Thursday, December 31, 2020

Doe and Buck Parts?

Justin Gray's wife killed this deer this morning with a doe and buck parts. He wanted to know if anybody had ever seen anything like this before and here are some of the comments...

They say if a doe can't have fawns they will grow horns.  I don't know how true just always heard that.  

It's not uncommon. I see about 6-8 of these posts a year. Good deer nonetheless.

Yes, a friend of mine killed one. I have heard of others as well. Not as uncommon as you would think.

They are easy to kill during the rut cause they just run in circles chasing their own tail.

It's a 2020 deer.

That's a Democrat deer!

Like a hen turkey with a beard.

I know an old man who killed one like that 4 years ago and was an 8point.

The deer was killed in Marshall County, Mississippi.  My congratulations to Justin's wife on her kill.  Regardless of the situation, it's still meat on the table in our wild Mississippi outdoors!

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Prayers For My Hunting/Blogging Buddy Rex Howell

The pictures were taken of my blogging and hunting buddy (Rex Howell) on January 26, 2020, before we broke camp at the famous Christmas Place Plantation and Hunting Club on the edge of the MS Delta.  Standing with Rex is his good friend, Mark, his brother, Paul, friend Steward, and Rex.  

I got word that he has spine cancer with secondary lung cancer which is at stage IV.  He had to have spine surgery (5 hours operation) early Christmas morning because the MRI showed spinal collapse where cancer had deteriorated vertebrae in the malignant area of his spine and had collapsed and splintered and was compressing on the area of the spine which controls sensation and mobility. The consequences were paralysis and oftentimes permanent. The Doctor removed as much of the cancer as possible, removed the splintered bone, and rebuilt his spine with metal pins, so Rex is essentially the bionic man now and he has full sensation and mobility according to Denise, his wife. She said, the back surgery for his spine cancer has weakened him and though he is a fighter and very tough and strong we must wait to begin cancer treatment until his recovery is a little further along. He begins physical rehabilitation either today or tomorrow. When he is stronger he will receive intense chemotherapy for about a week and a half and radiation and any treatment deemed best for him from his immunotherapy screening. Then milder chemotherapy and radiation.

Rex called me on Sunday, December 20th to let me know that he was sick. His voice was strained, and he did not sound like himself. He said we will have to call off hunting in January. It was a very emotional phone call and did not realize how sick he really was and said he had kept it quiet. So sad.

Please keep my friend Rex Howell (Deer Camp Blog) in your prayers as he battles cancer in his body. May God be with him and bless him!

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

A Trophy First Deer

Kinley Lott, a seventh-grader at St. Aloysius, killed her first buck on December 20th.  The 8-point buck had a 17-inch spread.  Kinley is the daughter of Brian and Brooke Lott of my hometown of Vicksburg, Mississippi.

My congratulations to Kinley on a very fine "first deer" in our great wild Mississippi outdoors.  Awesomeness!

Monday, December 28, 2020

One-Eye - A Birthday Gift For Kareen, The Hog Queen

My Facebook friend, Kareen Beinhauer finally got a chance to killed the one-eye hog for her birthday on December 27th. She lives in Alpine, TX, and below is the hunt in her own words in the great State of Texas!

I was sitting out sometime before 6:30 p.m. Javelinas were there eating but then left. I told myself I probably would not see anything as that has been the case lately. I could see well with the moon being almost full. Two more javelinas came in and started eating but I noticed they kept looking to my left. Then I saw the shadow and knew it was a hog because of the way it moved and the size. He was very, very cautious. Stood there for a few minutes then he would take a few steps forward, stop and smell and then move forward some more. At one point he had come in and started eating and those javelinas ran in front of my blind and that spooked him but he didn't go far. I slowly took the blanket off my shoulders, put my earplugs in, took the rifle safety off, and started looking at him through my scope. At first, I had no shot as his butt was to me but as soon as he turned and gave me a good side shot I took him out, and down he went. I could tell he was not going to be getting back up and he did quite the death dance. Guess who it was? One-eye! Makes me so happy and since tomorrow is my birthday, Happy Birthday to me! Pics to follow!

My congratulations to Kareen on getting the one-eye hog as a birthday gift.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Jesus Is The Gift!

 Christmas Blessings to one and all!

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Great Grandson's First Deer & His Dad's 8 Point Buck

I received these pictures yesterday of my Great Grandson Ian with his very first deer kill in our great Mississippi outdoors.  He made a great shot on the doe.  I'm looking forward to hearing about his hunting story.  My congratulation to my Great Grandson on his first deer.  Way to go, Ian! 

Jamie, my granddaughter (Victoria's) husband, got this nice 8-point buck too.  So proud of him and a very nice buck at that.  Congratulations, Jamie.  I'm looking forward to hunting with you, Victoria, and Ian again this hunting season.  

Victoria took this great picture of Ian and her hubby, Jamie.  Looking forward to hearing Jamie's hunting story as well in our great Mississippi outdoors!  I hope this is a good sign that I will harvest a deer this season and add my story to the hunting season of 2020/2021.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Caden's 10-pointer

Caden Martin has been hunting with ‘Papa Greg’ since he was seven years old, learning from his grandfather how to navigate the woods, read trails, and fill the freezer.

Friday morning, like so many others, Greg Parker took his grandson to a deer stand in Warren County and proudly watched as he killed his second and final deer this year – a 10-pointer.

Caden says he enjoys the time he spends with his grandfather and likes being in nature.

“Being in the stand…the adrenaline rush,” Caden said, “that’s my favorite part.”

My congratulations to Caden in my hometown of Vicksburg, MS, Warren County.  What a nice buck and a great Christmas present!  

Monday, December 21, 2020

A Special Day For Eric Pell Of My Hometown

On December 11, his late father's birthday, Eric Pell put on his dad's old hunting clothes and took his .270 rifle into the woods for a hunting trip with his friend Owen Griffin.  Pell bagged this 10-point buck with a 20-inch inside spread and 25-inch beams that scored 154-3/4 points.  Pell is pictured here with his wife, Holly.

"It's also my father-in-law's birthday.  He's in heaven now so today is a little harder than most.  I just can't help but think his dad and God sent him this once in a lifetime deer today to make it a happy day instead of a sad one," Holly said.  "Biggest buck of his life with the best bud on his dad's birthday.  What an awesome morning."

My congratulations to Eric Pell of my hometown of Vicksburg, MS, on his very nice 10-point in our great Mississippi outdoors.  A hunt he will never forget on his late father's birthday.  

Friday, December 18, 2020

Paslie's 42-Point Buck

A 14-year-old girl from Cimarron, Kansas, has set a world record after harvesting a buck with 42-scorable points. Now, the teen holds the record for the largest non-typical whitetail shot by a female hunter.

Paslie Werth, shot the impressive buck back in September, only one day after the youth hunting season had begun.  She had to wait for the 60-day drying period to complete before the rack could be officially measured.

When the buck was originally shot, it was reportedly given an unofficial green score of 282-6/8 inches and showed 44 points on the antlers.

The buck was harvested on the family’s land and had first been spotted about three years ago.

She said that her sister passed on the buck and then her dad passed on it as well last year because it was pretty broken up.  This year was her year.

She commented the best part was being with her dad, and after she shot it and got out of the blind, and got to it they were so happy.  

My congratulations to Paslie for harvesting a monster 42-point buck in our great wild outdoors.  What a priceless memory she made with her Dad.  She has an awesome hunting story to tell her children and grandchildren one day.  So proud of you!

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Good Morning From Mike In Michigan

This is awesome! My Facebook friend, Mike Persichini posted two pictures this morning of feeding a deer with a Santa hat on.  All the buck needs now is a red nose.  Mike is a deer whisperer for sure.  He really has their trust in the great wild outdoors of Michigan.

Trying to stay on Santa's good side, I see!

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Poor Guy

 It's been a long hard rut!
Mike Persichini

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Buck Harvested In Panther Swamp National Wildlife Refuge

Darien Ladner of Pass Christian harvested this 170-inch buck on Sunday, December 6, 2020, at Panther Swamp National Wildlife Refuge.  The buck was a mainframe 10-point with a split G3 on the left side,.  It had a 20-inch inside spread with 24-inch main beams and gross-scored 170.  However, Ladner said what was most impressive was the mass.  It had 5-1/2 inch bases and carried between 5 inches and 4-1/2 inches of mass all the way out.  

He was sitting in his stand when he heard him coming at 25 yards away through a thicket.  He shot but was said he almost vomited because he did not know if someone would come and steal his buck and take it off while he went for help. As you can see, he got his monster buck and the rest is history.  

A friend of Darien's said that he is also a Captain working for Shore Thing Charters and that he was not only an unbelievable great father, husband,  guide, and friend, but one heck of a deer hunter.  

My congratulations to Darien on getting a monster of a lifetime in our great Mississippi outdoors!  Well deserved!

Monday, December 14, 2020

Merry Christmas Blogging Friends!

Wishing all my blogging friends a very Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 11, 2020

WI 2020 Gun Season

Watch as Jack Potter, along with his dad, put down an awesome Wisconsin buck during the 9 day gun season. Way to go Jack!

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Initiation Of The First Deer With A Big Smile

Matt Jones of Mississippi said...when your boy says, “let me shoot it” you make it happen. He had a little help, but he is stoked about his first deer!

My congratulations to Matt's young son in our great wild and wonderful Mississippi outdoors!  He will never forget this day as long as he lives.  Way to go little one! 

Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Happy 78th Birthday Sis!

I'm wishing my only sister, Laura Love Ables a very Happy "78th" Birthday today! Laura is blessed with two daughters and a son. She is also a grandmother and a great-grandmother. Enjoy your special day and I love you, Boo Boo!

Monday, December 07, 2020

Bad Breath or Aggressiveness

My Facebook friend, Marion Ray James took this picture on his property while hunting and said it makes him wonder if some does have bad breath or if the young buck is simply shy and doesn't know how to handle an aggressive female. What do you think? I think she just wants a little attention in our great wild outdoors!

Thursday, December 03, 2020

This Is How You Do It!

Krissy Shyann Martin of Pinola, Mississippi posted these pictures of her daughter, Dixie with her deer recently, and said this is how you do it.  This little girl is so lucky to be hunting at her age and enjoying the great outdoors.  My congratulations to Dixie!  I'm so proud of you!


Making memories and now she's hooked on being a deer hunter.

Way to go, Dixie!

Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Rare Rut Action (Buck Roar) Caught On Film!

In 20 + years of hunting, never have I witnessed this rut behavior, and it's rarely caught on film! This was Taylor's first year in Missouri so I'm pretty sure she's my good luck charm.
((( VOLUME UP)))

Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Both Daughters Got Deer In The Great MS Outdoors

Michael Shaw of Vancleave, Mississippi is so proud of his daughters.  He said his girls both got a deer by 6:45 a.m. this past Sunday.  He is one proud Dad and said both made excellent shots. Raising them right in our great wild Mississippi outdoors.  My congratulations to both young ladies.  I'm so proud of y'all!