Thursday, May 31, 2007

Tea Party With Laura

While we were having our tea party, another squirrel entertain us.

Laura came over last Saturday and we had a fun time having a tea party!

Laura enjoys gymnastics, golf and deer hunting.

My step-granddaughter Laura trying to sneak up on squirrel last Saturday.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

GMC Sierra 4 x 4

We recently purchased a GMC Sierra and the tag reads, you guessed it - THISIT!

THISISIT Fishing Camp @ Brown's Pt. Hunting Club

This is a picture of the fishing camp house "THISISIT", on Kings Point Island, at Brown Point Hunting Club. My granddaughter Candace is standing beside our 4-wheeler. (She is the one that made me a Great-Grandmother last week). We have had a lot of fond memories at this camp. Bob and I actually spent the night there and watched the deer come out all around the camphouse. It is located approximately 2 miles north of the main camp house. We would get there in our old suburban. Here you see Reed (who is deceased now) and his girlfriend Doris, taking a break on the banks of the MS River. She is from Memphis, TN, and never been in the woods before and was not liking the drive on the old bumpy road at all and was quite upset. When we finally got to the fish camp house, the first words out of her month was This is it? We all laughed so hard. Of course, she did not think it was so funny until she saw the sign above the fish camp. That was her one and only trip to the woods. It was NOT for her!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Pretty Azaleas

Thought I would add some pretty flowers to my blog. I took this in the spring when the azaleas were in bloom in our front yard.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day 2007 In Park

Vicksburg National Military Park on Memorial Day 2007

This Cemetary has 18,244 interments and 12,954 are unidentified. Date of Civil War Interments - 1866-1874. Noticed all the graves have flags. They were placed there by the Boy Scouts.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Ron Kissing A Frog

This is my step-daughter's husband, Ron. He caught a frog in a brook below their log cabin in the woods outside of Las Vegas, NM.

Here is Ron kissing the frog! Have you ever seen anyone kiss a frog? We were vacationing with family four years ago when this was taken. Every time we go to Santa Fe, NM, we try to get a weekend trip to their two story log cabin, at the Cerro Bonito (Beautiful Hills) Ranch, in San Miguel County, New Mexico.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

First Great Grandson!

A picture with his eyes opened! Tidus will get to go home tomorrow and start his new life! Great Gran Gran loves you!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Happy Birthday Tidus David Barnhart

Tidus David is my first Great Grandchild and was born today at 2:38 p.m. at Lake Forest Hospital in Lake Forest, IL. He weighed 8 lbs. and 3 oz. and 19-1/2 inches long. He has brown hair. Mother and baby are doing fine. He is welcomed by his Dad, Ryan Barnhart, who is stationed in the Navy at Great Lakes, IL, his Grandmother (Nana) Kathleen Love Day and his Great Grandmother (Gran Gran) Marian Ann Phillips of Vicksburg, MS. His Great Grandfather, Jesse Aaron Boyd, Jr., of Vicksburg, MS and his Great Grandmother, Ruth Thomas of Louisiana.

Cousins, Sidney and I

A picture of Sidney Marzaret and I, at St. Vincent de Paul's Cemetery after the funeral of my cousin, Thomas Blanchard "Tom" Huff in April 2005. Tom was a gunnery sergeant in the Army in World War II and was awarded the Bronze Star. He was also a member of the Timberwolves, 104th Division. In August when Katrina hit, this cemetery went under water.

Cousin's Uncle Interred In National Cemetery


The tour of the park is a somber reminder of the struggle and price paid for our freedom and way of life.

 Vicksburg National Cemetery was established by an act of Congress in 1866. It has the distinction of having the largest number of Civil War interments of any national cemetery in the United States. Of the approximate 17,000 Union veterans, only 5,000 are known. There are no Confederate burials here. Confederate soldiers were interred at Cedar Hill Cemetery in the City of Vicksburg.  Also included in the cemetery are veterans from the Mexican and Spanish-American Wars, World Wars I and II, and the Korean Conflict.

I was informed by my cousin, Sidney Mazerat of New Orleans, that his Uncle, (my relative) was interred here on March 21, 1960. He is located at Plot: M 18001, Cpl, Hdqts Dt Base Sec 1 ASC.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Hometown Civil War History

I wanted to share a little bit of history of my hometown of Vicksburg. The Seige of Vicksburg was fought here and a park was established to commenorate one of the most decisive battles of the American Civil War. You can drive the 16-mile tour road through the Union and Confederate siege lines. A must-see if you are in this area.

The recovery of artifacts from the Cairo revealed a treasure trove of weapons, munitions, naval stores and personal gear of the sailors who served on board. The gunboat and its artifacts can now be seen along the tour road at the U.S.S. Gunboat Cairo Museum in the Vicksburg National Military Park.

A very impressive monument in the park that is called the Illinois State Memorial. This monument has 47 steps, one for every day Vicksburg was besieged. The eagle on top was taken down in April 1996 and re-gilded by artisans. The gold leaf will last for approximately 75 years. (Noticed the bird on the eagle's wing)

A statue of Ulysses S. Grant who was the leading Union General in the American Civil War, capturing Vicksburg in 1863.

A displayed of cannons that can be seen at the Visitors Center in the Vicksburg National Military Park.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Dancing Instructors


Jim Frechette owns the Applause Dance Factory in Ridgeland, MS and comes to Vicksburg twice a month to teach ballroom dancing at the Southern Cultural Heritage Complex, which so happens to be where I went to school for 12 years in one city block. It was once called St. Francis Xavier Academy and run by the Sisters of Mercy.

A picture of Sam Wong and I that was taken a few years ago around Christmas time at the Senior Center. I have actually known both Sam and Roy for approximately nine years now. Sam re-married about four years ago to Grace, who also loves to dance.

Roy Campbell recently re-married a nice lady by the named of Sandy from Jackson. He and Sandy are making their home in Clinton, MS and will visit us from time to time at the Senior Center here in Vicksburg and once a month at the Mississippi Country and Western Dancers' Association (member), which is held at the Madison Square Center for the Arts in Madison, MS. Our line dance teacher is Kay Bennett and I regretfully do not have a picture of her at this time. She volunteers her time at the Senior Center and works for the Federal Government. Sam and Roy are both retired Federal employees.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

8 Random Facts About Me

Eight Random Facts About Me
It's a meme, but it's a good way to learn about fellow bloggers deep, dark secrets...

The Rules: Players start with 8 random facts about themselves. Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 8 random facts. Players should tag eight other people and notify them that they have been tagged.
Rex at Deer Camp Blog has tagged me.
1. I want disclosed all my deep dark secrets but do have a few. I don’t smoke. I did try it when I was about 16 years old, at a girls slumber party, but did not like the taste. My first and second husbands smoked.
2. I really enjoy deer hunting. This sport has opened up a whole new world for me and has given me a lot of confidence. I can’t get enough of it and enjoyed being in the outdoors and being close to God‘s creatures.
3. People may think I am a little eccentric, but I am as cunning as a fox.
4. I am a romantic, but not in a romantic relationship. I’m in a caring one.
5. I want to go up in a hot air balloon before I die.
6. I would like to travel to see the Grand Canyon; the State Parks in the United States and travel to all the states I have not seen. I would also love to go on an Alaskan cruise one day.
7. I love music and enjoy line-dancing, rock & roll and ballroom dancing. It keeps me physically fit and puts me in another world.
8. I have met a lot of friends via my Website, My Space and the Blog. It energizes me and makes me happy to get to know people. Through the years I have grown to developed true friendships near and afar.
Who to tag? -
1. Outdoors With Othmar Vohringer
2. Outdoors With Norm
3. Tricia Dishes
4. Linfy's Blog
5. Crossbow Hunting Peru
6. Charming, Just Charming
7. Cliff At Hunting Sense
8. Hog Guy
Hope you don't mind Rex..I used some of your Blog Friends!

Dad & Mom's Wedding Pix

While I am reminiscing of my childhood, I might as well post my Dad and Mom's picture taken on their wedding day back on February 3, 1940. They were married here in Vicksburg, MS. Dad was originally from New Orleans, LA and Mom was born in Franklin County, Arkansas.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Around 2 Years Of Age

Not sure when this picture was taken..could be around 2 years old.  Mother told me that when I was born she braided my hair at the hospital before she brought me home.

Picture Of My Siblings

Picture of me, my sister, Laura and my brother Marion, Jr., (Buster).
I actually remember when this was taken in the living room and we were sitting on a piano bench. A photographer had come to the house and he threw a white sheet over the door and put us in front of it. I believe I was about 5 years old, my sister 4 and my brother 1 year. Possibly taken in 1946.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Granddaughter, Candace

Candace Lynn Barnhart (my granddaughter) will be giving me my very first great-grandson any day now. I love this picture of her that she took of herself a few years ago. She and her husband (Ryan) live in Great Lakes, IL, where he is stationed in the Navy. I'm looking forward to the blessed day!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Last Picture With My Dad

Photo was taken by Bob of my Dad (Marion Edward Love, Sr.) and I, a few weeks before he past away in November 87'. I will always treasure this picture as long as I live. He was the first love of my life!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Who Is This?

Does anyone out there in BLOGLAND know this guy?

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Passing Empty Barge While On Sweet Olive

On May 9th I took this picture of an empty barge headed to the Port of Vicksburg in the Yazoo River Diversion Canal (passing by Horizon Vicksburg Casino & Hotel) while headed towards the Mississippi River. My sorority, Pi Alpha Kappa, had planned this trip on the "Sweet Olive" which is a tourist excursion boat docked at the riverfront. We had a wonderful time going into the Mississippi River and under the two bridges at Vicksburg. This was our last meeting and we had brought food and wine aboard and had a wonderful time. We will meet again in September.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Bob Being Bad


I took this picture of Bob "showing off" when we lived in Hamilton Heights (The Flood Zone) back in the late 80's...he was rough and tough and ready for just about anything! He had a love/hate relationship with his employees since he hired and fired and had his life threaten on numerous occasions.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Visiting Daughter & Family

On our way back home from the wedding in Biloxi, MS, we stopped in Magee, MS, to visit my daughter Theresa and granddaugher, Sonya. Here are some pictures I took of the pets on the farm.

I enjoy taking pictures of old barns.
'Wind Walker'

Sonya with 'Creed'
Sonya will be attending University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg in August and will major in theater, drama and dance.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Congrats To Newly Weds

Mr. and Mrs. John Kirk Ring
John Kirk (my godson) was married Saturday on May 12, 2007, to the former Melissa Joy Kilpatrick at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church, Biloxi, MS, at 7:00 p.m. Parents of the Bride is Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Kilpatrick of Biloxi, MS and Parents of the Groom, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ring, Sr., of Vicksburg, MS. The Reverend Patrick Mockler officiated the Nuptial Mass.

Kirk with his mother, Jeanette, my best friend.
Kirk is at Mississippi State pursuing his Doctorate of Philosophy in Business Administration with an Emphasis in Strategy and Entrepreneurship. He will graduate in May 2008. Melissa is a Dance Instructor. We wish the newly wed couple many happy years together and may God Bless Them!

I also want to share with you what Melissa and Kirk had to say on the back of their wedding ceremony brochure.
We are deeply humbled to be surrounded by so many dear friends and family as we say our vows and become united in marriage. Many of you have played significant roles in our lives by offering us love, support, and wisdom that have helped guide us to where we are today. A sincere thanks to everyone who helped make this day a cherished memory and especially those who have traveled from afar.
Love, Melissa and Kirk

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Congrats Godchild!

John Kirk Ring (my Godchild) killed this big buck in south Warren County at 5:15 pm at the edge of a food plot. He found the right side of a shed that is very similar to this buck in March of 2005 while scouting for turkeys. The shed was found around 350 yards from where Kirk killed the buck. On December 23rd, he was climbing a tree when the deer came out trailing a doe and his gun was on the ground. He had to watch him trot by. The day that Kirk killed the buck, he hunted from sun up to sun down, and the buck finally walked out just before dark. It was 74 degrees that day with 20 mph winds.
9 point with an inside Spread: 19 1/2"
Beams: 23"
Weight: between 200 and 215 lb.
Kirk will be getting married this weekend to Melissa Kilpatrick in Biloxi, MS, at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church. Looking forward to being there for the wedding. His mother and I are the bestest of friends. May you and Melissa have a wonderful life together John Kirk!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Wishing Karen A Happy Birthday!


My favorite picture of my step-daughter Karen.

We were in Santa Fe, NM, visiting Karen at the time I took this picture in a restaurant of her with her Dad. We want to wish her a very Happy Birthday and looking forward to seeing her and visiting with family in September.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Thomas Blanchard Huff

I love this picture I took of my Dad's first cousin who had lived in New Orleans and was visitng us at the time of my youngest daughter's wedding. My Dad and he were like brothers, since my Dad was the only child. Thomas Blanchard "Tom" Huff was a gunnery sergeant in the Army in World War II and was awarded the Bronze Star. He worked for the railroad, managed apartments and was proprietor of Huff's Hardware. He was a member of AmVets, VFW Post 7194, the Disabled American Veterans, the American Legion and the Timberwolves, his infantry division. After his death in April 2005, I became the matriarch of the family.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Fabulous Weekend @ Camp

A Fabulous Weekend at the Christmas Place!
Bob and Rex getting ready to head out to explore the famous Christmas Place.

Denise and I ready to go and enjoy the day with them!

The Chief and Rex!

Rex has just launched "The Othmar"..... Yay Rex!

Camo taking at break at one of the Indian Mounds.

Rex and Bob at an Indian Mound.

Rex and I at the Indian Mound.

Rex stoking the camp fire that evening after having a wonderful adventure riding through the woods and checking all the deer stands at the famous Christmas Place Plantation Hunting Club.

I stopped along the way home to take this picture of a swamp after ending a wonderful weekend with the Howell Family at their Christmas Place Plantation Hunting Club on the edge of the Mississippi Delta. Thank you so much for your wonderful hospitality and new found friendship!