Tuesday, August 31, 2021

More Pictures of American Melody's Maiden Voyage

Here are a few more pictures I took yesterday of “American Melody” on her maiden voyage moored in the Yazoo Diversion Canal. She is spent Monday with us after riding out Hurricane Ida. Two tugboats, Danny K, and Patsy J passing by going to the mouth of the MS River at Vicksburg, MS.

Tugboat Danny K

Tugboat Patsy J

Tugboats heading to the mouth of the Mississippi River at Vicksburg, MS.

Monday, August 30, 2021

American Melody's Maiden Voyage

I was surprised to see the “American Melody” moored at our waterfront yesterday from my app FINDSHIP. She was scheduled to come in today. The 2021-built MS American Melody cruise ship is the fourth new build in the American Cruise Lines fleet from the company's "Modern Riverboat" series. She rode out Hurricane Ida on her maiden voyage in our hometown of Vicksburg.

Vicksburg: The Key To The South!

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Same Day, Same State

CRAZY COINCIDENCE! Hurricane Ida just made landfall on the same day in the same state as Hurricane Katrina in 2005. 16 years apart!

The eye will pass right over my historic hometown of Vicksburg, MS, following the MS River before it turns east and by tomorrow afternoon I may not have any power. I'm posting this today just in case. I could be without power for a week depending on a lot of variables. Please keep LA, MS, AL, TN, and all states affected by Hurricane Ida in your thoughts and prayers.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Gator Hunters - 2021 MS Alligator Season

Three gator hunters from Rankin County had a successful outing this weekend! You never can tell what you might catch on your trip to Sunset View RV Park.

Alligator Hunting Information

Friday, August 27, 2021

To Brighten Your Day!

My Facebook friend, Marion Ray James, caught this button buck fawn bedded and chewing his cud early Friday. It's sights like this that brighten my days, he said and makes me smile. Here's hoping it does the same for you!

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Ever Hear The Sound A Deer Makes?

Deer walks within 10 yards of us while we’re sitting on our front porch. If you watch until the end, you’ll hear the sound a deer makes!

Being a deer hunter for over 30 years, and have heard this sound many times --- the hunt is over!

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

One Teaspoon of Honey

I did not know this, and thank you, bees!

Monday, August 23, 2021

Pictures of Little Noah & Will Over the Weekend

I got to see and visit Noah who is number four of five great-grandsons Saturday.  Here's a couple of pictures I took and one that his Mom, Lucy took.  Noah needs a haircut too!  His brother William David "Will" was with him but was hard to get a picture of him.  They will celebrate their birthdays next month a year and a day apart.

William David "Will" my great-grandson number three.

Noah is such a sweet and personable child.  Will is going through a stage where he does not want his picture taken.  I love my great-grandson so much and wish they lived in town so I could see him more often. 

Friday, August 20, 2021

Bosco Versus Deer

'Tis apple season for the deer, who come to our yard to help themselves. Our rescue pit bull, Bosco, wants to make friends with this young buck. The buck was not in any danger, as he had ample opportunity to run away, which he did, at the end. The dog only followed to the treeline.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

A Boy & His Dog

A sweet picture of my great-grandson Titus who lives in Montana sleeping with his dog, Yui.  Nothing like a boy and his dog!  Tidus is 14 years old now.  I've not seen him since he was a year old.  He lives so far away but have talked to him on the phone and zoom.  I love and miss him so much. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Cleaning Operations @ Vicksburg Waterfront

Vicksburg's riverfront underwent cleaning last Friday as a barge-mounted track hoe began removing months of accumulated silt along the riverbank.  

Vicksburg Public Works Director Garnet Van Norman said the city hired contractor J.L. Smith of Vicksburg to remove the soil, which builds up along the bank during flooding and high water periods.

 "We do this every year after the river goes down," he said.  The track hoe doing the work along the bank was situated on a barge pushed by the Ergon Marine tug Dorothy Lee, which had the barge situated against the riverbank.  A city dump truck was located nearby to take dirt removed from the bank.  By John Surratt ~ The Vicksburg Post

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Sunsetting In My Hometown Of Vicksburg, Mississippi

Sunsetting in our civil war hometown of Vicksburg, Mississippi, on August 12, 2021.


Vicksburg: The Key To The South!

Monday, August 16, 2021

Kareen's #194 Hog Kill & #5 For The Year

In Kareen's own words: So I sat out Thursday night because a hog was coming in after midnight. He showed up at 10:00 p.m. & I took a head shot but I missed it. I was so pissed at myself. The card showed him coming in a little after 3:00a.m. so I was sitting out by 11:30 p.m. He showed up after 1:00 a.m. but his butt was facing me so I had to wait until he turned broadside. I shot & could see him hunker up & his mouth was open so I felt sure I had hit him. Y’all my heart must have been over 200 as I was so excited to see a hog LOL. We went & looked this morning but found nothing. It has rained so much it was just too brushy so all I could hope for was for the buzzards to show me where he was. Still, I was disappointed because I felt sure I had hit him. On the last time I went to look I told myself to look for buzzards where I would not expect them to be. Sure there was a tree in the creek that they usually don’t hang out in. I was ever so hopeful. Finally there he was & Jack was pulling his fur out as fast as he could. He measured 48 inches which are about 280 pounds. The biggest hog I have shot in a while & I am so happy because it’s been so long since I have killed one. 194 total, 5 for the year. Yaaaaay!