Monday, February 19, 2007

My First Buck On Opening Morning

On opening morning while waiting for a thunderstorm to pass, all the other hunters left and went home after waiting impatiently for three hours. Bob and I decided to stayed and wait it out. As soon as the rain stopped, we got on the 3-wheeler and headed to my stand at Jasper Bottom Hunting Club. He dropped me off and I walk in very slowly. Bob decided to go further down from me and sit by a creek bed and hunt sitting up against a tree. He had just gotten to the tree and sat down and lit up a cigarette, when BOOM!!! - He thought I had accidentally pulled the trigger. I was only on my stand only five minutes when this 6-point walked out. I could not believe it! I was using my stepson's .243 rifle at the time. I took a deep breath and shot. The deer took off. Bob could not stand it anymore after waiting for about 20 minutes and came to check on me. I had gotten down to look for my deer and saw thick blood laying on the ground and leaves and started tracking my deer. When Bob showed up he said that I looked so sad....I told him that I had shot a deer but I was so upset because I could not find it. He said, "Looks like it shot you!"...I was so excited that when I saw the thick blood (lung shot), I reached down and splatter blood on my face. I initiated my own self! We found my deer and this is the photo that Bob took of me. I am now an official "Lady Deer Hunter". I was so happy! We went home and called the President of the deer camp and told him that I had gotten a 6 pt. and we found out later that word got around and they all headed back to the camp! (My 6-pt. never heard me walk in because everything was so wet and saturated)

Here I am showing off my deer to my Dad...(Mr. Love) He was so proud of me and thanked Bob for giving me the opportunity to be a deer hunter. I love and miss you Dad.

My first stand was called, "Marian's Stand," and the one I harvested my first deer from. Actually, I was facing the opposite direction when I shot my 6 pt. This stand faces the Big Black River dividing Warren County from Claiborne County. My stand no longer exists because they came in logged and tore it down.

The following weekend I shot my second deer, a spike. I shot it while in a cypress (on the ground) deer stand with Bob. We were in Mike's Patch at Home wood Hunting Club in Claiborne County, MS. There were three deer crossing at the end of a big opened field and I shot the biggest one. I now had harvested two deer in two weekends with two bullets and I told everyone that he took the guns away from me after that! I shot Bob's harvest this deer late in the evening and it was the first time I had ever seen fire coming from a rifle. It was awesome!


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)