Thursday, May 22, 2008

Riding To The Wall

After we left the hospital Monday from Bob having a colon procedure, we noticed more than one helicopter flying overhead. We had stopped to get an ice cream cone at McDonald's and headed for the MS River overlook to watched the river traffic. Well, I noticed one of the helicopters hovering ahead through the trees in front of us. So we left to investigate. Did not know what was going on. People were standing looking out over the Interstate bridge and at the MS Welcome Center. By that time two helicopters were hovering over us as we drove past. The next day we saw what the commotion was about in the Vicksburg Post. It was the bikers crossing the Interstate 20 bridge over the MS River after gathering in Tallulah for the Mississippi leg of their cross-country annual Run For The Wall honoring those currently serving in the military and those killed in war. Above is Randy Lackey of Crystal Springs, MS, preparing to leave the Welcome Center with other bikers. The annual run began in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, and ends on Memorial Day weekend in Washington, D.C., where riders participate in Rolling Thunder, and event in which about 350,000 bikers ride from the Pentagon to the Vietnam Wall. About 500 bikers participated here Monday, said Warren County Sheriff Martin Pace. This is an truly an honorable sweetthing!

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