Saturday, December 20, 2008

Bret's 13 pt. Buck and a Doe!!

Here is the story of Bret's doe and 13 pt. buck harvested in his own words through his grandmother, T, who has a MySpace site and a good friend of mine from north Mississippi.

Opening morning was just a normal day I thought for deer hunting. I was with my Gramp Gramp on a Juneville hunt in TN . We were sitting in my stand, and I fell asleep, and my gramp gramp woke me up. We saw a 4pt. and there were two does with it. They walked off before I could get my gun up. Then we waited a little longer and another 4pt. and doe came up, and we could see about 6 does on the hillside but they were not coming our way. Then a little while later a doe came out about 50 yards and I shot it. We waited for it to die. While waiting several deers came out but, then this buck came out facing us and I saw it horns but did not know exactly how many it was. It almost started walking away but finally turned broad sided, and I shot it, and it fell right there where I shot it. When we got down to the buck, it had its sticker pts. in the ground I couldn't see it so we thought it was a typical 8pt. Then we lifted the head up. Then I could see it was a non typical 13pt. He weighed 113 lbs. field dressed. This was the best hunt yet for me cause I killed a doe and buck opening morning. Bret S.

My congrats to Bret in harvesting his 13 pt. buck and a doe in our great wild outdoors! Bret also shot a 8 pt. buck and doe last year on opening day! He loves to duck hunt more than anything. Looks like he is a natural born hunter and opening day is his lucky day! You go Bret!


  1. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Congratulations to Bret on a fine buck!

  2. Congratulations to Bret. It’s always a thrill for me to see a young hunter smiling.


  3. Anonymous5:54 PM

    thanks Marian for posting this. It was his first buck and doe of this season, he killed a nice nice 8pt last yr opening day. Dont know what it is about opening day with him, lol. But I can say I am proud of him, he also duck hunts, and turkey hunts as well. MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL!

  4. Thanks Adam and Othmar - it is a thrill and he's so fortunate to have started at such a young age.

    T, you are so welcome. I'm so proud of him and can't believe he duck and turkey hunts...WOW, I'm impressed. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU AND YOURS AS WELL!


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)