Monday, April 07, 2008

Trees Stake Their Claims

Paul Buford was lying on his couch on Firemans Lodge Road near Eagle Lake (north of Vicksburg) when the winds started howling. He got up walked to a window and saw tree limbs falling in a vacant neighboring lot. "The next thing I knew the whole house was exploding," said Buford, "and I was standing next to a tree that was on my couch. It missed me by a few inches, or maybe less. I have a few scrapes on my back." A large pecan tree, roughly 35 inches in diameter and 100 feet tall, crashed straight through the house, splitting it almost equally in two. On Saturday, the upstairs bathroom and bedroom stood exposed, the bed still made and a placard with a Bible verse from the Book of Proverbs still nailed to what remained of the wall. It reads, "Trust the Lord with all your heart." Buford said he's thankful to be alive, too, but he can't help but feel a bit sour about his luck as of late. The house he previously lived in on an adjoining lot burned down two years ago. More recently, he had a motorcycle accident on the levee near Eagle Lake and broke his shoulder blade. The most stinging pain of all -- his home and its contents -- were not insured. "I'm lucky to be alive, but I'm also sick about all we've lost," he said. "We really didn't have a lot, but it was all we had."

This lady shown here is Barbara Quirk and her sister is one of my best friends who now lives in Pensacola, FL. She is looking at the damage from a downed oak tree in front of her house at 6480 Halls Ferry Road Friday. Actually, I have been in this home. Glad it did not hit it -- pretty close. Also, two trees and power lines blocked the road, forcing cars to find alternate routes.

Tommy Hutto who lives at Eagle Lake looks at his prized 2006 Chevrolet Z71, which became home to a pecan tree during the storm. I worked with Tommy and his wife at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Thank the Lord it did not hit their home!


  1. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Wow, that was really some storm. It sounds like it was lucky more people weren't hurt. Obviously there was property damage, but property can be replaced, people can't.

  2. It is amazing the close calls everyone seemed to have during the storms there in Vicksburg.

    God certainly blessed by the preservation of human life.

  3. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Marian, glad y'all made it through the storm... over here in Tallulah we had a large amount of limbs down, and a few houses and farm sheds and shops damaged, but not near the damage y'all got on your side of the river. It seems that the storms always just explode when they cross the river! Thank's for posting the pictures on your blog.

    By the way, I stumbled upon your site from the Deer Camp Blog... you've got a pretty good one going yourself! I'll keep checking back to find out what my neighbors are doing over there across the river.

    I've got a blog myself - Big Al's Dismal Swamp:
    It's mostly politics and stuff which you may not be interested in... but I enjoy the outdoors and like those types of blogs too, so keep up the good work - What little hunting I get to do nowdays I do over north of Red Wood, great hunting up there! MOST of my hunting is limited to reading about it and watching the Outdoor Network (Dang, it's gotten expensive over here!) So I'll come back and enjoy reading about y'alls adventures too.


  4. Thanks for coming by kristine, cdgardens and bigal. Things are gradually coming back to life here but still without cableTV - went and bought rabbit ears today and can at least get two (fuzzy) stations. I'm thankful to get two fuzzy stations!!!!
    Bigal, glad to see someone close to home...Glad you did not get too much of the rough weather. Today it was confirmed that we had two twisters to at Eagle Lake and the other in the Bovina area. Said 2,700 still without power. We are having flooding and then another tow slammed into the bridge. That's make 3 times in the past week or is hard for the riverboat pilots to steer under the bridges with the current moving so fast. Then the barges come loose and they have to round them up...will post that story tomorrow. I heard it on our scanner yesterday when it happened. A lot of drama in Vicksburg lately!!! I'm linked to your site now! Rex at Deer Camp Blog is a great friend...maybe you might meet him one day! :)


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)