Monday, May 31, 2021

Memorial Day Weekend @ Vicksburg National Cemetery

Yesterday, I visited our Vicksburg National Cemetery that holds the final resting place, with dignity, of 17,000 Union servicemen - more than any other national cemetery - and about 1,000 veterans of other U. S. conflicts.  Also, pictures of the ironclad USS Cario being visited by the passengers from the Queen of the Mississippi riverboat.  Lastly, I took a picture on Fort Hill looking down at the Yazoo River (Diversion Canal) and the Port of Vicksburg to the right.

Somewhere they crawl to die, alone, under bushes, in low gullies, or on the sides of hills. Their skeletons, bleached bones, Tufts of hair, fragments of clothing, and buttons are occasionally found;
Yet these young men, once so joyous and oh so handsome are taken from us.
The son from the mother
The husband from the wife
The dear friend from the dear friend
Walt Whitman

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Deer Eyes

My Facebook friend, Mike Persichini of Michigan,  took this awesome picture of a deer eye.  What a great shot in our great wild outdoors!  

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Down By The Yazoo Diversion Canal @ Vicksburg, MS

Today, the Queen of the Mississippi was moored in the Yazoo Diversion Canal for a full day of her passengers touring our historic town of Vicksburg, MS.  On Friday, American Duchess is scheduled to be here, and on Saturday, America.  The Queen of the Mississippi will be back on Sunday. 

Nineteen birds flew off with one still on the ground as I walked up to take pictures. 

 Vicksburg:  The Key To the South!

Monday, May 24, 2021

Happy 14th Birthday Tidus David

This picture of my oldest Great Grandson Tidus David, was taken in 2018.  Tomorrow he will celebrate his 14th Birthday in Great Falls, Montana.  The last time I saw Tidus, he was only a year old.  We do talk to one another, but it's not the same as seeing him. Wishing Tidus David a very Happy 14th Birthday!  I love and miss you so much.  Great Gran Gran

Friday, May 21, 2021

Riverboat America In Our Historic Town Today

Riverboat America docked at our historic city of Vicksburg, MS, early this morning and will leave at 5:30. Here are a few pictures I took today on Washington Street and at the waterfront. Monday, May 24, American Jazz is scheduled to be here. American Countess on Tuesday, and Queen of MS, on Wednesday. American Duchess will be here on Friday, Saturday, America, and on Sunday, Queen of MS. River Level: 34.55 feet and Flood Stage: 43 feet.

River Level: 34.55 feet and Flood Stage: 43 feet.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Riverboats American Jazz and American Countess In Town

Today, the American Jazz visited our historic civil war town of Vicksburg, MS. Also, American Countess was docked a mile north of town. Here are some pictures I took of American Jazz at the waterfront as a towboat made its way to the MS River.

Riverboat America is scheduled to arrive tomorrow for the day. Vicksburg: The Key To The South.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

American Duchess Came To Our Historic Town

Today, the American Duchess came to visit our historic town. To my surprise when I got to town there was no riverboat at the waterfront. A gentleman was checking out the murals with his wife and said it was docked further down the canal. I have never seen this happen before, so it must be a reason for it.

Tomorrow, American Jazz is scheduled to be here, and Friday, America. Vicksburg: The Key To The South.

Charles Bolls commented: The boat docking further down the canal probably has something to do with the cruise line leasing space there. This is part of the plan to have them permanently dock further down the canal and fix up the waterfront. Everyone is going to get what they want. There is no need to bash an industry that is bringing much-needed money to the city. Besides I'm pretty sure there is no law that requires a city to provide a public boat launch.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Standing Guard

I took several pictures over the weekend at the family’s home in Louisiana of their hummingbird feeder. This one hummingbird was standing guard over this whole feeder and would attack if anyone came even close.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Classics In The Courtyard @ Vicksburg, MS

The concert I attended last Friday, May 14th was the band Blackwater Trio and food by FitChef.

This courtyard used to be a basketball court when I attended school here and graduated in the Class of 1959.  The empty chair on right was where I was sitting.  On a bench taking a few pictures.

Took this picture leaving the restroom and heading back to listen to the music.  The school (Saint Francis Xavier Academy) was one whole city block and we were taught by the Sisters of Mercy.  I went all 12 grades at SFXA.

This was taken on the bottom court and I remember it so well especially playing and May Pole dance.  The ramp was not there and was put in after the school closed, and was used for the cultural center.

A beautiful day to enjoy music which brought back a lot of fond memories here.  Also, there will be Summer "Happy Hour" Concerts in the SCHA Courtyard on Thursday 5:30-7:30 PM

Summer Line-Up:

Thursday, June 3rd - Tom Barnes Duo
Thusday, July 1st - Blackwater Trio "Deluxe"
Thusday, August 5th - Keys vs Strings

Mark Your Calendars!!!!