Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Excellent Blog Award

Denney over at Backwoods Drifter awarded Rex and I the Excellent Blog Award on his January 20th post. I was totally surprised when I found out and felt very honored. I humbly accept this award Denny! My thanks to you and to all the wonderful people I have met through my blog and in person. This could not be possible without all of you. By accepting this Excellent Blog Award, I was told to pick out 10 people whose blogs I found worthy of. You can give this award to 10 or as many people as you want. You can give it again to someone who has already received it.

NorCal Cazadora-Huntress - This blog is about a professional lady from Northern California hunting in an arena dominated by men. She did not pick up a shotgun until the age of 41. This is her journey into this new world of becoming a Cazadora (rare bird) or huntress.

Camp Chicken Chronicles - posted by Cathy Smith who lives in Sault Ste. Marie in Michigan with her best friend Arlene and a cat by the name of Kitten Mitten. Camp Chicken Chronicles is named for her Mother's beautiful 80 acres of woodland property near Pickford that has been in her family for nearly 100 years. It is their family's camp and a getaway place to be close to nature and to enjoy the sport of hunting.

Hunt Smart, Think Safety - is written by Kristine Shreve who works for Guns Safety Innovations in Michigan. She writes about hunting, hunting tips, women in the outdoors and gun safety. The company she works for makes products like the GunTriever (purchased) which is a cord that is used to raise and lower your gun in a safe way while getting in and out of your deer stand. She is also a hard working planner/organizer for our 2009 Outdoor Bloggers Summit.

Then There Was Sweetthing - a great get-a-way to see what sweetthing ‘Nickel‘ is up to. This name was given to her by her husband (GuyK) who she claims is a grumpy retired military man and must be watched to make sure he takes his med. I have met her in person and she is truly a very sweet lady.

Andy and Julie Outdoors - A married couple who shares the same interest in the great outdoors as my husband and I. I've enjoyed reading about their adventures of hunting and fishing together in the great outdoors.

Fishing Fiesta - Michele, who is Canadian, calls herself a Rocky Mountain Girl. She enjoys fly fishing and landscape photography. I really enjoy going to her site and looking at all the beautiful pictures she has taken of mountains and lakes and reading her stories. She also maintains three other blogs: Life in the Owl-Light, The Earth and Weather Space and The Rocky Mountain Retreat.

Cid69 - A newly retired Colorado man who loves to hang out with his “Circle” of friends and his family. His travels, adventures, ramblings, ravings, opinions, comments and associated thoughts as they occur to him are very personable and interesting.

Timber Life - An Iowa lady hunter and grandmother who has taken up the pass time of hunting on her home farm/timber property. She enjoys being a homemaker and meeting new friends in the great outdoors.

Outdoors With Othmar Vohringer - Othmar was born and raised in Switzerland and since his childhood has loved the great outdoors. He came to the United States when he was an adult and later settled in British Columbia. Othmar is an avid hunter/fisherman and a freelance writer and also holds seminars on outdoor events. He is a founding member of the Outdoor Bloggers Summit, a host to four more blogs, a forum and newsletter; My Wild Outdoor Kitchen, Whitetail Deer Passion, Wild Turkey Fever, My Stand and a Hunting Chat Forum.

Deer Camp Blog - A deer camp that makes you feel right at home, whereby you can sit back, relax and enjoy the fellowship, drink coffee and read/listen to all the fun hunting and ghost stories by the great storyteller himself, Rex. He is also a founding member of the Outdoor Bloggers Summit.


  1. Ah gee, Thanks a bunch for the mention Marian;)

  2. Awesome, way to go...congrats!

  3. thanks for the nice words, you are a true friend.

  4. Congradulations on your award Marian you deserve it.Just a quick visit to your site to see if I can add you to both my sites? Keep up the really great work here and look for my return.

  5. Good for you Marian. I was lucky enough to be awarded this honor by Rex. It is definitely a good feeling.

  6. Thats great Marian. Your blog is one of my favorites.


  7. Congrats, Marian! And thank you kindly for passing it on to me.. I appreciate it very much. You do say such sweet things... thanks so much!

  8. Anonymous8:54 AM


    Thank you so much. I appreciate your kind words about the GSI Blog.

  9. Thank you Marian for the kind words about me and the links to each blog in my small network. I humbly accept the award.


  10. Thanks to everyone for coming by. You all are very dear friends! I'm the lucky one! :)

  11. Anonymous3:12 AM

    I agree that these are all wonderful blogs! Good choices...

  12. Marian... your welcome ;) Cograts to everybody you gave it to.

  13. deerphd - you have a great site also and have come a long way since you started blogging. I really appreciate you stopping by and commenting. Take care my friend. :)

  14. Marian,
    I am truly honored and humbled to be recognized by you. Your blog is so creative and always a wonderful read. To be mentioned in the same column with Rex and the others who are obviously expert bloggers is truly special to me. Thank you so much!!!

  15. You are special to me Cathy - you are so welcome and deserving. Appreciate the kind words. Have a great weekend my friend. :)


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)