Friday, February 29, 2008

Guerrettaz 11 pt. Buck!

My 11-point I shot on the last day of the first firearm season.

Zac Guerrettaz, 21, is a friend on mine on my MySpace. He loves to hunt and fish 24/7 365. He lives in Farina, Illinois where the big whitetails hide. He also enjoys hanging out with friends and family. He is a Firefighter and loves the thrill of knowing that he is helping people. Below is his story of a memorable day of deer hunting with his cousin in our great outdoors!

The buck I am kneeling down by is my eleven pointer that I shot during the First Shotgun Season. Here is how it all went down - My cousin Miles and I had been switching off days of filming each other and he was up to bat. We went to a piece of property that hadn’t been pressured for a few days and not pressured at all on the north end, so we sat up in a little ground blind right before daylight. Just as soon as you could see, we had a little 6 point 80 yards in front of us. I wanted to get some footage of him so I turned the camera on and proceeded. Then the buck started acting funny so my cousin made a couple grunts at him and after a couple minutes he ventured off. This is when it all went crazy! We hear some crunching coming through the woods and its a shooter buck headed right down our throat, but when I turned to get him on film he caught me moving and spooked off. So we changed to plan B. I rattled for about a minute and up in front of us here came another little buck from the same spot as the other one previously. When he got to 60 yards he turned and started posturing and angling away from us. I said there has got to be something big in the field that we can't see. We crawled to the edge to see that there were 7 bucks, two that were shooters all fighting and running around at the end of the field. So we came up with a plan that I would try and stalk them while he sat in his deer stand that was in a funnel. That way if they spooked they would run right to him. I started stalking and eventually got to where they was but they had moved on. I peaked around the corner and there stood a doe feeding in the cut bean field. I had a doe tag so I fired a shot at her connecting hitting her good. As I reloaded, I caught movement to my left running right into the field. Out steps a shooter broad side 45 yards. At this time I had only one shell left because while stalking I lost all of my shells. I took steady aim because I knew I had to make this one shot count. I connected hitting him through the front shoulders. Then he comes running right at me and veers off in the woods headed straight for my cousin. I get on the phone and tell him I hit him he is headed your way and hang up. I then start looking for blood so I can mark where I shot, when I hear my cousin shoot. By that time I could see my buck expired laying in the creek. I call him and he says he is down, I said I know I found him. He says no he is laying out in the field. I dropped him in his tracks. Well what ended up being the best day in the woods for action and it paid off for both of us, because the deer that he thought was mine ended up being a different buck and we were both awarded with two very nice bucks. It will definitely be a memory that I will never forget. My congratulations to both Guerrettaz and Miles!
Miles and I with our bucks we shot two minutes apart and 100 yards apart.

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