Saturday, March 26, 2022

Hospital Stay In February & Moved In March

Haven't been online blogging much and was in the hospital from February 1-17th.  Having circulation problems with my legs and had to lay flat on my back with my legs elevated.  

Also, I finally moved to a new apartment on March 14th which did not help my circulation problems and of course the stress of moving.  My family helped me a whole lot and had movers as well.  

In April I am scheduled for a CT, Echo, and doppler on both legs to see why my legs are swelling so much and have been having shortness of breath as well.  

I want to get back to blogging again when I get settled in my new apartment and hopefully the heart Dr. can fix what is wrong with my legs.  

I will be posting some pictures soon taken while my granddaughter, Sonya, was here a week helping me unpack, etc. 

Wishing all my blogging friends a blessed Sunday and a nice week ahead. 

Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Happy "Heavenly" Birthday Rex & Camper Of The Year!

This past weekend I was officially named Camper Of The Year at the famous Christmas Place (again). My friend and fellow blogger Marian Ann Love was flown in by private jet to award me with the skull mount of my BIG DROP TINE BUCK.

My evil brothers Paul and Trent cried, pulled their hair, and had hissy fits (again). They called the Game and Fish Commission to extend deer season a few months. They said no (again).

Burney whined about some 4-point he shot and spent the day sulking (again). Mark argued for some big hog he shot and was hooted off the stage (again) Michael, Spencer, and Austin were doing millennial things and missed the last weekend (again).

I rode on Thunderhoof through the streets of Tchula in the parade as the crowd threw roses and chanted "Droptine, Droptine! (again)
And with all the accolades pouring in, I just try to be your humble and truthful neighborhood blogger (again).