Wednesday, March 31, 2021

What A Whopper!!!

Corey Gipson of Hattiesburg, MS, caught this 49-pound flathead a few days ago at night, and it put up a good fight, he said. Corey is a lineman for Cooperative Energy. My congratulations to Corey in our great wild and wonderful Mississippi outdoors!

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Newly Christened "American Countess" Comes To Visit

Welcome to the newly christened “American Countess” who made her debut in our historic city of Vicksburg, Mississippi today.  She is the fourth paddlewheeler in the American Queen Steamboat Company fleet and on its first scheduled cruise with guests - a seven-night sailing from Memphis to New Orleans.  We are so excited to have her visit our town.  Vicksburg:  The Key To The South! 

River Stage: 44.18 feet - Tomorrow: 45 feet - Flood Stage: 43 feet 

Monday, March 29, 2021

American Countess On Maiden Voyage

The American Countess was christened last Sunday and is scheduled to visit Vicksburg, MS, tomorrow, Tuesday, March 30, during her maiden voyage. The American Countess is part of the American Queen Steamboat Company fleet of riverboats. This is a picture I took off their website of the Countess. Looking forward to taking pictures of her next week. Love the riverboats and cruise ships coming to our historic town. Vicksburg: The Key To the South!

Thursday, March 25, 2021

American Jazz Inaugurated Cruise Ship Came To Visit

The American Jazz, a 2020-built/2021-inaugurated MS cruise ship, and the fifth newbuild vessel in the American Cruise Lines Fleet, came to visit our historic town for a full day of sightseeing today. Here are a few pictures I took for you to enjoy.

Danny K tugboat making its way to the Port of Vicksburg in the Yazoo Diversion Canal.

This is how the passengers disembark from the ship as the bow of the boat is raised.

Front side view of the American Jazz! 

American Jazz is a pretty big cruise ship.

Passengers getting a ride back to the ship after touring our historic town.  The river level is 43.10 feet with a flood stage at 43 feet.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

American Duchess Returns Today In My Hometown

Today, the American Duchess returns to our city waterfront for another full day of passengers touring our historic civil war town of Vicksburg, Mississippi.   She will be southbound to Natchez, MS, around 5:00 p.m.

An up-close picture of the American Duchess moored in the Yazoo Diversion Canal.

Another view of American Duchess looking down at the Children's Art Park at Catfish Row.

There are three buses here and two more were loading passengers at the waterfront.  Another bus in front that you cannot see in this photo.

A side view of the American Duchess at the waterfront.

I took this picture at the Exit, and you could not drive through because it was all blocked off so the passengers could get off and tour.  The MS River will be at flood stage tomorrow of 43 feet.   We have a maiden voyager coming tomorrow called, American Jazz, a  cruise ship but bad weather is predicted.  Hopefully, I can go to town to take pictures of it.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Welcome Back To Vicksburg, American Duchess!

Welcome Back To Vickburg! The American Duchess docked at our waterfront for the first time last Friday after a year dealing with a pandemic. It was so good to see her back at our waterfront for a full day with her passengers touring our historic city. She will be back Wednesday, March 24, and the American Jazz a 2020-built/2021-inaugurated MS cruise ship, and the fifth newbuild vessel in the American Cruise Lines Fleet will make its debut on Thursday, March 25. Vicksburg: The Key To the South! River stage: 42.61 ft. - Flood stage: 43.0 feet

Monday, March 22, 2021

Sunday Drive In Vicksburg National Military Park & Cane

Yesterday, two of my daughters came to visit me from Magee, MS and toured our Vicksburg National Military Park.  Above is a picture I took of the top of the Illinois Memorial.  The structure was modeled after Rome's Temple of Mineva and the Pantheon.  The memorial was dedicated on October 26, 1906.

Looking up inside the rotunda with the shadow of the sun shining on the dome.

The Seal of the State of Illinois in the middle of the rotunda.

Looking out from inside the Illinois Memorial.

Picture of the four pillars at the Illinois Memorial.

Two of my four daughters with Debra Ann (Debi) and Theresa Marie (Teri).  Kathy lives in North Carolina now and Suzi in Virginia.

Took this picture at the base of the steps before we left.  There are 47 steps to the rotunda which is one step for each day of the Vicksburg siege during the Civil War. 

We accidentally came upon a Bamboo forest between the Illinois Memorial and the Louisiana Memorial.  I have always heard about the canes but this is the first time I was able to see and walk through it and take pictures.  It was so magical.  

An old tree stump in the middle of the Bamboo forest in the Vicksburg National Military Park.

What a great ending to a nice Sunday's visit with my daughters, and to find a magical Bamboo cane forest too in our historic Vicksburg National Military Park.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Welcome Back American Duchess

WELCOME BACK: More than a year after it was the last riverboat to dock in Vicksburg before the COVID-19 pandemic shuttered the cruise industry, the American Duchess Friday was the first riverboat to arrive back in Vicksburg. This arrival of the American Duchess marks the slow resumption of riverboat cruises back to the Mississippi River and Vicksburg. The riverboat will make another visit on March 24, with the American Jazz arriving on March 25. (Tim Reeves/The Vicksburg Post)

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Biggest Scoring Buck In City

This picture was shared by Jared Markjraf and said he had to show off this big boy, probably the highest-scoring buck he had ever seen in the city suburbs of San Antonio, TX.  He lives on a private golf course and ventures into surrounding neighborhoods during the rut.  He presumes his sheds are picked up by the course morning crews or a lucky golfer.  Looks like he scored in the mid 190s before breaking half of his g2's off.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Great-Grandsons Saw The "MONSTER TRUCKS" Sunday

My Granddaughter Lucy took her two sons (my great-grandsons) to see the MONSTER TRUCKS this past Sunday. William David “Will” and little Noah look like they really had a great time. What fun!

Mom, Lucy with her sons and a proud Great Gran Gran!

Monday, March 15, 2021

Charlie's Turkey Kill

Charlie's Mom is married to my nephew (my deceased brother's son) and got his first turkey this hunting season in Port Gibson, Mississippi while hunting with his Dad.  Charlie lives with his Mom in my hometown of Vicksburg, Mississippi.  Great pictures, Charlie, and I'm proud of you!  

 My congratulations to Charlie in our great Mississippi outdoors!

Friday, March 12, 2021

Mississippi River Camping - Beautiful Things We See

My Facebook friend, Layne Logue took this picture not far from my hometown of Vicksburg, Mississippi recently.  What a beautiful sight to see while camping in our great Mississippi outdoors.  Layne is the owner of Quapaw Canoe Company - Vicksburg Outpost.  

    Having fun in the Mississippi River!

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The Biggest Coyote

Joe Payne of Mississipi killed the biggest coyote he had ever seen or killed.  He said he called in three of them with a Primose call and decoy.  My congratulations on killing all three in our great wild Mississippi outdoors.  Way to go, Joe!

Tuesday, March 09, 2021

Happy "Heavenly" Birthday, Rex Dean Howell

Happy "Heavenly" Birthday to my hunting and blogging friend, Rex Dean Howell.  He would have been 63 years old today.  He died on January 31, 2021, of aggressive cancer.  It is hard to believe he is gone and I miss him terribly.  I have our friendship and hunting memories that will be with me for the rest of my life.