Sunday, October 26, 2008

2008 St. Al Homecoming Queen

Jenna Cialone, 18, the daughter of Alan and Mary Cialone, is crowned the 2008 St. Aloysius High School homecoming queen by the 2007 queen, Kayla Childress, 19, a freshman biological sciences major at Mississippi State University, Friday night. (Photo by Katie Carter ~ The Vicksburg Post)

Bob and I went to the St. Aloysius High School football game Friday night, October 24, 2008, with some of my classmates. St. Al won their football game against West Lincoln, 35-14! We were also invited earlier that morning to Mass at the St. Aloysius Gym with the 2009 graduates, teachers and student body. Our Class of 1959 was recognized after the Communion Hymn, Grace Rains Down, sung by the St. Aloysius Choral Group. Our classmate, Vera Marshall Brown, gave our Testimonial. A reception was held afterwards. It was very nice to see some of my classmates and visit with them again. We are looking forward to our 50th class reunion next April 2009. I posted pictures of the event on our blog at "Class of 1959". This is a sweetthing!

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