Friday, October 05, 2007

What to do? What to do?

While Marian is off globe-trotting again, I though I would slip in here to her blog and ask her readers what I should do about putting her on a deer stand? The famous Christmas Place has a bunch of big bucks this year but you still have to figure out the best place to get a shot from. I would love for her to get a massive buck this year, but I have to decide on a stand that she can get in, see deer and have a great chance at old Mossy Horns. Hmmmm.... The best choices are the new Scenic Stand, the Sneaky Stand, North Cornfield Box Stand, or maybe Spike Camp.
Hmmm... no one has hunted Spike Camp very hard lately, the Sneaky Stand is very damn sneaky, Hmmm... Y'all decide. She is a heck of a friend and I sure want her to get a really nice buck.


  1. You could write the names of the stands and draw one out of a hat. You could flip a coin. The best way to get a big buck is to hunt every chance you possibly can and watch the wind and pick your stand accordingly. Always worked for me.


  2. Wow, great site. I'm glad to know that we aren't the only people who have names for our deer shacks and hunting spots. Do you have hunting shacks or just tree stands?

    check out my blog for tales of outdoor adventure at Camp Chicken.


  3. Thanks jdp for coming by...very good advice in the last two sentences...

    Cathy - Thanks and it is so nice to meet ya! We have tree stands and box stands. Your stands are pretty cool!!!!


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)