Friday, May 22, 2009

In Memory of General Custer

This is General Custer, who was registered and also called, "Gen Gen" a.k.a., "Barney". It was my brother's dog for 17 years and he past away this week. He was a good dog and companion for my brother (Buster) who now lives alone. I know his heart breaks for his best friend. The sad part about it is that he cannot get another dog because of a new policy on animals that is now enforced where he lives at his apartment complex. Barney would go to work with my brother every day sitting on piles of newspapers. He is an independent carrier for The Vicksburg Post and Barney enjoyed riding with his master delivering papers. He called Barney his paperweight! When I would go and visit my brother I would play with Barney by sweaking and throwing his stuffed dog toys and he would run and fetch them and bring them back to me. He had a mountain of these toys and would lay up in the middle of them like he was protecting them. He was buried with some of his favorite toys that he loved to play with. I will miss him also.

General Custer (Barney) with his Master taken May 12, 2008.


  1. Anonymous5:49 PM

    It is always tough to loose a friend like that, I'm truly sorry.

  2. So sorry to hear about the loss of Barney.He looks like a happy doggy in his pictures.

  3. Thanks Rick and cdgardens...I feel really bad for my brother. He will be lost without Barney. Thanks for coming by!

  4. Sorry to hear this and my condolences for your brother. It is so heartbreaking to loose a furry friend that has been with you many years. :(

  5. I'm very sorry to hear about your brother's loss. Pets become such a part of our lives, and it is really hard to lose such an honest and devoted friend.


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)