Friday, July 29, 2022

The Sandbar Is Out

Took these two pictures of the sandbar yesterday afternoon on the Louisiana side of the Mississippi River at Vicksburg, Mississippi! The Ameristar Casino is shown above. The MS River stage is 13.43 ft. The flood stage is 43 ft.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Michael's First Deer

Daniel Famer's nephew, Michael Alphonso, got his 6-point buck back the other day.  This is his first deer to kill, not baited, and no fancy stands. So proud of him.  My first deer was a 6-point buck, and I shot it from a flat platform with steps.  My very first deer stand back in 1986. You will never forget your first deer kill in our great Mississippi outdoors!  My congratulations to this young hunter!

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Happy Belated Birthday, Emma!

Wishing my Granddaughter, Emma, a very Happy 15th Birthday yesterday.  She will be coming to see me in August, and I will be going to Virginia to see her in September for her Mom's 50th Birthday.  I love you so much and hope you had a great birthday!  xoxo  Gran Gran

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Fat Raccoon

I took this picture of this FAT raccoon eating through my bedroom window next door. My neighbor feeds him. I had heard about the raccoon, but this was the first time I had seen it.

I'm sure more than one raccoon comes to a free meal.