Sunday, March 29, 2009

Azaleas Blooming

Our azaleas are blooming now but not in full bloom. I'm surprised that they look this good after some hard rain and winds for three straight days. Still a lot of buds on the brush and should be in full bloom by the end of the week. Charming, Just Charming!


  1. Beautiful flowers! They look like the Formosa variety..I have a couple of hedges of Formosas that looked a lot like these. Of course when the Florida sun hit them they dropped off. My old fashioned azaleas are still blooming some but the hard rain and wind got most of them last night.

    But I do have some red roses in bloom and some others that are budding out. Spring is here!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yes, Spring has sprung here in the deep South. Tell Penny hello for me and hope to see you all this summer. Thanks for coming by GuyK. :)

  4. Beautiful photos/flowers Marian!
    We used to live in Tyler TX and they are known for their azaleas in the spring time.


  5. I do miss the azaleas and wisteria in bloom. We've still got snow here!


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)