Saturday, February 02, 2008

Vicksburg On The Hunt

Meghan Palmertree, 11, bagged her first deer on private land in Warren County. She took down the 170-poound, 6-pointer with a .22-250 rifle from about 50 yards out. The buck had a 12-inch spread.

Claire Gamble, 10, went hunting for the first time with her stepfather, Tod Dorbeck, when she killed her first deer with a .243 youth rifle. She was hunting at Bear Lake, LA, when she bagged this 140-pound spike. Bet it won't be too long before Claire gets back in the woods! Congratulations to both our young lady hunters!


  1. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Thanks for posting these. I love these stories. I am someone who is very concerned about the future of hunting and things like this encourage me and give me hope.

  2. Thanks Chris for coming by. Will post some more young hunters tomorrow. Yes, it's great to see where our future hunters are coming from. They have a great start being so young. They are so fortunate.


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)