Tuesday, May 31, 2022

2022 ~ Memorial Day Pictures @ Vicksburg National Military Park & Cemetery

I took random pictures earlier today in the Vicksburg National Military Cemetery, where no vehicles are allowed because of road erosion.
There are nearly 18,000 burials in the Vicksburg National Military Cemetery. Around 17,000 of those are Union war dead. The remaining are "unknowns." In addition, more the 5,500 were of the U. S. colored troops, which were African American soldiers who served with distinction. There are more than just Civil War veterans buried at the cemetery. Veterans from the Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, and the Korean War.
You will also see the Port of Vicksburg in the distance, the Navy Memorial in the background, the tallest monument in the park, and the U. S. S. Cairo Museum nearby.

Port of Vicksburg and Yazoo Diversion Canal.

U. S. S. Cairo

Magnolia - State Flower of Mississippi.

U. S. S. Cairo in the Vicksburg National Military Park, Vicksburg, MS.

Friday, May 27, 2022

Kareen - The Queen Of Hog Killing

My Facebook friend Kareen of Alpine, Texas, did it again. The queen of hog killing. This is her story.

I was out by 8:48 p.m. because the card showed a boar had come in at 9:38 p.m. Nothing else came in, and I figured he would be a no-show per the usual. Finally, I heard the cattle panel rattle, and there he was under the lights, happily chomping away at the corn I had put out. I took the safety off my rifle, put the crosshairs on his head, pulled the trigger, and down he went. I can never tell how big they are in the dark; they always look more prominent in the daylight. I shot him at 9:42 p.m., so he was on time. That makes a grand total of 202 and 7 for the year.

My congratulations again to Kareen! Way to go in our great outdoors!

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Three Riverboats In Town Yesterday

We had three riverboats moored in the Yazoo Diversion Canal today. American Queen was at the gravel pit for her passengers to tour our historic town of Vicksburg, MS. (I did not get a picture of her this time). Also, I had never seen two riverboats moored so close together, and I took several pictures of American Splendor and American Heritage. Someone is fishing off the tailgate of his truck on a sharp incline. I hope he gets lucky! (River Stage 37.91 feet, Change -0.74 feet, Flood Stage 43 feet)

Tour Guide, Myra Logue said this about tourism in Vicksburg - People are pouring into this area on the Riverboats. With the American Queen Steamboats, for instance, Vicksburg is the most popular shore tour, and there have been many awards won by AQV for their tours. Soon the Viking will be coming to Vicksburg!! Business seems to be booming!!

A  comment was made by Debra Crist Cape on Vicksburg, MS, FB site. - I am not jealous of the visitors to our city.  I am jealous of the gentleman fishing in the back of the truck, that is relaxing.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

The Grand American Queen @ Vicksburg, MS

The Grand American Queen was here a half-day last Friday with her passengers, visiting our historic city of Vicksburg, MS. She was moored in the Yazoo Diversion Canal at the waterfront and not at the gravel pit this time. Was so glad to take some better pictures of her. Vicksburg: The Key To The South! (River Level: 40.10 feet - Change: +0.13 foot - Flood Stage: 43 Feet)

Capturing a perfect trifecta - - splash pad, murals, and the Queen!

Monday, May 16, 2022

A Mississippi Skull Mount

Matt Wilson said this is his side hustle.  A pretty cool skull mount if you asked me!  I love it!  Congratulations on your deer harvest!

Friday, May 13, 2022

Pictures Taken Wednesday @ Vicksburg, MS

A picture of the Mississippi River bridges at Riverwalk Casino, Vicksburg, MS, I-20, and Old Hwy 80.  

P/V American Heritage

Family outing on Mississippi River at Vicksburg, MS. 

Pictures I took this past Wednesday at the waterfront of PV American Heritage leaving after a full day of passengers sightseeing in our historic hometown of Vicksburg. In addition, there is a picture of the Mississippi River bridges near Riverwalk Casino and a family outing on the river northbound towards the bridges. 

Friday, May 06, 2022

Hummingbird Pictures @ New Apartment

Since I've moved into my new two-bedroom apartment with a patio, I have enjoyed taking pictures of hummingbirds coming to the feeder.  Never thought at 81years of age that I would be moving, but I got it done and will be my last move.  I am so happy here.  It was my dream to be here one day, and it finally came true.  What a blessing!