nice buck in our great Mississippi wild outdoors!  

My Congratulations as well, Bella!  I'm so proud of you too!

Friday, November 27, 2020

All Lined Up

Bill Morris's nephew got his limit right here in Mississippi and was nice enough to let him get to shoot a couple. It was a great two-hour hunt, Bill said. I like the way he has them all lined up on a tree limb. My congratulations to this young man in our great wild Mississippi outdoors. Way to go!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Happy 31st Birthday Stephen

My oldest grandson Stephen turns 31 years old today.  Wishing him a very Happy Birthday and I love you so very much!  Gran Gran  xoxo

Happy 14th Blogoversary To Me!

It's hard to believe that I have been blogging for 14 years now.  I started on November 7, 2006, after finding out my next-door neighbor, Tricia, had a blog (Tricia Dishes) and I would go and read it. I decided since I love deer hunting I would blog about that and called it, Marian's Hunting Stories, etc., etc., etc.  Actually, I have another hunting blog which was a website, and use it now to post memes.  It is called, A Dixie Lady Deer Hunter.  Wish me a Happy 14th Blogoversary!

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Deer-Vehicle Collisions Worst In Mississippi

For drivers in Mississippi, there is a 1 in 59 chance of being involved in a collision with a deer or other animal according to a report released recently by State Farm.

That chance ranks Mississippi eighth in the nation.

On average, U.S. drivers have a 1 in 116 chance of a collision with an animal.  There were over 1.9 million animal collision insurance claims in the U.S. between July 1, 2019, and June 30, 2020.

West Virginia (1-in-37) again tops the list, followed by Montana (1-in-47) and Pennsylvania (1-in-51).

South Dakota and Michigan round out the top five, followed by Wisconsin, Iowa, Mississippi, Minnesota, and Wyoming.

The large majority of animal collisions are with deer.  For the year July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2020, there were estimated to be 1.5 million deer claims industry-wide.

"Claims after collisions with an animal range from small dents to totaled vehicles and injured drivers and passengers," says Michael Braaten, director of Enterprise Research.  "By sharing ways to help drivers be aware of the increased dangers this time of year - - including inclement weather, short periods of daylight and students driving home after evening activities - - State Farm hopes to help decrease the number of collisions and injuries."

Hawaii (1-in-649), Nevada (1-in-551), and California (1-in-427) are the states where drivers have the least chance of an animal collision.


Growing deer and other animal populations combined with the displacement of animal habitats are making animal crashes more likely.  There's no real way to keep large animals like deer off the road, but these safety tips can help you prevent animal-car collisions.

Stay alert.  Pay attention to "deer crossing" and other signs and be cautious in areas near woods or water.

Use high beams.  Flicking your high beams on a deer in the road may cause the animal to scurry away.  High beams also help illuminate dark roads.

Don't swerve.  If an animal-car crash is inevitable, maintain control of your vehicle and don't veer off the road.

Brake as necessary.  If you can avoid hitting the animal, reduce your speed, honk your horn and tap your brakes to warn other drivers.  If there are no drivers behind you, brake hard.

Remember peak season.  Deer crashes happen most during October through December, which is the hunting and mating season.

Remember meal time.  Watch for animals on the road between dusk and dawn.

Watch for herds.  If you see one deer, there are probably more nearby.

Don't rely on a whistle.  No scientific evidence supports that car-mounted deer whistles work.

Wear seat belts.  Always obey speed limits and wear seat belts.

Monday, November 23, 2020

My Saturday Afternoon Hunt In Hinds County, MS

I was invited to hunt on "The Property" deer camp in Hinds County opening day of the 2020 Deer Season.  The temps got up to the mid-'70s and actually cooled down after sundown.  I took a few pictures before I got on my stand called the "pond stand."  

To the left of the camp house.

A very nice camp house on "The Property."

The Pond Stand

Looking out the front window.

Looking out the window to my right...

...and to my left.

A deer showed up at the feeder but I don't shoot deer at a feeder.

Leaving my stand with the moon shining above. I enjoyed my hunt in the great wild Mississippi outdoors.  I was invited to return later on in the year to try my luck again.  I'm sure the weather will be much colder.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Going Deer Hunting Tomorrow

Looking forward to the "opening day" of rifle season tomorrow, and I'm fortunate to get invited since I don't belong to a deer camp anymore.  I hope to bring home some meat.  Wish me GOODHUNTING and to ALL our hunters in the great wild Mississippi outdoors!

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Story That A Picture Tells

Jerry Bullard of Bruce, Mississippi took this picture of his son and granddaughter making their way to a deer stand to hunt.  Jerry said he likes the story that the picture tells.  It is priceless and they are making forever memories.  Wishing them GOODHUNTING in our great wild and wonderful Mississippi outdoors!

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Hog Queen's Hunt Two Days Ago

My Facebook friend, aka, "Hog Queen" of Alpine, TX, telling her story about her hunt that did not go well two days ago, but the experience paid off in her own words.

So this is what happened last night. I was out by 7:11 p.m. The usual javelinas and deer came in. About 9:15 p.m. I could hear the hogs coming. Grunting and squealing so the javelinas ran off and in came the sounder, the one with the spotted hog in it that I would like to kill. Of course, the bigger ones were at the back and I was hoping they would make their way to the front where I could have a shot at one. The feeding frenzy was in full force what with smaller hogs getting thrown around etc. All of a sudden one hog spooked and then the rest of them did too and just like that, they were gone. I waited for a while and could hear them outside the pen but then there was silence so they were not coming back any time soon or probably not at all for the night. I was mad at myself for being greedy because that is what I was, greedy. I won't make that mistake again and no, they did not smell me, because the wind was barely blowing but was blowing towards me. Oh well, when I got out of the blind I looked up and the stars were so beautiful so it was not a total loss for me. Y'all have a great day!

Comment by Dwayne:  I would not call it greed. Waiting for the right shot on a specific animal adds another element of difficulty to the hunt. It doesn’t always work out, in fact, it rarely works out. But the satisfaction that you get when it all comes together makes the hunt that much better. You have already refined your hunting skills to the point that you are being selective. You don’t kill for the sake of killing. Don’t beat yourself up over your failures, but instead, ask yourself what you can learn from your encounter. Remember this!!!! Even if you failed to get your target animal, YOU had an encounter/experience that no one else in the world had the privilege of enjoying. That is, in my opinion, what really makes the hunt special!

Comment by Kareen:  Thank you so much and you are so right! Now I don't feel so bad and you are especially right about my encounter/experience, it was pretty darn neat.

Every hunt whether deer or hog, the encounter/experience is true...that no one else in the world had the privilege of enjoying.  Wishing you GOODHUNTING on your next hog hunt, Kareen. 

Monday, November 16, 2020

Scooter's 255lb. Illinois Buck!

Vicksburg's hometown resident Scooter Whatley spent the first weekend of November bowhunting in Pike County, Illinois.  Although he has been bowhunting for 20 years, he had never actually shot a deer - - until this trip.  On the first hour of his five-day hunting trip, this 8-pointer with a split brow tine wandered into view.  Whatley took his shot, and hit, taking down the 255-pound buck.  He spent the rest of the week videotaping the hunting adventures of his friends on the trip, but he was the only one among them who harvest a deer. 

Scooter is my friend on Facebook, and I have known him ever since I started hunting at Brown's Point on Kings Point Island back in the late '80s.  He was videotaping hunts back then.  I actually worked with his Dad, Harold, who was also the President of the deer camp back in the late '60s and early '70's.  I hunted out of his deer stand as well.  

Scooter is a Producer/Director/Videographer-MS Outdoors TV and Marketing at Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks.  Also, was a freelance camera operator-Southeastern region at ESPN.  

My congratulations on Scooter's fine harvest in our great wild and wonderful Mississippi outdoors!  I'm so proud of him.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Rare Rut Action (Buck Roar) Caught On Film! VOLUME UP

In 20 + years of hunting, never have I witnessed this rut behavior, and it's rarely caught on film! This was Taylor's first year in Missouri so I'm pretty sure she's my good luck charm.
((( VOLUME UP!!!!!)))

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Clayton's First Deer

Clayton Carr killed his first deer, this 8-pointer, during the youth hunt on October 31 in Louisiana.  Clayton was hunting with his father Brandon Carr and grandfather George Carr. Clayton's grandfather is the owner of George Carr Buick, Cadillac, GMC dealership in my hometown of Vicksburg.  My congratulations to Clayton on harvesting his very first deer in our great wild Mississippi outdoors.  Way to go, Clayton!

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Honoring My Grandchildren For Serving Our Country

My Grandson Staff Sergeant Michael (Ethan) Kelly is serving in the U. S. Air Force and has been in the service since October 2, 2012, to the present.  He graduated basic military training on December 2, 2012, at Lackland AFB, San Antonio, TX, and last year signed up for 4 more years. 

My oldest granddaughter, Sonya Michelle, a Navy veteran graduated from boot camp at Great Lakes, IL, in 2001. She was stationed at the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, CA, and had an honorable medical discharge. 

I am honored and proud of both of my grandchildren for their sacrifice and bravery in serving our country.  May God Bless all our servicemen and women, and may God Bless America!

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Downtown Vicksburg, Mississippi

I love this picture taken by Larry Walker, photographer, of my hometown of Vicksburg, MS, on Washington Street.

Monday, November 09, 2020

Super Hunter @ The Super Hunt

Riggs Shealy, left, bagged his first buck during the 2020 Southern Outdoors Unlimited Super Hunt last weekend.  It was one of two deer he harvested during the weekend.  Riggs is pictured with his father, Chad.  The Super Hunt helped nearly 100 special needs children across Central Mississippi to go hunting.

My congratulations to Riggs in our great wild Mississippi outdoors.  So proud of you, and I know your Dad is.  

Friday, November 06, 2020

Zeroing My .270 Rife For MS Deer Season

I was invited this afternoon by Charlie Ring and his wife, my best girlfriend, Jeanette, to go to their camp to zero in my .270 rifle for deer season.  I have not shot my rifle in two years and wanted to make sure it was dead on.  The camp is located south of town on Ring Road and I have hunted there before.  

Took this picture from where we came in on a very nice day.

Getting ready to shoot!

Charlie heading down to the 100-yard sign to place a new target.

Have my.270 Ruger ready to go.

Charlie shooting my rife after I shot to check it.

Charlie checking and shooting his .270 as well.

50 and 100 yards

Charlie (CR) and me with our results.  It looks like I'm zeroed in pretty good!  Rifle season starts November 21, 2020, and I hope to harvest a deer this season.  Many thanks, Ring Family.

Thursday, November 05, 2020

Showing Off

Kenny Vaugh's grandson, Walker is showing off his daddy's “big daddy deer”!  Walker is not quite 4 years old yet and is hooked on the great Mississippi outdoors.  I love to see kids enjoying the great wild outdoors and his smile says it all!

Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Then & Now (Happy 13th Birthday To Ian)

Eight years ago I took this picture of my Great Grandson Ian.  Today, he turns 13 years old.

Ian is shown here with his Mom, Victoria Leigh today.  Wishing him a very Happy Birthday, and I love you so much!  Great Gran Gran

Tuesday, November 03, 2020

22-Inch Spread

My Facebook friend, Mike Persichini (Deer Whisperer) of Michigan, took this picture over the weekend of a four-point buck with a 22-inch spread.  At least it is away from his eye in our great wild outdoors!

Monday, November 02, 2020

Leah's First Deer


Joe Taylor's granddaughter smoked this 10 point buck yesterday morning.  She is 7 years old and made the perfect shot.  My congratulations to Leah, who lives in the great wild outdoors of Missouri.