Friday, April 04, 2008

Made National News on CNN

My daughter called and told me that Vicksburg was on the CNN news on the Internet. Below is a report from CNN that I pulled up to post here.

A tornado devastated a mobile home park in Benton, Arkansas.

(CNN) -- Strong winds and possible tornadoes roared across southern Mississippi on Friday, shredding roofs and slamming trees and power poles into homes and businesses.

A tornado devastated a mobile home park in Benton, Arkansas.

At least one minor injury was reported in Vicksburg, Mississippi, when winds from a possible tornado knocked a 4-foot-diameter oak tree onto a mobile home, the National Weather Service said.

Other reports of tornadoes came from Richland, Madison and Lakeland, all suburbs of Jackson, Mississippi.

The National Weather Service reported wind gusts of 60 mph in downtown Jackson.

There was extensive damage in one area of the city, where uprooted trees smashed into several homes and businesses, Assistant Police Chief Lee Vance said.

The storm knocked down power lines throughout the area, he said, adding that there were no initial reports of injuries or deaths.

Tornado watches were in effect from central Louisiana through southern Mississippi and central Alabama until 6 p.m. and into north Georgia and the northeastern tip of South Carolina until 10 p.m.

Right before the storm hit I was on the phone, when all of a sudden the winds picked up, the phone went out and my computer shut down. It was just before noon and the sirens started blowing and I grabbed my purse and meds and ran for cover in the bathroom. Our lights flickered off and on a lot, but never went out. It is 7:00 p.m. now and we do not have cable, so we don't know what damage has been done and where. Our radio station River 101 has been off the air since it hit. Left the house to run an errand and most of the shopping areas are without lights and have closed for the day. Most of the traffic lights are not working, trees are down all over the city. I heard that they had to close I-20 from Vicksburg to Bolton, MS, for awhile because of the debris and signs down on the highway. My granddaughter just happened to be in Pearl, MS and got a picture of the tornado on her cell phone. Pearl is about 60 miles from here. Thank goodness our power has not gone out! We are not out of the woods yet...we have another round of storms heading our way. This is not a sweetthing!


  1. They always go after those trailers...or so it seems!

  2. O My goodness, I hope everyone weathers the storm safe and healthy. I am so glad we don't have tornado's here..

    Be safe..

  3. Thanks for coming by Mushy and is almost 9:30 now and still no cable or radio. The Vickburg Post did not run today because they had no power. It's like the city has shut down...the rain should be out of here by midnight tonight. Thanks for your concern.

  4. My goodness Marion! Glad you are safe as of the time of your post. Take care.

  5. I saw this on the news and was hoping that y'all were okay..

    Seems that spring weather has sprung already, huh?

  6. Only ones in my life I saw a tornado and it was very scary. I am glad you’re safe and hope it will stay that way. My heart goes out to those that suffer and lost everything they had. It seems to hit the poorest always the worst. I am glad we do not live in a tornado area.


  7. Hi Marian,
    Oh, this is absolutely horrible... I am glad that you are safe. I thank you for your kind comments on my blog this evening. I am feeling better now, thank you. I just have to get my epilepsy under control and that's just a matter of getting the right anti-seizure meds. and not bumping my head... ;)
    I will be adding your link to my Rocky Mountain Retreat. I just want to make sure I don't lose touch with you.
    Have a great weekend.

  8. Thanks CDgardens, GuyK, Othmar and Michele for coming by..we still don't have cable or radio (River 101). We did get a paper today but nothing about what happened and they had to send the info to Greenville, MS, to run the paper for Vicksburg. My brother is a paper carrier for the Vicksburg Post and said that they will include Sat and Sun's paper together. Will try to get some pics up. Bob and I went out today but got turned around because they were still getting trees up off of the roads, etc. My brother has not had power for two days now. My step-son went out and bought a generator and a tree almost missed my step-granddaughters bedroom. The house is only two years old. They were lucky!


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)