Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Love Puppy!

A puppy born in Japan with heart shaped pattern on his coat.

A PUPPY has been born in Japan with a large, clear, love-heart-shaped pattern in his coat. The Chihuahua was born on May 18, 2007 at Pucchin Dog's shop in Odate, northern Japan. Owner Emiko Sakurada has been quoted as saying that out of 1,000 puppies she has bred, "Heart-kun" is the only one with such a mark. Locals believe that playing with the puppy brings good luck. She has no plans to sell the puppy. This is a sweetthing!


  1. What a cute post!!
    Happy Valentine's Day Marian!

  2. Ah, what a little charmer. How can you resist wanting to pet a puppy like that?

  3. cute puppy;) nice sharing with us Marian:) thanks for coming-by and have your say in my blog
    btw, may I make a link in one of articles in the future with this post of yours?

  4. Hi felinesopher (eri)...thanks for coming by and making a comment today. You can make a link to one of my articles, it will be OK. :) Keep all the cats in-line, OK? :)

  5. Hiya... thats a sweet puppee.

    My Mommee Katrin knew a kitten wif a grey heart on his forehead...
    He was Kitty's Snow Baby's Half brudder.

    Sohz she called him Grey Heart... he got losted from Kitty Mommee... but someones tooks him to da humane Society and sheze saw hims on TeeVEE!! He gotted himself a furr evfur home.

    Bye Bye
    Katie Ann Kitty Too.


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)