Saturday, April 29, 2023

My Art Work For The Vicksburg Art Association Spring Collection 2023

For the first time ever, I entered four of my pictures on canvas after joining the Vicksburg Art Associaiton Exhibition at the Firehouse Gallery.  I have always wanted to do this but finally got around to do it now or never.  Since I went early to bring my canvas pictures in, I was lucky to get three on the main Photography wall.  The Magnolia Corolla, Magnolia bulb with raindrops and a Panoramic of the American Queen.

For the Spring exhibit, I took a photo outside one night of a Japanese Magnolia Blossom and was placed on the bottom far right-hand corner that was not entered in the 2023 Members Exhibition brochure of the showing.

Since my Japanese Magnolia flower was not entered and skipped over, I was very unhappy since he told me when I went to pick up my canvases that that one had been photoshopped, and I told him no, it was not.  I went outside and took that picture to see if it would work.  Here are my responses to him and his responses.  

  • Hi James:  

    I have been waiting for a long time to join the Vicksburg Art Association and have been encouraged through the years. I did not participate because my former husband got involved and eventually won a ribbon for his artwork. I finally joined and was excited to place my artwork for the show.  

    When I came to pick up my four artwork pieces Wednesday, you said I only had three. I also entered one for "Spring" of a Japanese Magnolia flower on a dark background. When I showed it to you, you said it was Photoshop which upset me knowing that I had walked out in my front yard and taken the picture in the dark. At 82 years of age, I have no idea how to Photoshop anything. I thought you had my phone number and email address to contact me, and this would not have happened, and my artwork would have been entered.

    I wanted to let you know how I felt being a first-time member. Unfortunately, it had to happen, but you should not assume something without contacting the artist and ensuring everything is alright.


    Marian Ann Love
  • James Biedenbach <>
    Sat, Apr 22 at 8:53 AM
      I apologize if I offended you with my comment. I did not mean to imply that there was anything wrong with the photo or that even there is anything wrong with photo shop correcting an image. Many artists correct their photos electronically and it is a perfectly acceptable thing to do. Artists use to correct their work in the dark room all the time by dodging and burning when they printed before photography became digital. I also apologize that your piece did not make it onto the program. Unfortunately I missed it because I can only assume it wasn’t recorded on your entry form which is where I get the titles for the program. I assure you it was on the judges work sheets during the judging. I hope you will continue to enter your work in upcoming shows because I think it is very good.

    Jim Biedenbach

    Sent from my iPad

PS: It was recorded on the entry form and also on the back right-hand corner of each canvas with my name and the name of the picture.  

Saturday, April 15, 2023

A True Mississippi River Monster!

Per Phillip Nylin of Sabula, Iowa.

Flathead catfish were caught today in Pool 16.

My son Chantz !! This fish was caught in conjunction with invasive carp removals by the Illinois Natural History Survey. They contract commercial fishermen to assist in the removal of these invasive carp. This catfish was released at 57 lbs.

Invasive Big head Carp
My son Chantz

Sunday, April 09, 2023

Happy Easter Bloggers & Friends

The 4 points of the Dogwood flower:
1. The flower has 4 petals in the shape of a cross.
2. The middle of the Dogwood flower is a crown of thorns.
3. A nail dent is at the edge of each petal.
4. The nail dents are stained with the color of Jesus' blood.

Monday, April 03, 2023

Udder Surprise

I took a picture years ago while going through a pasture to go to our hunting camp called Homewood in Claiborne County, MS.  I named them the same.  

Sunday, April 02, 2023

A Provider

"NOW THEN, take your weapons, quiver, and bow, and go out to the field and hunt game for me." Genesis 27.3.
"EVERY MOVING THING that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything." Genesis 9.3.
"AND GOD WAS WITH the boy, and he grew up. He lived in the wilderness and became an expert with the bow." Genesis 21.20.

M. R. James - Award-winning writer/editor, founder of BOWHUNTER Magazine, & member of the Archery Hall of Fame.

Saturday, April 01, 2023

Bear Sighting by MS Dept Wildlife Fisheries & Parks

We've had many questions this week on where bears are located in Mississippi. We have developed a black bear observation map that shows all black bear sightings reported in Mississippi since 2016!

Reporting a black bear sighting is a great tool that biologists can use to continue working toward a population estimate. You can easily report a sighting at any time through our website.
View the map or report a sighting through the link below:
*The observation map is best viewed on a desktop, laptop, or tablet. When viewing the map on your smartphone, turn your phone horizontally.

I live in Warren County and have never seen one, but one passed through Vicksburg near Pemberton Blvd a few years ago, heading north of town.