Sports Arena

A picture of my step-granddaughter (Laura) that was in The Vicksburg Post yesterday evening for her achievement in the GymSouth Level 5 gymnastics team that finished third at the Winter Invitational at Courthouse Gymnastic in Flowood. From left, Monica Hughey (1st floor), Mary Kalusche (2nd bars), Maggie Waites (1st Bars), Jaelyn Young (2nd floor), Chandler Jennings (2nd beam), and Olivia Jennings and Laura Phillips (3rd floor). Laura is in the 5th grade at St. Francis (Elementary) School where her mother also works and teaches calculus at St. Aloysius (High School). Besides gymnastics, Laura enjoys playing golf and deer hunting with her Dad in the great outdoors. We are all so very proud of her. She is a sweetthing!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Four-Wheeler Accident

Kristine at Hunt Smart, Think Safety, wrote a column this past Friday, January 25, 2008 about Staying Safe on an ATV. Unfortunately, a young teen from Brandon, Mississippi died Sunday, January 27, 2008, as the result of a four-wheeler roll over at a hunting camp in Jefferson County.

The Vicksburg Post stated that Zachary “Zach” Beard, 14, died as a result of injuries sustained in the accident at about 2 p.m. on private land, a Jefferson County Coroner Bob Rollins said. Zach was a home schooled ninth-grader.

The vehicle hit an obstacle on a narrow riding path still wet from rain and ice storms over the weekend, Rollins said.

Survivors include his parents, Kenny Jr. and Mickie Beard of Brandon; his maternal grandparents, Lamar and Velma Shumaker of Pearl; his paternal grandparents, Ken Sr. and Faye Beard of Terry, and aunts and uncles. A memorial service will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witness in Brandon under the direction of Ott & Lee Funeral Home.

It is so sad to hear about an ATV accident and that a loss of life has occurred. As Kristine said, “Riding an ATV can be a fun activity for friends and family to share with each other. Like any other activity, it can have its dangers, but, as with many other activities, if care is taken, and safety precautions are followed, your ATV ride can be a fun and enjoyable experience.”

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Gator Pictures

A gator in Georgia that lived near a community....

Couple of gator pictures that fossilman posted at The Huntin Lodge yesterday. Picture here shows a gator in Texas. Yes, it's hauling a deer off in its mouth!

Monday, January 28, 2008

A Scenic Drive

Suzi, my youngest daughter, sent me this picture of her and little Emma taking in the fall foliage back in November of last year with her husband, Dennis. They made the two hour trip north from Fredericksburg, VA, to picnic and enjoyed a scenic drive on Skyline Drive located in the Shenandorah Valley National Park. The park has over 500-miles of hiking trails, numerous overlooks with breathtaking vistas and wildlife. You can traverse the entire 105-mile length of Skyline Drive in less than four hours. Our nation's capital is only 75 miles away from this spectacular wilderness park. Little Emma will be 1 year old in July and I'm looking forward to being there for her first birthday celebration! While visiting, I hope to make a trip to the Shenandorah Valley. This would be a double sweetthing!

Vicksburg On The Hunt

William Ross has the touch this year as he has taken down two big bucks. This one is a 10-pointer with an 18 1/4-inch spread.

Pedro Mitchell of Team Hardwoods harvested this nice 10-point buck on January 5 while hunting at Hardwoods in Utica, MS. The 192-pound buck had a 19-inch spread and a 5 1/2-inch base, and both main beams in excess of 20 inches.

Harrison Hunter, 11, used a 7 mm-08 to make a 50-yard shot for his first deer. He was hunting on private land near Hermanville, MS, with his father, Bobby Hunter.

Jordan Lee, 9, the daughter of Shawn and Tom Lee, killed this 135-pound, 5-pointer while hunting with her dad on December 28. She made the 90-yard shot with a .22-250. She killed a similar-sized deer last year from the same stand. Congratulations to all our hunters who hunt in our great outdoors!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Bob's Doe Harvest!

Greg showing his Dad where it hit.

Yesterday afternoon Bob and I met Greg south of town at our daughter-in-law's family farm to zero in Bob's muzzle loader. It was so cold and actually it had been sleeting earlier north of Vicksburg. There was a light rain falling. It took us approximately 45 minutes, as they say, git-r-done! At 5:30 this morning Greg came by and picked up his Dad and took him to his deer camp at Brown's Point, on Kings Point Island, north of Vicksburg. He hunted on Greg's deer stand No. 38 near the Mississippi River. At approximately 9:00 this morning, Bob took a 90 yard shot after five does came out feeding. His doe weighed in at 125 lbs. Congratulations to Bob on his harvest and many thanks to Greg. A good morning hunt for both in the great outdoors! Charming, Just Charming!

Vicksburg On The Hunt

Brayden Snow, 8, killed this 5-pointer, his first buck, while hunting with his uncle Bill Sanderford, in north Warren County after Christmas. He used a .243 rifle to make the shot.

Blake Montpelier, 7, of Florence, killed his first deer while hunting with his dad, Larry Montpelier, on Kings Point Island. He made the 50-yard shot with a .223 rifle.

Brandon McDuff, 10, killed his first deer on January 15 while hunting in Issaquena County with his father. He used a .243 rifle to make the shot.

Blake Hudson, 12, killed his first buck, a nice 200-pound 8-pointer on January 8 in Claiborne County. He was hunting with his granddad Carl Hudsonwhen he made the 50-yard shot with a 7mm-08. Congrats to all our young hunters!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Happy Grandparents Day!

Sitting at her desk with Cameron and Tori looking on.

Laura with Grandpa Bob

Laura with Gran Gran

Bob and I spent some quality time with sweet little Laura today at St. Francis Xavier Elementary School and took some pictures celebrating Grandparents Day. Laura is in the fifth grade. This was a very sweetthing!

The Perfect Day

Tanis, a lady bowhunter shown here with her husband Mike, harvested a very nice 8-pt. buck last October north of Vicksburg, MS. Here is her story in her own words. Congratulations Tanis! I'm so proud of you! This is a sweetthing!

It was Saturday, October 20, 2007. I had already killed a doe on the morning hunt, and I was now preparing for the afternoon hunt. At 2:00, I headed off to my stand. I had my heart set on a nice buck. It was a beautiful day, a little warm, but I don’t like the cold, so I didn’t mind. I was hunting a climbing stand on the edge of my food plot. My food plot is in a creek bottom, and I had it planted in turnips, mustards, and rape. On my previous hunts, I had seen a small six-point and a spike on a regular basis. I had already killed a small seven-point year before last, so I had let the six-point walk. My goal was to get a buck larger than the one I had killed in the past. A little after 3:00, the spike came in on my left. He grazed the length of my food plot and eventually fed on off towards the creek to my right. Then at 4:30, my little six-point came in from the creek to my right. I could see another deer with him about twenty yards behind. Because of a limb that we had left in front of me for cover, I couldn't see the head of the second deer. Both deer were feeding towards me. I finally got a look at the second deer, and I immediately knew that he was the one I wanted. I could tell he was a nice buck, so I started talking to myself in order to calm down! The six-point fed on off to my left, and had gotten out of sight. My total concentration was now on the eight-point. As he fed on over directly in front of me, I waited for my chance to draw my bow. I got worried because he had reached the exact spot that I had shot the doe (110 lbs.) that morning. He stopped, and smelled the ground, and acted like he may spook. I didn’t want to take a chance on him running off before I could get a shot. So I drew back, tried to steady my breathing and my knees, and released my arrow. It was a thirty yard shot, and I could tell it looked like a good hit. He spun around, and rand back up the food plot, and into the wood line. I tried to listen to see if I could hear him fall, so that my husband wouldn’t be made at me for not paying attention after the shot! My knees were shaking so bad I had to sit back down, and take deep breaths. I waited for about thirty minutes, and then climbed down to see if I could find any sign of blood. I didn’t see much blood, and didn’t want to take a chance on trailing him so soon. It was getting dark, so I made my way back to the camp to get my husband. I pulled into the camp yard blowing my horn, and flashing my lights!! We gathered up a few helpers, and some good flashlights, and went to look for him. We found him not fifty yards’ from where I had shot him. He had pretty much fallen as soon as he hit the wood line. We got him back to the skinning shed to get our measurements. He was a nice eight-point with 20-inch main beams, 15-inch inside spread, 4-inch bases, and weighted in at 165 lbs. All the guys were congratulating me and telling me that I had the best luck of anyone they knew! They said bow hunting was tough and I made it look easy by killing two in one day! I couldn’t have been prouder and I put on my baseball cap that says, “So Who Says Girls Can’t Hunt??” That was probably a once in a lifetime day for me, and I will definitely be one that I will never forget! (A week later Tanis got another doe (l25 lbs.) with her bow. You go Girl!
Tanis Ervin
Vicksburg, MS

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Deer getting Blown off the lake

Check out this video of a deer being rescued.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Excellent Blog Award

Denney over at Backwoods Drifter awarded Rex and I the Excellent Blog Award on his January 20th post. I was totally surprised when I found out and felt very honored. I humbly accept this award Denny! My thanks to you and to all the wonderful people I have met through my blog and in person. This could not be possible without all of you. By accepting this Excellent Blog Award, I was told to pick out 10 people whose blogs I found worthy of. You can give this award to 10 or as many people as you want. You can give it again to someone who has already received it.

NorCal Cazadora-Huntress - This blog is about a professional lady from Northern California hunting in an arena dominated by men. She did not pick up a shotgun until the age of 41. This is her journey into this new world of becoming a Cazadora (rare bird) or huntress.

Camp Chicken Chronicles - posted by Cathy Smith who lives in Sault Ste. Marie in Michigan with her best friend Arlene and a cat by the name of Kitten Mitten. Camp Chicken Chronicles is named for her Mother's beautiful 80 acres of woodland property near Pickford that has been in her family for nearly 100 years. It is their family's camp and a getaway place to be close to nature and to enjoy the sport of hunting.

Hunt Smart, Think Safety - is written by Kristine Shreve who works for Guns Safety Innovations in Michigan. She writes about hunting, hunting tips, women in the outdoors and gun safety. The company she works for makes products like the GunTriever (purchased) which is a cord that is used to raise and lower your gun in a safe way while getting in and out of your deer stand. She is also a hard working planner/organizer for our 2009 Outdoor Bloggers Summit.

Then There Was Sweetthing - a great get-a-way to see what sweetthing ‘Nickel‘ is up to. This name was given to her by her husband (GuyK) who she claims is a grumpy retired military man and must be watched to make sure he takes his med. I have met her in person and she is truly a very sweet lady.

Andy and Julie Outdoors - A married couple who shares the same interest in the great outdoors as my husband and I. I've enjoyed reading about their adventures of hunting and fishing together in the great outdoors.

Fishing Fiesta - Michele, who is Canadian, calls herself a Rocky Mountain Girl. She enjoys fly fishing and landscape photography. I really enjoy going to her site and looking at all the beautiful pictures she has taken of mountains and lakes and reading her stories. She also maintains three other blogs: Life in the Owl-Light, The Earth and Weather Space and The Rocky Mountain Retreat.

Cid69 - A newly retired Colorado man who loves to hang out with his “Circle” of friends and his family. His travels, adventures, ramblings, ravings, opinions, comments and associated thoughts as they occur to him are very personable and interesting.

Timber Life - An Iowa lady hunter and grandmother who has taken up the pass time of hunting on her home farm/timber property. She enjoys being a homemaker and meeting new friends in the great outdoors.

Outdoors With Othmar Vohringer - Othmar was born and raised in Switzerland and since his childhood has loved the great outdoors. He came to the United States when he was an adult and later settled in British Columbia. Othmar is an avid hunter/fisherman and a freelance writer and also holds seminars on outdoor events. He is a founding member of the Outdoor Bloggers Summit, a host to four more blogs, a forum and newsletter; My Wild Outdoor Kitchen, Whitetail Deer Passion, Wild Turkey Fever, My Stand and a Hunting Chat Forum.

Deer Camp Blog - A deer camp that makes you feel right at home, whereby you can sit back, relax and enjoy the fellowship, drink coffee and read/listen to all the fun hunting and ghost stories by the great storyteller himself, Rex. He is also a founding member of the Outdoor Bloggers Summit.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A New Lady Hunter!

The Lady Hunter
Yes, Women Really Do Hunt Too!

Just met an avid lady hunter with two young sons from the suburbs of Houston, Texas. She and her husband hunt on their family's property in Delhi, LA., across the Mississippi River from Vicksburg. Her new blog was born today called The Lady Hunter. She wants to be able to chronicle one of her hobbies and thought about it this weekend as they were driving home from the last weekend of rifle season in Louisiana. She has so many stories and so many memories that she wants to treasure. She said it is a work in progress, but she hopes to back track about 8 years and retell the stories of how she fell in love with such a beautiful sport. Go over and wish her good luck and make her feel welcome. The Lady Hunter also has another blog called, The Busy Body!

Clayton's Graduation Video

My first cousin, Mary Ann, who lives in Cape Girardeau, MO wrote:

Well, cousins, here is our grandson, Clayton Carl Liebherr. Keep him in your prayers. He will be home until January 30, 2008 and then to Hawaii for two weeks, and then to Iraq. My heart is heavy, but I am so proud of him. I will be praying day and night for him.

God Bless America, Mary Ann

PS: Clayton graduated from boot camp at Fort Benning, GA. He is a native of Waukesha, WI, and has 12 siblings.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Kathy!

Thank you for being a wonderful daughter, for giving me as many reasons to smile, Thanks for our on-the-go fun times together, and times we just talk and relax for a while....Thank you for memories I'll keep with me always, for being a part of my happiest days, Thanks for inspiring my heart with your dreams and making me proud in your own special ways....Thanks for your hugs, and your help, and your humor, for letting me know you appreciate me - Thank you for showing me all through the years, I'm the luckiest Mom that ever could be. Happy 42nd Birthday Kathy! I love you, MOM :)

Annette's Hog Kill

I recently met Annette on MySpace. She's originally from Westwego, LA and has lived in Mississippi for 19 years now. She resides in Popularville, Mississippi and loves to fish and deer hunt. She was coming to the Vicksburg area to hunt, but a good friend's son had passed away and the fact that the rifle season was so close to the end, she and her family decided not to come. She wrote me later on my MySpace and told me that she had harvested a hog on Tuesday, January 15, 2008. (Camera showing the wrong date). This is her story in her own words.

I was hunting in a food plot near the Wolf River behind a ground blind waiting for a deer to come out, but instead a hog appeared at about 70 yards. I sat there for a bit and got to thinking, oh well, I guess the deer won't come out, so I decided to pick up my gun and put it on my shooter stick and look at it through the scope and pulled the trigger. When I pulled the trigger, I kept looking through my scope when the bullet hit the hog. The hog jumped with a one big squeal! Afterwards he jumped five to six more times cutting flips every which way. It was so funny because I actually sat there and watched it through my scope. All I could do was laugh and after all the flipping and jumping he finally laid down to die. I sat there for 30 minutes and waited. I decided to get out of my blind to go check it out. A doe was in the field but could not see through my scope because it was getting dark. When I walked up to the hog I couldn't believe how big it was and started dragging it. It felt like it weighed around 160 pounds, but when we put it on the scales it weighed 125 pounds. We took it home and skinned, clean and packed it and put it in the freezer to cook later. It actually tasted very good when I cook it. Charming, Just Charming!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Vicksburg On The Hunt

Dylan Bridges, 11, killed his first deer in south Warren County. The deer weighed 180 pounds, had a 9-point rack and a 15-inch spread. He made the 100-yard shot with a .243 rifle.

Torey Daniels killed this 4-point buck on December 27 while hunting with her dad. She bagged the 135 pounder with a .44 Magnum rifle from about 75 yards out.

Chip Whitley of Vicksburg bagged this 200-pound, 8-point buck on December 23 while hunting with his friend, Joseph Rusche, on private land in Northeast Warren County. Congratulations to all our hunters for this weekend of Vicksburg On The Hunt in the great outdoors!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Black Bear Slain

Endangered black bear found slain in Sharkey County - The body of a small black bear, apparently shot in the head and left along a dirt road, was discovered Monday by a motorist in Sharkey County, The Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks said in a report made public Friday.

Officials from that agency and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service started Tuesday trying to determine who shot the protected animal.

"It's really bad that it happened in Rolling Fork - with all the support they've given for black bear preservation" said MDWFP black bear biologist Brad Young.

Sharkey County is home to The Delta National Forest, an area known for its black bear population. Rolling Fork also host a festival, called the Great Delta Bear Affair, an event that pays homage to President Theodore Roosevelt's famous bear hunt that resulted in what is now the "teddy bear." The affair also aims to increase awareness of bear preservation.

Officials were unable to determine the sex or age of the bear, which Young indicated had been there a while. In fact, knowing for sure it was a bear wasn't simple task. "We identified it by its skull and its feet," he said.

The bear was not one of the six bears that Young and his department have tagged with radio collars, used to track migration patterns. Of those tagged bears, three were tracked in the Delta National Forest when Young last did a fly over in December. He said two were in Issaquena County and one was in Washington County. Sharkey and Issaquena counties combined are suspected to have between 15 and 20 of the threatened species. About 100 are believed to be in various other parts of the state.

The Bear's death marks the second time in about seven years that a bear has been found killed in Mississippi, Young said. Eric Wade Mobley of Grace was convicted in 2002 of killing a black bear and dumping its remains at a hunting club in Issaquena County a year earlier. A forensics exam of the bear showed bullet fragments from the fatal shot. Because of his violation of the Lacey Act, a law that protects plants and wildlife by creating civil and criminal penalties for an array of violations, Mobley was order by a judge to pay nearly $10,000. He was also ordered to perform 20 hours of community service and was placed on a one-year probation and also prohibited him from hunting.

The most recent incident remains under investigation, and no arrest have been made. "I really want to catch the guy who did this, "Young said.

In November, black bear crossing signs were placed along U.S. 61 South near the Big Black River to serve as both a warning and a tool for awareness about the presence of black bears in the area. Other signs were posted along Mississippi 16 near Rolling Fork. More signs were planned to go up in areas where the bears are prevalent. The effort was spawned as part of an initiative of the Bear Education and Restoration Group of Mississippi, a group that sets out to educate and provide viable population of black bears in the state.

Vicksburg On The Hunt

Jordan McDonald, 7, stands above her first deer she killed with a .243 rifle near Bovina. She is the daughter of Chris and Delilah McDonald.

Colton Miller, 10, killed this 8-point buck using his .243 rifle on December 20 while hunting with his dad in Claiborne County south of Port Gibson, MS. The antlers were 15-inches wide with 19-inch main beams and the deer weighed 180 pounds.

Cameron Miller, 19, killed this 8-point buck using his Browning .308 on December 18 while hunting with his dad in Claiborne County south of Port Gibson, MS. The 175-pound buck had a 14-inch spread and a 19-inch main beam.

Cameron and Colton's dad, Chris Miller, also killed a nice 8-point buck with his Browning 7mm mag on December 19 while hunting with friends north of Yazoo City. The deer weighed 195 pounds with a 16-inch spread and 20-inch main beams.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Carl's G.E.D. Graduation

My daughter, Kathy, was proud of Carlton "Carl" graduating from his G.E.D. Program at Grove Street School today. Carl will be 18 in June and is planning on taking courses in Graphic Design Technology at Hinds Community College at the Vicksburg campus.

Carl with the assistant principal of Grove Street School and his counselor, Ms. Janice Koestler.

Carl with his proud Grandmother (Gran Gran).

Showing off his graduation diploma and his achievement award in mathematics.

The 2008 graduation class in alphabetical order - Earnest Atkins, Melvin Bedgood, William Bickford, Jr., Colton Branning, Michael Cash, Chris Cosby, Ernesto Crespo, Melanie Dotson, Samantha Green, Sidney Green, Tierra Gros-Moses, Devery Hartman, Michael Mayfield, Jacob Morgan, Kimberly Mullins, Edward ONeal, Anthony Reynolds, John Skipworth, Carlton Thomas and Marcus Wilson.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." ~Eleanor Roosevelt

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Jeanette!

Want to wish a Happy Birthday to my bestest girlfriend in the whole wide world. May you have many more birthdays to come Jeanette! :)

Perspective About Old Barns

Only years of standing in the weather, bearing the storms and scorching sun, only that can produce beautiful barn wood.

A stranger came by the other day with an offer that set me to thinking. He wanted to buy the old barn that sits out by the highway. I told him right off he was crazy. He was a city type, you could tell by his clothes, his car, his hands, and the way he talked. He said he was driving by and saw that beautiful barn sitting out in the tall grass and wanted to know if it was for sale. I told him he had a funny idea of beauty.

Sure, it was a handsome building in its day. But then, there's been a lot of winters pass with their snow and ice and howling wind. The summer sun's beat down on that old barn till all the paint's gone, And the wood has turned silver gray. Now the old building leans a good deal, looking kind of tired. Yet, that fellow called it beautiful.
That set me to thinking. I walked out to the field and just stood there, gazing at that old barn. The stranger said he planned to use the lumber to line the walls of his den In a new country home he's building down the road. He said you couldn't get paint that beautiful. Only years of standing in the weather, bearing the storms and scorching sun, only that can produce beautiful barn wood.
It came to me then. We're a lot like that, you and I. Only it's on the inside that the beauty grows with us. Sure we turn silver gray too... And lean a bit more than We did when we were young and full of sap. But the Good Lord knows what He's doing. And as the years pass He's busy using the hard weather of our lives, The dry spells and the stormy seasons to do a job of beautifying Our souls that nothing else can produce. And to think how often folks holler because they want life easy!

They took the old barn down today and hauled it away To beautify a rich man's house. And I reckon someday you and I'll be hauled off To Heaven to take on whatever chores the Good Lord Has for us there.
And I suspect we'll be more beautiful Then for the seasons we've been through here... And just maybe even add a bit of beauty to our Father's house.

May there be peace within you today. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.
Someone sent this to me and I wanted to share it with my blogger friends. I thought this was a good analogy.