Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Home Again, Home Again

Well, it was an interesting day getting back home. I arose at 2:00 a.m. central time...3:00 a.m. their time and started getting ready. Did I want to miss another plane? No way! Got there around 5:45 since my plane was going to be leaving at 7:05. Made the flight....and flew into Memphis. Only had less than one hour layover. So I went straight to my gate. They announced before we got on the plane that the laboratory was broken and we had better go to the bathroom before we boarded the when I get to my window seat, a young girl was sitting in my seat and she said that she thought that was her seat and she gets sick if she sits on the aisle..I let her sit there because I just wanted to get freakin home. Whatever! So we take off. As we were climbing and maybe 10 minutes or so into the flight we hear on the intercom from the stewardess that there is an emergency and about that time I thought...this was it! She said that we had to return back to the Memphis Airport because someone on board was sick. So we landed and saw a fire truck, EM T's and an ambulance. Eight people boarded to check this lady out. She was able to walk off the plane and then transported to a Memphis hospital. So we took off again....Thanks goodness we landed in Jackson. I was so glad to get home...NO PLACE LIKE HOME!

I had a real nice lady hunter by the name of Cathy Smith to come by my site and leave a comment. She is from Sault Ste. Marie, MI. When you have time, go over and check out her site at Camp Chicken Chronicles. You have to love her deer stands/shacks! They are so cool!


  1. Anonymous7:07 AM

    The worst part about taking a trip is the actual traveling part, isn't it? It's a good thing that what comes between going there and coming back is usually well worth it!

  2. True! Thanks for coming by terri..

  3. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Glad you got home safely. You've nicely illustrated some of the reasons why I hate flying.

    I'll definitely have to go check out the Michigan blog. We Michigan bloggers have to stick together.

  4. It was great hearing about your travels and I'm glad to see you've made it home safely.

  5. Santa Fe is a neat place, but "There is no place like home"!

  6. You are so right jon....I made these two trips back to back...don't think I will do it again.

  7. I am glad you are home, it wasn't the same with you gone. now let's get ready for deer season!

  8. Thanks Rex...I'm sittin on GO! :)


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)