Sunday, March 22, 2009

Who's Kicking Who?

Again, Dave, who lives in Indiana, has some really cool deer cam pictures for us to enjoy. He said, "The deer in my hunting woods look just great...I don't know if we are having a little kicking match here or quite what is going on...??? I need one or more to turn around so I can see if their udders are starting to fill out...In about three to four weeks it will be easy to pick out the pregnant ones though..." Thanks Dave for sharing your 'kicking' deer in our great wild outdoors!


  1. Thanks for viewing my blog! It has only been up and running for a few days, but I hope to add lots more to it. I've seen does rear up on their back legs and kick each other in the fall, but I can't say I've ever seen anything like those pictures! It would certainly be interesting to know what they were doing.

    I really enjoy your site, as well. I think it is great you are introducing other hunters. You're making a great networking web for everyone in the outdoors. Keep it up!

  2. You are so welcome and you are off to a great start. Thank you so much for coming by to visit me and your kind words. I would like to spotlight your site soon and hope you will join the Outdoor Bloggers Summit where you will meet some really nice folks with the same interests!

  3. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Those really are some nice pictures. I used to get a lot until my trail cam died. I need to get another one.

  4. Anonymous8:16 PM

    The "kicking match" is most likely the doe chasing away a yearling prior to dropping her new fawn.


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)