Tuesday, October 28, 2008

COFA ~ A Christian Fellowship

Our camp from an overlooking hill that I call "Mountain Lion Knob" because it is from this hill that last years mountain lion followed me...

Mike, myself and George. Mike and George are founders of The Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America, better known as COFA.
George and Pastor Greg

Mike and another hunter

An evening time of devotion and praise...Pastor Greg shared song, verse and God's Word.

Dave, who lives in Indiana, went elk hunting with COFA (Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America) that lasted ten days. He flew home last Thursday and took these pictures in the Uncompahgre Wilderness area at 8,700 feet in the Rocky Mountains. The nearest town was Ridgeway, and where they were was about 2/3 of the way between Montrose and Telluride, CO., Telluride being the closer of the two. He said, there was tremendous moving of the Holy Spirit and one man accepted Christ the very first day. "Once again, this turned out to be a wonderful time with brothers in Christ, an interdenominational men's retreat if you will."

Here are only a very few of the pictures he took and many would make wonderful computer desktop backgrounds. He said, in a few days that he will have them posted on his website, free for the taking.

"We had only one bear in camp that we know of which was on the first night. Actually I chased a small one off early in the evening, and I expect it was the same one that came in later. Heard a mountain lion first evening and early in the morning of the second day, and one guy had it "snarl" at him while he was on the outdoor makeshift privy much the same as I had happen last year, but there was no indication of any attempt at a follow or attack. We heard no wolves this year but the coyotes were singing quite a bit."

"At the time I left camp which was Tuesday last, only one elk had been taken. However, the weather had been way too warm and dry, with daytime highs at our altitude around 70 and nights were in the low 20's. The weather, i.e., snow and rain and lower temperatures came the next day, and the guys in the second half of camp which is going on right now should have much better luck. Tracking conditions were horrible as far as trailing bears and mountain lions, and although I mounted three trail cameras as best I could, I got no bear or cat pictures. Next year should be better. God Bless, and I hope you enjoy my feeble attempts at photography." Dave

Dear Heavenly Father,
Please help me to be the
man my dog thinks I am...Amen
D. Robert (Dave) Quick
Don't tell GOD how big your storm is.
Tell the storm how Big your GOD is!

1 comment:

  1. That is really awesome country the COFA got to enjoy.


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)