Sunday, May 14, 2023

Number One For The Year!!!

I was out by 8:34 pm. I had no clue if a hog would even come in as I had not turned the camera on but what the heck? A few deer came in, and then the javelinas, who stayed for quite a while. I kept dozing off and looking, and finally, when I did, I could see two hogs. I got up from my chair in my blind and got on the bench quietly as a mouse, LOL. Ear plugs in, safety off, and I put my crosshairs on the bigger of the two because he was offering me a perfect headshot. Pulled the trigger, and down he went. I put one back on top but could see he would not get up and run off. I will weigh him in the morning, and they always look bigger in the daylight. What a great feeling; I haven't shot anything in months, but that 350 Legend is just spot on, so Happy Mother's Day to me! 207 grand total and #1 for the year!! Shot him at 9:43 pm.

Congratulations, Kareen!!!

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Newborn Fawn Information

Deer deliver their newborns in the strangest of places! Residents will find them and be concerned about a newborn deer on their lawn, in their garden, under the azaleas, etc. Most call because they think the fawn is in peril and Mom is nowhere to be found. Well, Mom is actually off-feeding and helping to keep predators away. Those who call ask what they should do for the fawn ... Leave it alone, do not touch, move or attempt to feed it. Here's the scoop. Deer are NOT like horses. They do not have their legs under them immediately and need time to rest after birth. Horses get up and go; that's the sign of a healthy horse. A healthy fawn will curl up, nap most of the day and move their heads. They have no scent, and predators cannot find them unless humans interfere. Mom leaves during the day for 2 primary reasons: to feed and to keep her scent a distance from the fawn. Mom will come back (unless something tragic happens) but don't expect her until dusk, and certainly don't expect her if humans hover around. If you are fortunate enough to have the gift of a fawn please enjoy the experience, respect Mother Nature, and let the Mom do what comes naturally. She will move the fawn daily so you may see it in different locations. Please share. Thanks!

Monday, May 08, 2023

Happy 2nd Birthday, Asher!

Today, my youngest great-grandson, Asher, is 2 years old.  Here is a picture with his Mom, Caitlyn, taken last October at Rocky Springs on the Natchez Trace Parkway.  Asher lives in Ohio now and misses him so much.  Happy Birthday, Asher!!  Great Gran Gran loves you so much!! 

Friday, May 05, 2023

Linda's Nice Turkey Kill

My online hunting friend Linda (Sunshine), who lives in Maine, shot this nice 18 lb. turkey with a 9-1/2 inch beard this past Wednesday morning. I'm so happy and proud of you, Linda!! My congratulations!!! Way to go!!!!